Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1063 Fortunately, you came back in time

Hearing the questions coming from behind, Lu Yu couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Sure enough, it seems that the purpose of these Tiangang ancestors is not simple...

On the surface, they have been convinced by his spell, but only they know what kind of Xiao Jiujiu they have in their hearts...

It's no wonder if you think about it carefully. After all, the other party is a strong man in the Tiangang Realm. How can he give in easily for a simple reason?

Judging from the current situation, it is not only Ming Wang Fa Zun who is interested in the whereabouts of Patriarch Yunxiao, but even these ancestors are also very interested.

However, Lu Yu had no intention of pursuing their motives.

There is no way he could break up with the other party at this time...

At this time point, maintaining superficial unity is the most important thing. No matter what the purpose is, as long as they are willing to take action against the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, that is enough. As for the others, they can only take care of themselves first. .

"That's natural!"

Lu Yu turned around with a smile on his face and his eyes were extremely sincere: "Don't forget, I am the disciple appointed by Patriarch Yunxiao! If not, how could Fairy Yaoji choose me among the vast crowd of people? Her messenger?"

After saying that, ignoring the three ancestors whose expressions became colorful, he turned around and strode out.

"Now that the message has been sent back by the real master, you should act in accordance with the orders he sent!"

Ancestor Zhaoyun waved his hand and sent Xin Bowei and Xu Jinyang out, who were still in a daze and silence.

Only then did Xin Bowei and Xu Jinyang come to their senses. They bowed and saluted at the same time: "Please continue to sit here, the three ancestors, and the disciples will leave first..."

Then he retreated.

In this huge hall, only three Tiangang ancestors were left.

"Brother Zhaoyun, how credible do you think his words are?" Patriarch Huitang asked with a deep look.

Patriarch Zhaoyun did not answer, but instead turned his gaze to Patriarch Gunlong: "Brother Gunlong, what do you think?"

Ancestor Gunlong was slightly startled, looked at the expressions in the eyes of the two people, and said slowly: "There are indeed many things that need to be discussed in his words, but at least one thing I can confirm is that the spell he cast , the incantation characters in it are obscure and strange, and definitely not unique to this world..."

The implication is that Lu Yu is absolutely inseparable from the power outside the world.

As for the relationship, it is hard to say whether, as Lu Yu said, Fairy Yaoji has high hopes for him and Daluo Holy Land, and all this is her arrangement...

However, Patriarch Gunlong still tends to believe all this, not because he thinks what Lu Yu said is reliable enough, but simply because he is yearning for the Taoist attainments that Lu Yu has demonstrated.

When one's cultivation has reached his level, simply accumulating spiritual energy is meaningless. Understanding the secrets of heaven is the key to reaching a higher level. In Lu Yu's body, he saw this possibility. No matter where Lu Yu's Taoism came from, only by standing on the same side with him could he possibly unearth the secrets hidden behind it.

"Actually, it doesn't make any sense to say this now..."

Ancestor Zhaoyun shook his head and smiled: "We have no other choice!"

Ancestor Huitang's eyes narrowed slightly: "Do we really want to fight against Yue Xishan and others?"

Ancestor Zhaoyun said: "In order to find out the whereabouts of Ancestor Yunxiao, there is nothing we can do. In the past few days, we have jointly searched for three companies, but we have not found any trace of him. Now we cannot change our thinking. ...In any case, the last appearance of Patriarch Yunxiao was to protect this son. He is indeed the person with the deepest bond with Patriarch Yunxiao in this world. "

Ancestor Huitang sighed: "With the strength of the three of us, dragging down Yue Xishan and nine other people head-on, the risk is really huge. I hope it's all worth it!"

Ancestor Zhaoyun nodded in agreement.

Then, their eyes became sharp at the same time, focusing on Ancestor Gunlong.

"Brother Gunlong, no matter what happens in the future, I hope you won't make your own decisions like this time again!"

"The Great Luo Holy Land has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and to this day, only the three of us are left to step onto the Tiangang. Compared with other sects, we can be said to be extremely weak. If the three of us cannot work together, wait for us The only way out is death!"

"I didn't expect things to develop like this..."

Ancestor Gunlong sighed helplessly.

But seeing the sharp eyes of the two people, he couldn't help but lower his head in shame: "I know I was wrong...Gun Long hereby promises that he will never go beyond the two Taoist brothers to act secretly in the future..."

Zhaoyun and Huitang pinched their beards, then nodded with satisfaction and said nothing more.

"Okay, let's figure out how to hold Yue Xishan and others back!"

When Lu Yu returned to the floating battleship again, Yang Chudie had reappeared on the deck of the ship.

Obviously, the repair of the core cabin array device has come to an end.

"You're back?"

Seeing Lu Yu appear, Yang Chudie immediately came over with a delighted smile on his face: "Has everything over there been resolved?"

She had already learned from Master Lian Gu that Lu Yu had been invited away by Xin Bowei, and it was obvious what he was going to do.

Lu Yu nodded slightly, looked around and asked: "Where is Jade Butterfly?"

Before Chudie could answer, Yudie's voice came from under her feet: "What do you want me for?"

Then, the deck at Chudie's feet was lifted, revealing a face that was both angry and happy. Crystal beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, her face was flushed, and a few strands of black hair were attached to her cheeks. Her beauty was even more charming, which made people's hearts beat.

The disciples of the Daluo Holy Land who formed a formation next to her were just in front of Yudie. They couldn't help but stare straight at her for a while, and forgot to continue to maintain the formation. As a result, they stood still and blocked many fellow disciples behind them. Suddenly, everyone crashed into a ball, and the deck was in chaos.

"What are you doing! You can't even do this little thing! I promised my fellow Taoists from the Dali Sword Sect that you are outstanding disciples of my Daluo Holy Land... If you don't want to work hard, get out as soon as possible!"

A real strong man from the Daluo Holy Land shouted at the top of his voice.

The group of disciples were suddenly silent, and they all hurriedly got up from the ground and rejoined the formation to maintain the stability of the formation device. They dared not look at Yudie and Chudie again.

Yudie could not help but give Lu Yu a fierce look. Although she did not say anything, the meaning revealed in her eyes was extremely clear: It's all your fault!

Lu Yu was speechless for a while.

She was obviously the culprit, so why did she blame herself so confidently?

"There is news from Sect Leader Tao. The location of Yuhai Xianzong has been determined. The headquarters will also dispatch people soon... Now it depends on us. How is the warship repaired?"

Lu Yu did not bother her so much, and directly said to the two sisters in front of him.

Yudie's pretty face was tense, and she said, "Fortunately you came back in time!"

"What?" Lu Yu was startled and asked hurriedly, "What happened?"

Yudie smiled faintly, without answering, but her body jumped out of the array device under the deck, and then covered the deck again.

Lu Yu kept watching her movements, his face full of confusion.

Until the entire deck under her feet was restored and confirmed to be correct, she turned around again and said the second half of the sentence to Lu Yu:

"If you come back later, you can only take the safe passage!"

Then, before Lu Yu could react, Yudie suddenly turned around, facing the people on the deck, and suddenly shouted:

"All members of Gaoyang listen to the order! Start the core formation of the battleship!"

With her order, all the members on the ship lined up and ran like shuttles.

A moment later, the light of the defensive barrier once again enveloped the floating battleship that had changed.

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