Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1059 Like a Thousand Years

However, the two ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang soon became disappointed.

When Lu Yu cast the spell, thousands of spells danced wildly in the air, like fireworks blooming, and the momentum was spectacular. But now that Lu Yu lifted the spell, he just stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Patriarch Gunlong, even his body There was no contact, and then they just stood there with their hands tied.

Originally, the two ancestors hoped to see through Lu Yu's techniques and gain a deeper understanding of the mystery of this spell. Even if they could not learn the spell, they would even understand its principles and deduce it. The cracking method is also excellent.

After all, the power of this spell is too great. Even if they are allies, they cannot completely relax. It is far better to hold the method of breaking it in their own hands.

However, this time everything was in vain.

From Lu Yu's actions, they didn't see anything mysterious.

"Is this good?" Simbowi asked in surprise.

Even he felt that Lu Yu's cracking method was too simple. He didn't feel any huge fluctuations in power. It was completely different from the scene when he used it. He had been planning and preparing for a whole day, but the this?

"How can it be possible to be completely freed from the ice that is thousands of miles away? We still have to wait a little longer..."

With a smile on his face, Lu Yu retreated to the coffee table aside, then picked up an upside-down teacup, poured tea and drank by himself.

After finishing the cup, he turned around and said to the three people who were still surrounding Ancestor Gunlong: "Everyone, I advise you to stay away for the time being."

The three of them were startled and turned to look at him at the same time.

At this moment, a little golden light suddenly appeared on the body of Patriarch Gunlong, but a spell character appeared and fell to the ground as if falling off.

The three of them had no time to be surprised. This spell character was like the bottom piece of a building block. After it was pulled away, many more characters emerged from the body of Patriarch Gunlong and fell to the ground one after another.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, the scene of thousands of mantras dancing wildly when the spell was cast reappeared again, but this time it appeared on the body of Patriarch Gunlong, crackling and falling to the ground.

The three of them were shocked and quickly retreated to avoid being accidentally injured by the exploding spell characters.

These spell characters are no longer driven by Lu Yu and are no longer aggressive. However, after all, they are the projection of the laws of heaven. It is a very strange force. If it is splashed, it will take a lot of effort to resolve it.

Lu Yu spread his hands towards the three of them and gave a look that said, "Look, I told you so."

The three of them were speechless for a while, but they had no time to argue with him.

Zhaoyun and Huitang, the two ancestors, looked at each other with a look of horror in their eyes.

The scene in front of them gave them a more intuitive feeling for the power of this immortal spell.

In just a few breaths, countless spell characters fell out of Ancestor Gunlong's body.

After a while, everything finally became calm again.


Ancestor Gunlong let out a long, low groan, as if waking up from a distant and deep dream, and slowly opened his eyes.

The three people immediately surrounded him.

"Ancestor Gunlong, you finally woke up!"

Simbowi couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Ancestor Gunlong's eyes flashed with confusion: "I...where am I?"

He turned around and looked around, turning a blind eye to the three people in front of him. It wasn't until he saw Lu Yu sitting aside, quietly sipping tea, that he was suddenly startled. There was a look of deep fear in his eyes, as if he had lingering fears. look.

Seeing his appearance, the three of them couldn't help but feel excited again.

Ancestor Huitang put a hand on his shoulder and asked with concern: "Brother Gunlong, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

The sharp gaze seemed to have a soul-stirring power.

Ancestor Gunlong was glanced at by Ancestor Huitang, and he immediately calmed down. He shook his head and slowly moved Patriarch Huitang's hand away: "I'm fine... What time is it now?"

Patriarch Huitang was startled and replied: "One day has passed."

"Is it just the past day?" Ancestor Gunlong smiled bitterly, and sighed loudly: "I thought that at least a thousand years have passed... One day in claustrophobia seems like a thousand years!"

The three of them were stunned for a while.

But before the three of them could speak, Patriarch Gunlong suddenly lined up the three of them and walked towards Lu Yu.

The three of them were shocked, thinking that Patriarch Gunlong was harboring resentment. Now that he was finally able to get out of trouble, they couldn't help but want revenge... Even Lu Yu couldn't help but quickly put down the tea cup in his hand.

However, Patriarch Gunlong stepped forward and bowed deeply to Lu Yu.

"Gun Long has always had a high self-esteem and acted quite arrogantly. Especially recently, he has offended Fairy Yao Ji and the Immortal Envoy a lot... Thanks to your immortal spell, I have learned the profoundness of the Tianwai Immortal Family. But I know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. With my humble behavior, I am just the fire of a firefly. It is ridiculous that I try to compete with the bright moon..."

"Now I have come to my senses and fully respect Fairy Yao Ji. Only the power of a fairy can match your great talent! From now on, I will follow Fairy Yao Ji and listen to her teachings. Fairies only have a destiny, and they are like dragons. All obeyed!”

Ancestor Gunlong bowed his body at ninety degrees and did not straighten up for a long time.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

He never expected that Patriarch Gunlong would react like this.

When the spell was cast yesterday, although the ancestor was forced to kneel down in front of him, it could be seen that he was not convinced at the time, and it was just a helpless move forced by the situation...

But now, after unlocking the spell again, Lu Yu expected that his attitude would change, but he didn't expect that his attitude would change so completely. This is simply a 180-degree turn...

Is this the power of the "infinite circle"?

A day in claustrophobia seems like a thousand years...

Lu Yu himself didn't expect that this spell had such power. This was really an unexpected gain.

"Ancestor Gunlong is so polite! I don't dare to treat you as such a great gift..."

Lu Yu quickly stood up from his seat.

In any case, this is a good thing... Since Ancestor Gunlong's attitude has changed to be so respectful, he will naturally make corresponding adjustments accordingly.

"Yesterday, my disciple performed a powerful act on behalf of Fairy Yaoji. It allowed my ancestor to feel the profoundness of the fairy's spell. This is also my honor..."

"The ancestor was able to return from his lost ways and change his past mistakes. This is enough to prove that whether you are the ancestor or the disciple, you and I have lived up to the trust of Fairy Yaoji!"

"There is no need to say more. The current crisis has not been eliminated. I hope that we can work together to overcome the difficulties... Only in this way can we contribute a little to Fairy Yaoji's grand cause and live up to her expectations for us. Much anticipation!”

"What the immortal envoy said is true..."

Ancestor Gunlong nodded, and a strange light suddenly burst out in his eyes: "What exactly do you need me to do next? It doesn't matter if the immortal envoy says it!"

At this time, he was like an aggressive bull, with high fighting spirit. It seemed that wherever Lu Yu pointed, he would fight.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned again.

It seems that after a millennium-long cycle of endless spells, Ancestor Gunlong was not only impressed, he also transformed into a pioneer who believed in Fairy Yaoji...

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