Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1070 Head-on encounter

"The elders have comprehended the combination skills so quickly?" Chudie walked back, looked up at the real people circling in the sky, and said with surprise. Her communication with Ye Weilan had just ended, but the difference was that she and Ye Weilan only communicated a combination skill based on four people, while the huge and complex combination skill in front of them was composed of 58 real people. Unexpectedly, it was completed in such a short time. "It has to be fast!" Lu Yu said with emotion: "The dog has been chased behind the buttocks, so the rabbit must jump up immediately? Of course, I also pushed them from behind, so they are jumping so high now!" After speaking, he turned his head and rushed to Yudie: "Hurry up and open all the safety passages!" Yudie nodded and did as she said. The safety passages on the floating battleship opened one after another. The real people circling above the deck, like a group of fish trapped in a pond for a long time, immediately went out along the safety passages. Even after they flew out, their formation still did not disperse. Led by Kunjia Zhenren and Zhuque Altar Master, they kept circling around the hull of the floating warship, as if they were wearing a hula hoop on the entire ship.

Lightning flashes, and strong winds intersect!

The formation formed by the fifty-eight Zhenren strongmen was not weaker than the Tiangang that occasionally fell from the sky above their heads.

At this time, all of them had entered a state of readiness, just like when they attacked the Jinji Islands, Lu Yu used the sword as a signal alone.

The formation that kept circling around was like a bloody mouth installed on the floating warship. As long as the enemy appeared, they would immediately rise up and swallow thousands of miles.

"Is this what you call 'simple'?"

Looking at the terrifying momentum around the ship, Yudie couldn't help showing a stunned expression.

Before, when he was thinking, Lu Yu had said that he would deduce a combination skill for the Zhenren, and he also simply deduced it in it.

The scene in the mental illusion at that time was far less amazing, and he repeatedly emphasized that it was just a simple deduction, and Yudie really believed it at that time...

If this is still just "simple", then what will it be like when it becomes "complex"?

Can the combined skills of the four of them reach this level?

"Just kidding, there are a total of 58 real strong men here...With so many real strong men, even if each of them only sneezes, the momentum caused is not something that ordinary people can bear."

Lu Yu said with a smile.

"You didn't see when we were in the Golden Rooster Islands. Compared with the scene at that time, this can only be regarded as simple..."

Speaking, Lu Yu looked at Yang Chudie on the side, as if he wanted her to help echo him.

"Why are you looking at me?" Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him. "I didn't see the scene at the Golden Rooster Islands either. You should have asked Xiaolan to come over and help you!"

Lu Yu scratched his head and stopped dwelling on the topic. Instead, he said, "What's the situation over there?"

"What's the situation? Are you asking about Xiaolan or Mrs. Zhong?"

"Of course, there are two people..."

"Xiaolan will naturally have no problem. She has already mastered the new combination skills... As for Mrs. Zhong, there is nothing unusual. She has always been very calm, but..."

"Just what?" Lu Yu asked.

"It's just that she gives me a strange feeling. She seems to be a little too calm..." Yang Chudie replied.

Hearing this, Lu Yu couldn't help but turn his head and look back.

At the command desk, he still looked at the stern.

Although separated by the heavy array of light and shadow, he could still see Yue Xiujun sitting cross-legged at the end of the stern. Compared with the conversation between the two the day before, there didn't seem to be much change.

However, this is exactly the strangest part. At this time, the whole ship, from beginning to end, from inside to outside, is full of bustling scenes, but she has no reaction, and is indifferent to all the changes... This is indeed too quiet.

"How about you go and take a look yourself?" Yang Chudie said.

In fact, the reason why I have been staring at Yue Xiujun is that I am worried that she will suddenly get in touch with the ancestor Shanwen like Yue Zijing, and attract the other party to lean over.

After all, the "Phantom Spirit Heart Method" she practices is also one of the "Three Illusionary Methods", and no one can say what kind of changes will happen.

Yang Chudie is also worried that she will make a mistake.

But Lu Yu shook his head and said, "I don't have time to pay attention to her now... You call Wei Lan over too, we have to prepare for a head-on battle!"

"What about Mrs. Zhong?" Chudie asked.

"Leave it to Lian Gu Zhenren!"

As soon as the voice fell, a colorful light suddenly flew in along the ship's communication array and fell into Lu Yu's hand.

Chu Die was about to leave, but when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but stop.

The eyes of the people around him couldn't help but focus on him.

Everyone knew that this was the message sent by the head master Tao Jinran.

"The enemy is only more than 300 miles away from us..."

Lu Yu didn't keep it a secret and said directly.

As he spoke, he manipulated the map with his own hands and marked the enemy's position.

"In another quarter of an hour, we will collide head-on!"

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