Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1067 The best arrangement

"Is this... Taoism?"

"Plausible... seems to be the Tao of our Daluo Holy Land?"

"Is it... Her Highness the Saint's improved Taoism?"

"It must be! Didn't the wise envoy just say that he is passing on the Dharma on behalf of Her Majesty the Saint..."

Needless to say, the Shensi Seal contains huge, complex and profound information, which made all the powerful people in Daluo Holy Land deeply shocked after reading it.

In fact, Lu Yu is not proficient in the Taoist secrets of Daluo Holy Land at all. He can only be familiar with it at best. However, it is not necessary to be proficient in creating combo skills. With the powerful deduction ability of his mind and consciousness, he only needs to come up with a rough idea. The requirements are enough, and the rest will naturally be filled in by these real strong people.

To put it in simpler terms...

At this time, Lu Yu just listed a long "calculation formula" on the Shensi Seal Paper. This "calculation formula" contained various calculation rules and spaces one by one. He did not know which one What exactly would be filled in the blanks, but under his guidance, these real people followed his requirements and filled in the secrets of Taoism that they were good at in each of the "blanks".

In the end, after the entire "calculation" went through complex calculations, the answer Lu Yu wanted was obtained, which was a combination of skills.

This method of listing the secrets of Taoism into "calculations" is already close to reshaping the order of heaven. It is not something ordinary people can control. Although the original inspiration came from the Litian Sword Code, without strong deduction ability As a basis, it is simply impossible to complete.

"This should be the rumored combo skill, right?"

Finally, someone saw the clues...

Guo Yuan, the golden elixir elder of the Qinglong Holy Altar, said with a slightly trembling hand holding the Shensi Seal Paper.

"It is rumored that during the battle on the Golden Rooster Islands, it was Lu Yu who created a combination technique, which was performed by more than sixty real strong men from the Dali Sword Sect. When that combination technique was activated, the dawn and dusk were separated, and the light The darkness separated, the sky and the earth lost their color, and ultimately the Yuhai Immortal Sect's floating fleet suffered heavy losses, and it was unable to recover..."

"I didn't expect that this technique was actually inspired by His Highness the Saint. Her Highness the Saint had already intervened in the dispute between the Dali Sword Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect so long ago..."

Standing next to Guo Yuan is a Jindan elder from the general altar named Han Shihong. He was also selected into the array for this attack.

His eyes were full of excitement, and he looked even more excited than Guo Yuan beside him. Hearing Guo Yuan's emotion at this time, he couldn't help but nodded heavily: "It is indeed an immortal technique! No wonder it is so powerful, regardless of the final outcome of this battle. Whatever the result, just getting a technique makes this time worth it!"

"Who says it's not!"

"This method can indeed be passed down as a secret skill of our Daluo Holy Land..."

"It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish... Her Royal Highness the Saint is indeed the person who revitalized our Daluo Holy Land. With this magical skill, future generations will always remember her kindness!"

"Who dares to say that Her Majesty the Holy Lady just treats us as pawns and tools? That she doesn't care about the sect?"

"Since Her Majesty the Saint can leave such a magical skill for us, then what should we do with the highest secret that the founder left behind? Judging from the reaction before this Great Luo Holy Order, the highest secret should have been Only when it is solved..."

"The founder has left this secret for tens of thousands of years. So far, only Her Royal Highness the Saint has understood it. She is a high-minded person and wants to pass on this secret again. I'm afraid no one can understand it..."

"Don't be impatient, take your time...I believe Her Majesty the Saint will make the best arrangements for everything!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little bit amused when he listened to everyone's discussion.

In fact, for him, this combination skill can only be regarded as unsatisfactory, and it is not as good as the previous one from the Dali Sword Sect. After all, it was modeled after the Litian Sword Code, and it has a ready-made template...

But what I didn't expect was that these real people from Daluo Holy Land could actually relate Yao Ji's great achievements from the sheets of Shen Si Seal paper. I really don't know what to say and write.

If when the final mystery is revealed and everyone discovers that all this actually has nothing to do with Yao Ji, I wonder what their reaction will be then...

However, at this moment, Lu Yu did not need to worry about these things, and he would not feel any guilt about it. Forced by the situation, he told big lies one after another to Da Luo Holy Land, just to protect himself.

Besides, he has no evil intentions towards Daluo Holy Land.

Although at this time, Daluo Holy Land, under his instigation, embarked on a path that was completely unexpected, no one could say that this was a wrong path.

If one day, he is able to cultivate the Great Dao, he will definitely not forget the help of Daluo Holy Land, and will definitely realize the big cakes he drew at this time for them one by one...

Everything will be the best arrangement...

It's just that it's not arranged by Yao Ji, but by herself!

Finally, Lu Yu threw out the last Shen Si Seal paper.

At this time, every powerful real person got a piece of Shen Si Seal Paper, and no one continued to discuss it. Instead, everyone concentrated on meditating on the Shen Si Si Seal Paper in their hands.

For Lu Yu, the contents on these Shensi Seal Papers can be written with just a thought in his breath, but for the real people, it takes a while to think carefully.

"Master Xin Tan, how are you doing with your enlightenment?"

Lu Yu suddenly said.

Because Xin Bowei stood at the front, Lu Yu remembered that he was one of the first people to get the Shensi Seal.

Hearing this, Xinbowei raised his head blankly: "I am stupid and still can't fully understand this magical skill... Does the wise envoy have any advice?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "Fairy Yao Ji's magical skills are naturally not so easy to understand. However, you will have plenty of time to continue to understand later on the road. Now I would like to trouble you to pass the news back to Master Tao. give it to me!"

Tao Jinran's subpoena was sent directly to the Qinglong Holy Altar. Only by getting his subpoena can we know the specific location of the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

"Now?" Simbowi was surprised: "Are you ready to leave now?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Yu asked back: "Soldiers need to be quick, but late will cause changes... If the people of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect are allowed to wander around, who knows what they will do?"

"But we are not ready yet..."

As Xin Bowi spoke, he looked at the hatch behind Lu Yu again. The subtext seemed to say: Not only were they not ready yet, the two real people Yudie and Chudie seemed to have not come out yet...

The strength of the two of them together is enough to fight against the powerful Tiangang, and they will inevitably be the main force in this operation.

However, Lu Yu seemed not to understand and smiled softly:

"So, we can't delay any longer... If you hurry up and give me the things, can't I prepare them quickly?"

Xin Bowei choked and didn't answer for a long time, but he still handed over the message with the location information of Jade Sea Immortal Sect to Lu Yu honestly.

Lu Yu took the message and read it silently, without any change in the expression on his face.

A sudden order was given: "Everyone on the Gaoyang obeys the order, activate all the magic formations, and prepare to set sail!"

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