Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1065 Even more powerful than a tiger

"The method of blood curse?"

Lu Yu said in surprise.

"Heaven and earth give birth to all things, and there is some kind of heavenly truth hidden in the reproduction of blood, which seems to be related to reincarnation. It's a pity that people often can't understand it... But the inability to understand it doesn't mean that it can't be used. There are many inheritances They all took advantage of the characteristics of bloodline reproduction and developed many magical techniques and techniques."

"Leave aside the distance, isn't Little Phoenix's escape method that can possess shadows also a kind of blood curse method?"

Yudie said, suddenly turning her head and looking towards the rear of the ship.

At the rear of the ship, Ye Weilan was keeping a close eye on Yue Xiujun. After Lu Yu talked with Yue Xiujun before, he was full of suspicion. For precautionary purposes, he quietly informed Ye Weilan to keep Yue Xiujun under strict supervision. She had been They are all being implemented seriously.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie also looked at Chao Ye Weilan.

Ye Weilan immediately felt something and turned around. Seeing the three people's eyes looking straight at her, she couldn't help but startled slightly and showed a questioning look.

Lu Yu quickly waved his hand towards her, indicating that there was no problem, and made a gesture to tell her to keep an eye on Yue Xiujun, and she turned back with a confused look.

Lu Yu said: "Weilan is from the Yehua clan, which is a clan with a long heritage. When she condenses the power of blood in her body, the phoenix totem will appear. And when she is in Tianhuan Palace, Yao Ji will It was said that she is a descendant of the Night Phoenix clan... Therefore, she has the unique escape technique in today's world..."

"Could it be that the Yue family is actually the descendant of a certain powerful bloodline?"

Yang Chudie frowned slightly, shook his head and said: "The Yue family has been passed down in the Jade Sea Immortal Sect for so many generations. If they were really the descendants of a well-established tribe, they should have had such legends long ago, but I But I have never heard a word about this..."

Yudie said: "It is not necessarily the descendants of the tribe who can practice the blood curse. I just used the little phoenix as an example... Didn't I say it before? There is naturally some kind of heaven hidden in the reproduction of blood. Zhili, isn't Patriarch Shanwen good at creating martial arts? Perhaps he received some kind of inspiration, understood the principles of heaven, and created this blood curse method called "Three Illusions" with himself as the source? That’s not necessarily true…”

"With yourself as the source?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled, "Then... what kind of skill will this be?"

"Well... maybe we will know soon!" Yudie said.

Indeed, the war between the two sides is imminent. In the next battle, it is very likely that Ancestor Shanwen will face him head-on. By then, it will soon be clear what kind of trump card he has.

Yang Chudie said: "It's better not to talk about this topic anymore. Since you have agreed with the three ancestors to use Tiangang to suppress Tiangang, then it is better to leave this problem to the three ancestors..."

"On the other hand, we are responsible for this aspect. You said that you will defeat the main fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect within half a quarter of an hour? They have fully armed floating battleships. Can this be done?"

Lu Yu said: "What are you afraid of? Haven't we all had successful experiences?"

"In the Battle of the Golden Islands, you led all the real people to launch a combination of skills and destroyed half of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's floating warships in one fell swoop. It is indeed an experience worth learning from..."

Yang Chudie said and glanced at him: "But that's just because you have experience. None of us have participated in the battle on the Golden Rooster Islands..."

"Besides, the reason why you were able to achieve success in that battle was because you imitated the Litian Sword Code to launch the offensive. Now you are leading a group of real people from Daluo Holy Land. Can you still use the same tactics?"

"It's really difficult..."

Lu Yu nodded and admitted: "Any two Taoist spells, as long as they find a just right critical point, will inevitably have an effect of one plus one greater than two. This is the basic theory of combination techniques... From a point of view, Daluo Holy Land Everyone can also work together to bring out the powerful effects of combo skills.”

"Unfortunately, I don't understand the Taoist secrets of Daluo Holy Land. The reason why I was able to succeed last time was because I took advantage of the "Litian Sword Code", which can conquer all real people without too much deduction. Their Taoism and Dharma are blended together..."

"But if it were these real strong men from Da Luo Holy Land, we don't know that it would take the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to achieve the same effect as last time..."

Yang Chudie couldn't help but blinked.

In this case, wouldn't what he just said contradict himself?

"Then what are you going to do?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "If it doesn't have such a good effect, then we don't need such a good effect! We don't strive to accomplish all our efforts in one battle, as long as we can repel the Yuhai Immortal Sect's troops... Besides, if the entire Jade Sea Immortal Sect can be defeated at once... The Haixian Sect has been wiped out, how can I carry out the next step of recruiting and surrendering? "

Yang's eyes widened completely: "At this time, are you still thinking of inciting the Jade Sea Immortal Sect to rebel? Aren't you worried about that Ancestor Shanwen and his Three Illusions?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? If you keep your expectations high, you won't go wrong..."

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, don't we still have Jade Butterfly?"


Yudie turned her head in surprise: "What's wrong with me?"

"You are a real strong man from our Dali Sword Sect!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Although it is difficult for dozens of real people from Daluo Holy Land to come up with a high-quality combo, it is much easier for us, not to mention me, Chudie, and Weilan, the three of us A ready-made combination skill has already been deduced..."

"If I add you, I'll be even more powerful!"

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