Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1066 Passing on Dharma on behalf of others

Lu Yu just did what he said, and immediately took two sisters, Chudie and Yudie, to start the deduction.

Anyway, the Gaoyang has been successfully repaired, and the real troops from the main station have not been dispatched yet. Now is the time to replenish the spiritual energy reserves on the ship, and to familiarize the surrounding Daluo Holy Land disciples with the formation operations. , even if the three of them are not in charge, it won't hurt.

So, the three of them entered the bottom of the cabin again and began to retreat.

Just like when they deduced the activation of the six-pointed star lock in stages before, Lu Yu and Yudie both used Chudie as a media bridge, and the three people's thoughts and consciousness converged in one place.

Although the combination technique being deduced was mainly performed by four people, Lu Yu and Chu Die already knew Ye Weilan's strength level and various information clearly, so even if she did not participate, it would not hinder the derivation process. It would be enough for her to familiarize herself with this new "combination technique" after the deduction was completed.

The deduction process went very smoothly.

Mainly because Yudie's cultivation level is so high and her mastery of Taoism is comprehensive enough. She is like a highly malleable brick that can be transformed into various shapes. Naturally, she can be in the original building of three people. On the house that is already more than half built, you can build whatever you want.

Even, in the end, she took over the role. The combo that was originally centered on Lu Yu, Chu Die, and Ye Weilan became centered on her, Lu Yu, and Chu Die.

This is mainly because the three of them are disciples from the Dali Sword Sect. From the perspective of mysteries, they are indeed better than Wuluo Shenshan, who has the power of the devil and the power of the netherworld, but also studied under Yao Ji. Ye Weilan of "Feng Wu Nine Heavens" is more suitable.

After such changes, the power of the combo has at least doubled.

The only limitation on their own strength now is that if they are blessed with the elixir of Turtle Breath Shenglong, it is not impossible to create a power comparable to that of the Golden Rooster Islands battle.

Lu Yu opened his eyes in the darkness and stood up from the bottom of the cabin.

Although in terms of cultivation strength alone, sisters Chudie and Yudie were both stronger than him, but in terms of strength of mind and consciousness, the two sisters were not far from reaching the same level as him.

Therefore, he had completed the deduction process at this time, but the two sisters were still "consolidating" this new combination in the illusion of their minds.

The most important thing is Yudie. This is the first time she has come into contact with such a technique, so there are many things that need to be paid attention to. And if she does not end the deduction, then Chudie, as the media bridge, will naturally not be able to leave and needs to continue to maintain it. Illusion of thoughts.

Not without disturbing the two of them, Lu Yu quietly left the cabin.

As soon as he opened the cabin door, there was a burst of noise, making him feel as if he had walked from a quiet and cold night into a lively atmosphere.

"Master, everyone from Daluo Holy Land is here, a total of fifty-eight real powerful people..."

Master Lian Gu immediately came up and reported to Lu Yu.

After the baptism in the past few days, he has behaved more and more like a disciple. If there were still people who thought he was a real person before, but they were willing to worship Lu Yu, who only had the cultivation level of Guihai Realm, it would seem that To be honest, no one will have such an idea now.

Lu Yu nodded slightly and glanced at the surrounding deck.

I saw a dense circle of people standing around the podium, all of them were powerful Jindan experts. At a glance, my eyes were filled with sparkling brilliance.

Among them, even Kunjia Zhenren and Zhuque Altar Master, who were extremely powerful but originally opposed to Lu Yu, were all prominently listed.

Seeing Lu Yu appear, the eyes of this group of people suddenly turned to look over.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and strode forward. Without waiting for anyone to speak, he took the lead and said, "Have you ever carried the Divine Thought Seal Paper with you?"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled. They didn't expect that Lu Yu would ask this question...

"Everyone give me one." Lu Yu said again.

Everyone thought his request was really strange, but they all obeyed it obediently.

After a while, Lu Yu had a stack of Shen Si Seal paper in his hand.

"Xianshi, what are you trying to do?" Qinglong Altar Master Xin Bowei asked in confusion.

"Teach the Dharma to you on behalf of Fairy Yaoji!"

Lu Yu replied with a smile.

After saying that, he ignored the surprised expressions on everyone's faces and took out the Great Luo Holy Order.

Under the sunlight, Daluo Shengling shines with a charming halo.

This token contains the inheritance of Da Luo Holy Land. After several days of research, Lu Yu also has a certain understanding of the Taoist inheritance of Da Luo Holy Land.

In this way, he can just use this token to deduce a set of combination skills suitable for all the real people in Da Luo Holy Land.

Although Lu Yu did say before that it was difficult to deduce such a combination of skills, it did not mean that he did not deduce it.

Difficult, just lower the requirements. If you can't reach the same level as before, then give a discount... As long as you ensure that when the time comes to fight head-on, everyone will not mess up and cause the fifty-eight Taoist techniques to be thrown away in a chaotic manner. Go out and cancel each other out.

Of course, this is only the minimum requirement. The combination of Taoism and magic arranged by Lu Yu is absolutely impossible to have just such an effect.

Lu Yu had just gone through some deductions, and at this time, the thoughts and consciousness in his mind were still running at a high speed.

The thoughts in his mind were printed on the Shensi Seal paper at an extremely fast speed. Just between raising his hands a few times, golden characters appeared on the paper, reflecting everyone's emotions. Eyeballs.

Lu Yu threw out the printed Shensi Seal paper page after page.

In the blink of an eye, pages of spiritual printing paper were flying around the podium like snowflakes.

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