Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1057 Questions abound

Lu Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at her in surprise.

However, Yue Xiujun's eyes were fierce, but there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't tell whether her words were true or false. What was her intention?

"If you don't kill me now, sooner or later you will regret it!" Yue Xiujun added.

"Oh, is it so?"

Lu Yu responded calmly, but his eyes scrutinized the other person for a moment. He always felt that there was something in this woman's words.

"Madam, why don't you tell me how I will regret it?"

A flash of pride flashed in Yue Xiujun's eyes, and she said: "The Jade Sea Immortal Sect has been passed down for thousands of years and is famous all over the world. However, over the years, both within the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and outside, there have been rumors that our Yue family is the mainstay of the entire sect. It’s the core, do you know why?”

Lu Yu replied: "The Yue family is full of talented people, and all the core points of the Yuhai Immortal Sect are controlled by the Yue family's children... In the long run, the Yuehai Immortal Sect will naturally have your Yue family as its core."

"Yes, our Yue family does have many talents..."

Yue Xiujun smiled slightly.

"But do you know that the Yue family's integration into the Jade Sea Immortal Sect can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago. However, the Yue family has truly become the core of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect only in this short period of time. More than a thousand years... Strictly speaking, it was after Patriarch Shanwen was promoted to Tiangang."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

Ancestor Shanwen?

Didn't she just refuse to say it? Why did you suddenly change your mind now?

"It seems that a Tiangang ancestor has a huge influence on a force..." Lu Yu said slowly, following her tone.

Yue Xiujun shook his head: "For tens of thousands of years, the Yue family has not only produced a Tiangang strongman like Ancestor Shanwen, and in the past thousand years, the Yuhai Immortal Sect has not only produced a Tiangang strongman like Ancestor Shanwen. …”

Lu Yu calmly echoed: "So, this Shanwen Patriarch of your family must have something extraordinary!"

Yue Xiujun said: "Ancestor Shanwen has been talented and intelligent since he was a child. He is best at learning from the strengths of other schools to confirm his own skills and techniques, and then introduce new ones..."

"When he was still a real person, he always improved the techniques of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. To this day, the two Qi of Jinming and Tushuo that are most commonly used by the disciples of the Yuhai Immortal Sect when refining weapons were created by him at that time. …”

"After he was promoted to Tiangang, he even created several unique techniques for the disciples of the Yue family to practice. It is on this basis that the cultivation of the disciples of the Yue family has been able to advance by leaps and bounds, and has steadily surpassed the sect. Among the other forces within, my Yue family has become what it is today..."

Lu Yu's heart moved, and he seemed to have grasped the key to Yue Xiujun's words: "So, Madam and Nephew Ling's martial arts were both created by Ancestor Shanwen?"

Yue Xiujun said: "The method that Zijing practiced is called "The Disillusionment Mind Method". What I practiced was the "Illusion Spirit Heart Method". In addition, there is another "Illusion True Heart Method"... These three techniques are all good works. It is passed down by our ancestors and is collectively known as the 'Three Illusions'. Only the most outstanding people in our clan can practice it..."

"Three Illusions?"

Lu Yu raised his brows and said in surprise: "Your nephew is able to inherit the Nine Heavenly Gang Marks now. Is it because he has practiced these three illusions?"

Yue Xiujun's eyes became meaningful: "That's all I've said, you can guess the rest slowly... In short, the only advice I can give you is to kill me as soon as possible, otherwise you will definitely regret but too late!"

After saying this, she was speechless.

Lu Yu was filled with doubts and questions.

What are the characteristics of the Three Illusions Dafa?

Why did he want to kill her? What will happen if I don’t kill?

The two sides are now hostile. If there are serious consequences in the future, she should be happy to see them succeed. Why should she remind herself at this time?

There are so many questions...

He originally wanted to get some information from her to answer the questions in his heart, but he didn't expect that there were even more questions...

At this time, Yue Xiujun had already turned away, looking into the distance, and turned into Wangfushi again, as if she had made up her mind not to say another word... Seeing this scene, Lu Yu didn't take it seriously. Any way.

But if Lu Yu could kill her just based on these words, he wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

In fact, he didn't even know whether what the other party said was true or false. If she said it deliberately to induce him to kill her, wouldn't this just fulfill her wish?

But even if you say it the other way around, all this is also true...

Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

It's all so confusing.

It seems that I can only rely on my own guessing...

"Master, Lord Xin Tan is here. Please come over and talk..."

Lu Yu was thinking when suddenly the voice of Master Lian Gu interrupted his thoughts.

He turned around and saw Simbowi standing on the outside of the floating battleship, watching him from a distance with an eager look on his face.

In fact, the two sides have now formed an alliance, and the battleship's defensive barrier has not yet been restored. Xinbowei can directly find it himself.

But he still found Master Lian Gu first, and then asked Master Lian Gu to pass the news. It has to be said that from this detail, it can be seen that he did not simply regard himself as a collaborator, but regarded himself as Fairy Yao Ji. treated as a spokesperson.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile.

And it is not difficult to guess the purpose of Xinbowei coming to see him at this time... His "preparation" lasted nearly a day and a night. I guess everyone in the Daluo Holy Land was impatient to wait?

Ancestor Gunlong has been controlled by the curse for so long. I believe he has learned enough lessons and it is time to relieve him.

Lu Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the doubts in his heart, and strode towards Xinbowei.

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