Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1076 The sky is like blood

After Lu Yu's analysis, everyone realized what they would face after returning...

It is very likely that Patriarch Shanwen led a group of Patriarch Tiangang to block the door of the Qinglong Holy Altar when he showed up.

However, no one raised any objection to this.

If the skin is gone, how will the hair be attached?

If the Holy Land of Da Luo was attacked by Patriarch Shanwen and others and subsequently destroyed, how long could they survive the humiliation?

Moreover, Daluo Holy Land, as one of the eight major sects, stands proudly between heaven and earth, and has been passed down for more than 100,000 years. The sect has a strong sense of honor and mission, and will never allow them to retreat in any way.

So, without saying a word, everyone performed their duties and started running around silently.

Those responsible for observation observed, those responsible for lookout, and those responsible for controlling the formation operated it meticulously...

Under the guidance of Kunjia Master and Suzaku Altar Master, all the powerful real people from Daluo Holy Land began to connect together again. Since the battleship was about to enter the teleportation jump mode, they could no longer fly outside as before. Then they all gathered in the sky above the deck and flew around, like a group of orderly migratory birds.

"It's time for us to prepare!"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said to Chudie, Yudie and Ye Weilan beside him.

For them, if they do not care about morality, they can indeed just walk away, but this will not change the situation they face. If they cannot take advantage of the help of the Daluo Holy Land to deal with Patriarch Shanwen and others If the people launch a counterattack, how will they face their encirclement and suppression of the Dali Sword Sect in the future?

"How do you plan to fight?" Yudie asked directly without talking nonsense.

"Just act according to the situation!" Lu Yu said, "You have to look at the specific situation over there before talking!"

As he spoke, he flicked his finger, and a ball of light suddenly formed at his fingertips.

In the ball of light, there seemed to be lotus blossoms emerging, and there seemed to be countless stars flickering and annihilating. This was the aggregation of Taoist secrets he was about to perform. In the next new combination of skills, he would use this Taoist method as a guide. , cooperated with the three women to complete the combo skills.

The three women took steps at the same time and moved closer to him. At the same time, the three women each gathered their own Taoist secret light balls and joined Lu Yu.

The four light balls kept moving back and forth around the bodies of the four people in a strange rhythm, stirring up wisps of brilliant light.

This is not a real attack, it is just a process of mutual integration. Only at this time, the four mysteries are adjusted perfectly, even at the same frequency, and then when they are actually displayed, can the power of the combination be maximized. .

At this time, the four people stood on the same spot. Although they did not look as powerful as the fifty-eight real strong men above the deck, the power caused by the intertwining of the four light balls was not inferior to them. , I saw gusts of wind around me, forming vortex-shaped rays of light, causing many disciples to look back frequently.

Of course, this does not include the disciples responsible for long-distance jumps.

At this time, the actual control of the ship has been handed over to an elder named Peng. He is really the Jindan elder who was sent to the ship by Youzongtan to specialize in learning the craft of floating battleships. He can be regarded as the elder besides Lu Yu and others. , the highest person in charge of the Daluo Holy Land on the ship.

The landing point of the long-distance jump has already been decided, and Elder Peng has nothing to direct at this time. He just needs to keep an eye on it step by step and prevent everyone from making mistakes.

Soon, all the formations were prepared.

Elder Peng shouted loudly: "Everyone, please be ready! The remote jump will start soon!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire floating battleship suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of everyone disappeared, and the scene outside the ship became brilliant.

Lu Yu looked at the four light balls in front of him, and the glow was even more brilliant than the space barrier outside. He couldn't help but let out a breath and said, "I don't know what I will see after I go out for a while." Scene, I hope all this will not come in handy..."

Chudie and Ye Weilan didn't speak, they concentrated on sensing the light ball and making final preparations for a new combination of skills.

However, Yudie couldn't help but glance at him, and her pupils revealed a kind of bloodthirsty excitement: "I hope it can be put to use, it is best to make a big difference here... Guess this time Shanwen Will the Seventh Ancestor Wuya be among the ancestors’ helpers?”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

It seems that being imprisoned in Tianhuan Palace and being tortured for decades made her full of hatred for the original executioners. This hatred did not end with the death of Ming Wang Fa Zun.

Before Lu Yu had time to respond, the process of long-distance jumping was over. Suddenly there was a burst of light in front of his eyes. The floating battleship passed through the teleportation circle and came to a brand new world.

In order to avoid being accidentally injured by inexplicable circumstances, the battleship did not jump directly to the center of the Qinglong Shrine, but jumped to a slightly deviated position. The landing point was very precise, just on the boundary of the altar formation.

It seems that these disciples of Daluo Holy Land have become more and more precise in controlling various battleship formations...

However, Lu Yu had no time to admire this, and was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw the sky cracked inch by inch, revealing streaks of bright red fire, like torn wounds...

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