Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1068 Attack

The formation's light and shadow complemented each other, and the outstanding disciples of Daluo Holy Land started running around one after another.

Although Yudie had been directing the training before, they would not turn a blind eye to Lu Yu's instructions.

Dozens of Jindan elders had already bowed their heads in front of Lu Yu. How could they still disobey Lu Yu's orders?

The ship slowly started to move.

The hull of the ship gradually began to rise, sailing slowly towards the eastern sky.

On the deck, all the disciples couldn't help but cheered.

After all, it was just training before. Although they had already memorized various command formations by heart, they were not really on the field after all. At this time, they finally officially set sail. Seeing such a behemoth completely surrendered, they couldn't help but let out a heartfelt shout. cheer.

Lu Yu stood on the command podium, calm and composed, at ease.

The floating battleship gradually moved away, but his eyes were not forward, nor focused on the dazzling light and shadow of the formation in front of him.

Instead, he looked back at the Azure Dragon Altar below.

The Qinglong Temple stands among the mountains, shining with a hazy halo, like the sharpest dragon tooth after a giant dragon opens its bloody mouth.

The three ancestors, Gunlong, Zhaoyun, and Huitang, stood in the hazy halo, silently watching him go away.

The eyes of the four people intertwined in the void.

Although they didn't say a word to each other, they both understood each other's intentions.

The three ancestors nodded slightly at Lu Yu, as if they were making some kind of guarantee from him.

Lu Yu immediately felt relieved and nodded to the three of them.

Maybe their intentions are indeed impure...

But no matter what, at least at this moment both parties can still trust each other.

Since the three ancestors have promised to intercept Ancestor Shanwen and others and give themselves at least half a quarter of an hour, they will definitely do their best to do it.

After all, there are still a boat full of Daluo Holy Land disciples on this ship. Almost the entire Daluo Holy Land’s elite have gathered here. They will not just watch their disciples die.

"Speed ​​up!"

After communicating with the three ancestors, Lu Yu suddenly became determined and gave an order loudly.

According to the information sent back by Tao Jinran, the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was about two thousand miles southeast of the Azure Dragon Altar.

Within this distance range, although the Gaoyang can arrive instantly through long-distance jumping, and at this time, the Gaoyang has just been replenished, which is when its energy reserves are sufficient.

However, in order to guard against the powerful Tiangang warriors who might step in at any time, they had to put the opportunity of long-distance jumping to the last moment so that they could escape at any time. After all, after long-distance jumping, it takes quite a while to complete. The re-accumulation of energy.

Besides, they only have one floating battleship, but the opponent has several. Before you know the specific situation there, if you jump over rashly, you may still be trapped in a tight siege, and you may not be able to achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

Therefore, it is better to simply drive over and make adjustments before the official confrontation.

The floating battleship was getting faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye it was like the wind and lightning, pushing away layers of white clouds, leaving the Azure Dragon Holy Altar far behind.

"Cloud Expelling Formation! Increase your strength! Keep climbing!"

Lu Yu ordered loudly again.

Following his order, the entire floating battleship tilted obviously, showing an upward diagonal posture.

"Are you planning to launch a sneak attack from high in the sky?"

Suddenly a cold voice came, but it was sisters Yudie and Chudie who came over hand in hand.

They have successfully completed the deduction and can leave the border smoothly.

"But your time to climb is too early, isn't it?" Yudie continued: "Why are you so anxious and let the battleship bear such a huge load?"

Her doubts were justified.

Although floating battleships can easily cross the sea of ​​clouds, if they fly too high, the consumption of spiritual energy resources will increase.

At this time, it was still far away from the target. Lu Yu could climb in a more gentle way, and there was no need to climb vigorously as soon as he came up.

Whether it is from a security perspective or a resource saving perspective, such an approach seems unnecessary.

However, Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at us now. Even if the group of old guys gathered by Ancestor Shanwen are not included, there is still a Sky Eye Formation on the floating fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. If you don’t climb up as soon as possible now, you might not have the chance if it’s later…”

"Okay!" Yudie obeyed, nodded and said, "What you said does make more sense."

"Has the deduction been completed? Is there any problem?" Lu Yu asked.

After receiving affirmative answers from the two of them, Lu Yu said to Chu Die: "Go to Lan'er's place and have a look..."

The purpose of going to Ye Weilan was naturally to ask her to synchronize the new combo skills to Ye Weilan, and also to check on Yue Xiujun's situation.

Yang Chudie nodded, glanced at Lu Yu silently, and then headed towards the stern of the ship.

Lu Yu then said to Yudie: "You should be responsible for the command. Be careful not to let the battleship hit the second level of the sky..."

There is a Tiangang between the first level of heaven and the second level of heaven. If they accidentally collide with each other, even with the defense of floating battleships, I am afraid there will be no good end.

"Then what are you going to do?" Yudie asked with a glare.

Lu Yu took out Tao Jinran's message and said, "Of course I am responsible for more important matters and have contacted Headmaster Tao..."

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