Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1075 Return from Thousands of Miles

Even when they met the nine-headed mirage dragon in Tuopinghai, the huge wave caused by the monster was only a hundred feet, and the scene at this time was incomparable.

Looking at the huge waves ahead, Lu Yu suddenly asked: "Where are we now?"

Yudie was startled. Although she didn't understand why Lu Yu suddenly asked this question, she still replied: "Jing Donghai... I just jumped about three thousand miles eastward..."

Because she was in a hurry, she didn't have time to think about it. She just subconsciously picked an open sea area as the landing point for the long-distance jump. After all, they had the two treasures of the Spring Conch and the Black Tail of the Dragon Fish. , they have a huge advantage at sea, even if they meet the powerful Tiangang, they are not without the ability to fight.

Lu Yu nodded clearly.

I have to admit that Yudie's decision was very smart. In the situation just now, she still chose to move forward bravely instead of retreating back to the Holy Land of Daluo. This was certainly because in a hurry, the floating battleship could no longer turn around and adjust. Long range jump formation.

Secondly, since the opponent has made such a thorough arrangement, the way to retreat may not be safe. In all likelihood, the opponent has already arranged a backup plan. It is commendable that she can make such a decision in a hurry.

Moreover, the distance of three thousand miles, plus the two thousand miles from the previous attack, now is a total of five thousand miles from the Azure Dragon Altar. This length is just at the critical point of the farthest jump distance of the floating battleship. As long as the battleship returns again By accumulating energy, you can still return to Daluo Holy Land with a long-distance jump.

However, even so, their troubles are not over yet...

At this time, Yudie seemed to have caught up with Lu Yu's thoughts. Looking at the overwhelming waves in the distance, she said in surprise: "Could it be... that this was the tsunami caused by the explosion just now?"

Lu Yu said: "Other than that, I really can't think of any other reasons that would cause such a huge wave... Even a strong Tiangang man cannot waste his true energy like this."

Indeed, with the power of Tiangang's strong men, they may be able to cause such a huge offensive, but this offensive at this time is not specifically aimed at the Gaoyang, and the Gaoyang also has a way to easily resolve this offensive. As long as the ship Just move up quickly with maximum efficiency. There is really no need for Tiangang experts to waste their strength like this.

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent, with sad expressions on their faces.

A huge wave of thousands of feet swept across a vast territory of thousands of miles. I don’t know how many lives were lost at this moment!

More importantly, what kind of impact will this have on Daluo Holy Land...

After all, huge waves of thousands of feet were seen three thousand miles away, and the location of the explosion was only two thousand miles away from the Holy Land of Daluo. It stands to reason that the same huge wave should have been raging in the Holy Land of Daluo by now.

I don’t know if Daluo Holy Land can withstand this huge wave...

Although it stands to reason that with the strength of the thirty-six altar array, China should not be able to resist this huge wave at all, but the problem is that behind this huge wave, there are nine Tiangang powerhouses such as Ancestor Shanwen and Xingfeng. It is really difficult to predict what the outcome will be.

But no matter what, they were already beyond their reach at this time, and the most urgent priority was to protect themselves for the time being.

"Basheng! Basheng!"

"The cloud dispelling array is activated!"

"At full power! Maximum efficiency! Upgrade immediately!"

At this time, there was no need for Lu Yu and Yu Die to give orders, and the disciples of Daluo Holy Land shouted loudly themselves.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the floating battleship quickly rose up, and finally succeeded in rising to a higher position than the huge wave before it hit.

The battleship floated on the waves, and a huge wave roared past below the battleship.

Viewed from this angle, everyone found the scene in front of them even more shocking. Wherever they looked, they saw wildly surging waves, and the world between heaven and earth was already a vast expanse of water.

The agitation caused by the huge waves lasted for a long time, and the floating battleship sailed against the waves amidst the ebb and flow.

After a long time, the floating battleship traveled through an area of ​​nearly a hundred miles, and the waves gradually subsided, and the sight in front of me suddenly became brighter.

Everyone looked back to the west at an altitude of several thousand feet, and saw that at the far end of the sky, there seemed to be bursts of light shooting straight into the sky. This was obviously someone fighting a thousand miles away. Even though they were so far apart, they could feel it. To that thrilling atmosphere.

"Suffer it!"

Xinbowei suddenly exclaimed: "Could it be...the real master?"

Everyone couldn't help but feel their hearts pounding.

As everyone's eyes and ears, Tao Jinran had been following and monitoring the floating fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Although based on his position, he should not be killed by the strong light detonated by the sacrifice of six battleships, but don't forget Behind the sacrifice of six warships, there are also powerful Tiangang masters such as Patriarch Shanwen hidden.

Under the strong light, Tao Jinran would inevitably expose his behavior, and after the Gaoyang successfully escaped, he naturally became the first target.

The bursts of light at the end of the sky should indeed be the result of a powerful Tiangang attack.

Everyone's hearts sank involuntarily.

Tao Jinran's significance to the Holy Land of Daluo is self-evident. If he is defeated in this battle, or becomes a prisoner like Yue Xiujun, it will undoubtedly be an unbearable burden for Holy Land of Daluo. loss……

"Don't worry……"

Lu Yu's calm voice made everyone look at him.

He shook his head gently and said, "The three ancestors, Gunlong, Zhaoyun, and Huitang, have already made preparations in advance. If the ancestors Shanwen and others take action, they will definitely counterattack. As long as the three ancestors can delay for a while as we agreed before, with the cultivation of Master Tao, he will definitely be able to escape unscathed, so I am not too worried about his safety..."

"It's just that since they have already taken action against Master Tao, it is impossible for them not to take the opportunity to take action against Daluo Holy Land. Therefore, the situation in Daluo Holy Land is more worrying..."

Tao Jinran is a living person. If the situation is not right, he will naturally turn around and run away, but the thirty-six holy altars of Daluo Holy Land will not move, especially when facing the huge waves. When caught off guard, the interior of Daluo Holy Land may be in chaos. This is the perfect opportunity to break through the defense line of the thirty-six holy altars!

"Elders and seniors, do you have any spare energy? It seems that you need to prepare the combination skills again. Maybe the Daluo Holy Land is waiting for us to go back and lend a hand." Lu Yu said to Kunjia Zhenren, Zhuque Altar Master and other Zhenren. Then, without waiting for the Zhenren to respond, he immediately turned his head and shouted loudly to the disciples who were responsible for maintaining the formation: "Activate the Wind Eye Formation and prepare for long-range jump again! Target - Qinglong Holy Altar!"

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