Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1069 Let me take a look

The communication talisman that Tao Jinran sent to the Qinglong Altar contained the exclusive mark of the true master.

This is a mark specially used to identify identities and send messages. It has a two-way channel. He can contact the Qinglong Holy Altar through the mark, and the people at the Qinglong Holy Altar can also be contacted through this message.

Now that this communication had fallen into Lu Yu's hands, he could naturally contact Tao Jinran through the exclusive mark attached to the communication.

As for the goal of contacting Tao Jinran, it was naturally to confirm the specific situation of the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect so that he could make adjustments in advance.

Soon, Lu Yu got in touch with Tao Jinran and received a new reply.

However, after seeing this new message, Lu Yu couldn't help but show a strange expression.

"What's wrong?"

Yudie noticed the change in the expression on Lu Yu's face and asked involuntarily.

"Master Tao said that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's fleet has just been dispatched and is heading in our direction at full speed..." Lu Yu replied.

Yudie was suddenly shocked: "How could this happen?"

In order to cover up Xingzang, they did not hesitate to waste resources and climbed the floating battleship under Tiangang in the initial stage. This was considered careful enough, but they did not expect that the other party would still notice it.

"Could it be that the news was leaked from within Daluo Holy Land?" Yudie said again.

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Now the entire Daluo Holy Land has entered a state of emergency. This is just like the first-level battle order of our Dali Sword Sect. No communication can easily escape the shielding of the thirty-six holy altars. What's more, Besides, there are still three ancestors at the Qinglong Holy Altar, so any message from the east can't escape their interception."

"Then which link caused the problem?" Yudie couldn't help but frowned with two delicate eyebrows.

Lu Yu said: "Let's review this issue later. There is no need to discuss it now... The most urgent thing is to prepare for battle as soon as possible!"

Jade Die nodded, immediately turned around, and loudly ordered: "Activate the Xuanji Formation and the Wind Eye Formation, and immediately begin to accumulate spiritual power, and be ready to jump remotely at any time!"

In this battle, the position of the floating battleship is very clear. It is responsible for projecting troops and covering the retreat. Now that the battle is about to start in advance, the battleship must naturally be prepared to retreat in advance.

Strategically, you can despise the enemy, but in terms of specific tactics, you must pay full attention to the enemy. Think about defeat before thinking about victory. Only in this way can you be invincible.

Seeing that under Yudie's command, the entire floating battleship became busy again, Lu Yu ignored all this and turned back to face a group of Jindan elders.

"How ready is everyone?"

After all, the people present are all real experts with profound knowledge. After this period of time, many people have completed the comprehension of combination skills.

It's one thing to just complete the understanding, but it's another thing to actually perform it. In such a hurry, without even a chance to practice, they have to go straight to the field... For a while, everyone was unsure, so there was no one. Dare to respond to Lu Yu's question.

Lu Yu didn't have time to hesitate, so he directly called out names: "Elder Kunjia, Master Gong Tan, how about you two be responsible for leading this combo?"


The two of them looked in astonishment at the same time and said in disbelief.

Lu Yu said: "I have specifically inquired about some information about the two of them. In terms of pure cultivation, they are among the top five in Daluo Holy Land. Moreover, the Taoism that they are good at can just take on the role of pulling and leading. He is the perfect choice to guide and launch this combo..."

"Or is it that Lord Gong thinks that he will be soft-hearted when facing the enemy and cannot be ruthless?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his sharp gaze pierced Gong Bi'e's face like a sharp edge.

Gong Bi'e's face suddenly became stern: "Gong knows the importance. At this critical moment of life and death for the whole sect, how can he put his personal friendship above the sect!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Since Altar Master Gong has no problem, does Elder Kunjia still have any problem?"

Master Kunjia said: "Since even the three ancestors have recognized you, I naturally have nothing to say... Don't worry, I have completely repented at this time, otherwise I would not have personally participated in this action. Come……"

"It's just that this is the first time for us to use such a magical skill, but you directly let us take the lead... Where should we start?"

“Don’t know where to start?”

Lu Yu smiled.

"This is actually not difficult. How about I give you two a sample first..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his hand, twisted his fingers slightly, and immediately pulled out a faint golden thread from the tip of his index finger.

This golden thread seemed to have some magical power, causing the true energy in the two people's bodies to react involuntarily.

"This is... the general outline of the catalog inherited from the Great Luo Holy Order!"

Master Kunjia shouted in shock.

As the chief elder of the general altar who has been in a high position for a long time, he has a certain understanding of the Great Luo Holy Order. He is the only one in the audience who has seen through the origin of Lu Yu's technique.

This is indeed the general outline of the catalog that was born from the Great Luo Shengling, but it is only a part of it. Lu Yu has held this token in his hands for so long, and he has to some extent seen through some of the lies in it.

Unfortunately, there is only so much he can control now.

Condensing the Taoist inheritance in the void into golden thread-like light and shadow, although his skill is very dazzling, it is actually just superficial, and there is still a gap between it and the real Taoist secrets.

If he continues to stretch the golden thread, he will definitely reveal his secret.

When Lu Yu saw that he was ready, he stopped, flicked his hand, and threw the circles of golden thread directly towards Master Kunjia and the Suzaku Altar, wrapping around them.

Then, it was like a firecracker being lit.

The real energy of Kunjia Zhenren and Zhuque Altar Master surged simultaneously, and bursts of bright light radiated from their whole bodies, and then they soared into the sky and flew straight to the mast of the ship.

The remaining real strong men around him also activated their true energy and followed closely behind.

Everything happened naturally, just like going with the current.

Even those real experts who got the Shen Si Seal later and had not yet fully comprehended it, and were still thinking hard, also reacted and joined the ranks of the combination skills very smoothly.

Practice is the best teacher. Although they have not yet completed their enlightenment, when everyone started to gather, there seemed to be an invisible push that naturally pushed them back to the wind.

So in the blink of an eye, the fifty-eight golden elixir experts from Da Luo Holy Land formed a string like grasshoppers, hovering in the sky above the deck.

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