Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1058: Removing the Curse

Lu Yu had been "preparing" for nearly a day and night. It was naturally impossible for Patriarch Gunlong to stay where he was. He had been taken to the courtyard of the Qinglong Holy Altar to recuperate by everyone from Daluo Holy Land. That was why Xin Bowei learned about it. Lu Yu came directly to him as soon as he came out of seclusion.

After a few simple greetings, Lu Yu, under the guidance of Xin Bowei, went to the Qinglong Hall where the entrance of the Qinglong Altar is located.

Although it was only a few miles away, Lu Yu was still distracted and couldn't help but think about the hidden meaning behind Yue Xiujun's words just now.

Logically speaking, there was no need for Yue Xiujun to lie to herself.

After all, he didn't take any coercive measures against her, so there was no need for her to lie to herself at this stage...

So, let's assume that what she said is true...

This change in her attitude occurred after Yue Zijing's visit. Although under Yang Chudie's control, she did not meet Yue Zijing, she must have known the development of the whole matter, and in The most outstanding part of this whole process was that Yue Zijing held the nine Tiangang marks alone and escaped with colorful feathers...

In addition, she specifically mentioned the Three Illusions Technique just now, and she also asked whether it was because of the Three Illusion Techniques that Yue Zijing was able to connect with Ancestor Shanwen and master the Nine Heavenly Gang Seals. Although she did not answer directly, But he also didn't deny it.

In this case, the reason why she let herself kill her must be that it has something to do with these three illusions...

Disillusionment, phantom, illusion...

Yue Zijing practiced the "Disillusionment Mind Technique" and was able to transform into countless clones. It was indeed mysterious and mysterious. He had already experienced the mastery of this method when he was in Zenith City. Yue Xiujun practiced the "Illusion Spirit Mind Technique" and he also learned the same lesson. However, although I can't tell the difference between it and "The Disillusionment Mind Method", it is still very mysterious...

These exercises were created by Patriarch Shanwen, and were specified to be practiced only by the children of the Yue family. If Yue Zijing could use the "Disillusionment Method" to connect with Patriarch Shanwen, maybe Yue Xiujun could do the same...

But if this is the case, then it will be easy for her to escape from here, and it is not impossible to give herself a fatal blow in turn. Why should she tell this matter?

Could it be that she was not willing to be associated with the power of Ancestor Shanwen?

The consequences of this matter will be very serious, even more serious than killing her?

What on earth could this be?

If Ancestor Shanwen really had some deep-seated plan, given her loyalty to the Yue family and her death without any complaints, why would she bother to remind herself?

Such an approach is tantamount to betrayal. Why would she choose this way?

Lu Yu finally shook his head.

There are too many contradictions in this matter. The only thing he can be sure of now is that Yue Xiujun is also conflicted in his heart.

"Lu Yu, you are finally here!"

Suddenly a voice came, and Lu Yu had already walked to the door of Qinglong Palace without realizing it.

Outside the door of Qinglong Palace, two old men stood on the left and right, their eyes falling on Lu Yu for a moment.

On the surface, these two old men looked ordinary. They had neither huge spiritual power fluctuations nor strong breaths. They were just like two ordinary rural old men.

But with Lu Yu's eyesight at this time, he could clearly see that the two of them were extraordinary. In fact, this was because their cultivation had been completely integrated into nature and integrated with the world. This was not something the two of them deliberately did. The result is that their strength is already like this. Once they drive the power in their bodies, the world will be overturned.

Lu Yu himself didn't expect that he would have the ability to see through the reality of Tiangang's strong men.

It seems that this recent series of experiences is really inspiring.

As for the identities of these two old men, there is no need to say anymore...

"Disciple Lu Yu, I have met Patriarch Zhaoyun and Patriarch Huitang!"

Lu Yu bowed and saluted.

He just bowed down to the two ancestors. According to normal etiquette, a true disciple would pay homage to an ancestor in the Tiangang Realm. His attitude was not considered respectful, but neither of the two ancestors said anything.

"Are you 'prepared'?" Patriarch Zhaoyun asked.

Lu Yu nodded: "Ready."

"Don't delay any longer! How can you use the immortal's method without permission? We have already agreed to what we should promise you! Now hurry up and unlock the curse on Patriarch Gunlong! If you delay it any longer, I'm afraid It will be difficult to recover and have an irreparable impact on his cultivation!" Ancestor Zhaoyun said sternly.

Lu Yu said: "Ancestor, please rest assured. The reason why I have been in seclusion for so long is to completely remove the curse without leaving any residue. I will not leave any impact on Ancestor Gunlong!"

Patriarch Zhaoyun suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Seriously?"

Although he did not witness the process of the curse being cast on Patriarch Gunlong with his own eyes, the disciple who sat down said that when Patriarch Gunlong was cast into the curse, he let out a shrill scream. If it had not been serious, Injury, considering the character of Patriarch Tiangang, how could he have such a reaction?

Lu Yu smiled faintly.

In fact, Patriarch Gunlong screamed because he kept repeating the painful memories of his past in the infinite circle.

After Patriarch Gunlong knelt down and sealed it with the ring for the second time, Lu Yu had already cut off his connection with the past memories. In other words, Patriarch Gunlong at this time was simply trapped. It's just claustrophobic, there won't be any damage.

However, Lu Yu did not explain too much at this moment, and just said: "Whether it is true or false, won't the two ancestors know it immediately?"

With that said, he stepped into the Qinglong Palace.

The two ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang looked at each other, and then quickly followed in.

In fact, the superficial reason why they stayed like this was to take care of Ancestor Gunlong.

But the real underlying reason was to see what method Lu Yu would use to unlock this Taoist method that they had been unable to do anything about.

This problem has been bothering them all day!

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