Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1062 Confirmation

Use Tiangang to suppress Tiangang...

The three ancestors looked at Lu Yu and were silent for a while.

Although they had already discussed with Yudie before, the three of them would only stay in the Da Luo Holy Land and would not take action rashly for the time being.

But if you are dealing with enemies who are plotting evil around Daluo Holy Land, this is not beyond the scope of the agreement.

Moreover, it only allows them to prevent the opponent's powerful Tiangang from taking action. It does not allow them to fight desperately against Patriarch Shanwen and others. Relatively speaking, the risk is controllable.

Ancestor Gunlong said: "I don't know, how long do you need us to provide cover?"

Lu Yu said: "I don't know what is happening with the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect now... However, as long as I seize the opportunity to take action, it only takes half a quarter of an hour!"

"What? Just half a moment?"

Simbovi said in surprise.

He guards the eastern portal of the entire Da Luo Holy Land and has the sharpest eyes and ears. Although the location of the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has not been locked yet, various existing signs have shown that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect can be said to be in full force this time. And the number of real strong people is probably in the hundreds.

It is precisely because of this that Daluo Holy Land has become very nervous, because theoretically speaking, such a force has the ability to shake the foundation of the altar formation, so Tao Jinran will personally track the opponent's whereabouts .

And with such a powerful force and the support of floating battleships, Lu Yu actually said that it would only take half a quarter of an hour. This is really a bit exaggerated...

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Of course, it is not enough for me and my companions. We also need the full support of your sect. I hope that your sect will send at least half of the real people to go with me. Only in this way can we achieve great results.”

"Even so, the half-quarter of an hour is still very tight, but our goal is not to annihilate the opponent all at once. As long as we can severely injure them and severely weaken their vitality, so that they dare not continue to plot evil, then our goal will be It has also been achieved…”

Ancestor Gunlong looked at the expressions of the other two ancestors and said in a hesitant tone: "So, it doesn't mean we can't give it a try?"

The two ancestors remained silent.

After a while, Patriarch Huitang sighed and said: "It's still a bit too risky..."

"It's not that we can't take action, it's just that Ancestor Shanwen has a great reputation after all, and now he has a group of helpers behind him. If it's just the three of us, it would be good if we can stop him. If we can't stop him, I'm afraid not only will he steal If the chicken fails, it will be bitten back..."

"There are also three Tiangang ancestors among the noble sect. Tailing, Hongyao, and Yunxiao are all famous. If we can get them to take action together, then completing this matter will be a piece of cake."

After saying these words, the eyes of the two ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang suddenly became bright.

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

Although the other party's words were not stated clearly, he could hear the implication. It was obvious that the two ancestors hoped that the Yunxiao ancestors could also participate in this matter.

It seems that Patriarch Yunxiao is not just the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Dali Sword Sect.

Even outside the sect, as a strong Tiangang man, his strength is recognized by everyone.

It's a pity, where can Lu Yu contact Ancestor Yunxiao now?

In fact, he doesn’t even know whether the other Hongyao Ancestor has come back or not...

As for the remaining Ancestor of Tailing, he had shown his ability to attack enemies thousands of miles away, but when he left the Dali Sword Sect and went to the Guoyun Ancient City to rescue Yudie, he had a very unpleasant fight with him... Besides The current situation in Dali Sword Sect is probably even worse than here, and he probably doesn't have the energy to worry about coming here.

Lu Yu was thinking silently.

But at this moment, Xu Jinyang, the Jindan elder of the Qinglong Holy Altar, hurriedly came in.

After giving a brief salute to everyone, he only heard him say: "The real master sent back a message that he has locked the position of the main fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect on the shore of the Sea of ​​​​Shang, thousands of miles away."

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

Now that the opponent's position has been determined, according to the original plan, the next step is to organize manpower and launch an offensive against the opponent.

Lu Yu then continued the previous topic and said: "The Jade Sea Immortal Sect's whereabouts are elusive. This opportunity cannot be missed. Time will never come again. If we wait to get in touch with the Dali Sword Sect, we don't know how long it will be delayed..."

"In order to avoid long nights and endless dreams, I think it's better to take action immediately. Even if I take some risks, it's worth it..."

"I have confidence in the three ancestors, and even more in the senior colleagues of Daluo Holy Land. I will definitely be able to make a contribution this time... Even if the three ancestors really don't last enough time, with the Gaoyang Ship Under cover, it is not impossible for us to escape intact.”

"Only by crushing the current main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, can we successfully unite with the Dali Sword Sect. Only then can I really have a chance to get in touch with Ancestor Yunxiao!"

In this last sentence, Lu Yu deliberately mentioned the ancestor of Yunxiao.

First, we can prevent these three Tiangang ancestors from retreating by raising the banner of Yunxiao Patriarch.

Secondly, he also wanted to test the true intentions of the two ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang...

After hearing what he said, the three ancestors didn't say anything anymore, which was regarded as acquiescing to his decision.

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "In that case, I will go over and take a look at the Gaoyang, hoping to repair it as soon as possible... Lord Xin, please inform the general altar as soon as possible and be sure to mobilize good manpower!"

Simbowi nodded in agreement.

After nodding in greeting with the three ancestors, Lu Yu was about to leave the Qinglong Palace.

However, just as he walked to the door, a question from Patriarch Zhaoyun suddenly came from behind him, as if to confirm to him:

"As long as you eliminate the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, will you really have a way to contact Ancestor Yunxiao?"

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