Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1071 Trap

Following Lu Yu's words, the atmosphere on the ship became more tense than ever before.

The Daluo Holy Land has been peaceful for thousands of years, and there has been no large-scale war for a long time. The war that is about to break out is unprecedented for them, both in terms of scale and the strength of the opponent.

However, those who were selected as the crew of the Gaoyang are worthy of being the most outstanding disciples in the Daluo Holy Land. The more tense the moment, the calmer they are. They continue to execute various instructions meticulously, so that the ship still maintains a stable and efficient operation.

"Go and open the Sky Eye Array!" Lu Yu said again.

Yudie nodded, and did not give orders as before, but went to the area that controlled the Sky Eye Array, and under personal guidance, activated the Sky Eye Array.

Even if they acted calm, these crew members were just a group of "new recruits" after all. They were not proficient in the Sky Eye Array, which was complicated to operate and required extremely high precision. Now was the time to race against time, so she had to do it herself.

Soon, the whole ship "swayed" violently.

But in fact, this was not a real shake, but a fluctuation in the scene in front of everyone. The scene a hundred miles away was peeped at by the Sky Eye Array and presented on a light screen in front of the command desk.

Yu Die personally took action, and the level she showed was indeed very efficient. After a period of fluctuations like a fleeting light, she really captured the opponent's position accurately and displayed the picture of a group of floating fleets flying rapidly on the light screen.

I saw six floating warships, arranged in a wedge-shaped array, rushing forward like a sharp knife.

"Enlarge the picture!"

Lu Yu ordered again.

Suddenly, the light screen in front of the command desk instantly rose several feet, and appeared on the deck of the ship like a mirage. It seems that the fleet in the picture has become more real, and the power is more terrifying. Even the ship rushed forward at a high speed, and the vortex of flowing clouds rolled up at the tail was clearly shown.

The purpose of doing this is self-evident. It is precisely to allow the fifty-eight real masters surrounding the ship to clearly and accurately grasp the enemy's movements.

As expected, after seeing the picture presented by the enlarged light curtain, everyone immediately made corresponding adjustments. Only to hear Kunjia Zhenren suddenly shout:

"Get up--"

A circle of dazzling light burst out from his body, and the shadow behind him surged several times, like a big fireball that was ignited in an instant.

Taking him as the starting point, the shadows of the people behind him also surged.

Not only did the orbital range surrounding the ship become wider, but even the speed of the orbit became faster and faster.

In an instant, even the sky and the earth became dim.

People could no longer see the white clouds in the blue sky, but only the flashing thunder light.

If the performance of the real masters before was like a shark opening its huge mouth, then at this time it opened its bloody mouth to the limit, and was about to fight with the prey in the final battle to see who could bite off a piece of meat from the other party.

"Should we go on stage too?"

At this time, Yang Chudie asked beside her.

She had called Ye Weilan over, and the two stood side by side behind Lu Yu. At this moment, the two no longer deliberately concealed their strength, just like a pair of stunning lovers. Even the gorgeous light and shadow of the formation around them seemed unable to suppress the brilliance of the two.

However, Lu Yu stood there in a daze, staring straight at the light curtain in front of him, as if he didn't hear it, and didn't respond at all.

"Lu Yu? What's wrong?" Yang Chudie couldn't help but be surprised.

He had clearly said before that he was going to launch a combination skill, but now that Ye Weilan was called over, he suddenly didn't respond.

"Something seems to be wrong..."

Lu Yu stared straight at the light curtain, his eyes didn't blink, but his face gradually became solemn.

"What's wrong?"

Yudie also walked back and said with an excuse.

The Sky Eye Formation accurately locked the target and has gradually stabilized. The rest can be left to the people of Daluo Holy Land, and she doesn't need to continue staring.

Because she was the one who controlled the Sky Eye Array, she had a clear understanding of the enemy. In her opinion, everything was normal on the other side. She really didn't know where Lu Yu got this from.

"It just feels a little wrong..."

Lu Yu said slowly, as if he was sorting out his thoughts.

"The Sky Eye Array is a standard feature of every floating warship. While we can see them, they must have seen us and know the situation on our side..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his hand and gestured to the fifty-eight real masters circling around the ship.

"Back in the Golden Rooster Islands, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect suffered a big loss. Now they have seen a similar combination of skills, but they don't seem to have any reaction..."

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