Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1077 Eagle Strikes the Sky

Pools of red viscous material resembling magma kept dripping from the cracks in the sky, looking like wounds bleeding.

One of the pools just happened to fall on the bow of the Gaoyang, instantly submerging half of the floating warship. Fortunately, there was a defensive barrier to block it, so no one was hurt, but it still frightened everyone. Looking around, their vision was covered with a thick red mist that had not dissipated for a long time.

Everyone had never seen such a shocking scene before. Needless to say, this must be the work of a strong Tiangang master. Even when Emperor Haoyan and Mingwang Fazun fought head-on in the central area of ​​Woyun Ancient City, the scene was not as shocking as this time, which shows the cruelty of this battle.

"Wise Envoy, this..."

Elder Peng was so confused that he didn't know how to command for a while.

"Maintain the defensive barrier, don't worry about the others, just keep moving forward!"

Lu Yu said without looking back, pointing forward.

The direction he pointed to was the area with the most dense cracks in the sky, and it was also the location of the Azure Dragon Holy Altar's formation.

Elder Peng received the order, and immediately, as if he had found his backbone, he issued the order in a hurry.

The floating warship continued to move forward, but after a moment, the defensive barrier cleared the red fog covering the bow. Only then did everyone see the situation ahead more clearly...

I saw that directly above the Azure Dragon Holy Altar, red viscous substances kept dripping down, like a torrential rain, madly washing the Holy Altar's formation.

And on the altar's execution ground, a blue dragon body formed by the convergence of light and shadow suddenly appeared, and under its light and shadow, there were disciples of the Azure Dragon Holy Altar who were gritting their teeth and eating.

Obviously, this blue dragon formed by the convergence of light and shadow was the core manifestation of the Holy Altar's formation here. Relying solely on the power of the Holy Altar's formation, it was completely unable to resist the red mucus dripping from the sky, and it had to rely on the disciples of the Azure Dragon Holy Altar to eat.

But even so, the head of the Azure Dragon has already stopped on the ground, drooping so low that it is almost buried in the soil, and it may be only one step away from complete collapse.

At the source of the red mucus dripping continuously, you can see pairs of big hands tumbling in it from time to time, some are blocking it, and some are deliberately digging it open, turning the whole world upside down...

It is not difficult to imagine that it is the place where the three Tiangang ancestors of the Daluo Holy Land are wrestling with the enemy. If it were not for their obstruction, I am afraid that the sky would have been completely pierced with a gap at this time. In that case, countless red mucus would pour down, and the Azure Dragon Holy Altar formation would be destroyed at that time.

The situation is already precarious.

However, everyone didn't know what to do. The battle in the sky at this time was not something they could participate in at all. Not to mention the enemy's Tiangang masters, even the three Tiangang ancestors of their own side didn't know where they were... Although the combination skills were brewed at this time, they didn't know where to start. They had all the strength, but didn't know where the target was.

Above the deck, the leader of the Azure Dragon Altar, Xin Bowei, was so anxious that his hair was full of sweat. The other real masters were in a similar state, and they frequently cast inquiring glances at Lu Yu. If they were not concerned about maintaining the formation of the combination skills, they would definitely rush over to ask Lu Yu for advice.

"Hey, Lu Yu..."

Even Yu Die, who has always been very opinionated, was at a loss this time, and could not help but whisper to Lu Yu.

"Shh - don't make noise!"

Lu Yu did not even turn his head.

Amidst the burning gazes, he closed his eyes instead.

"Keep moving forward!"

He closed his eyes tightly and pointed at the sky that was in chaos.

Yu Die was slightly startled: "What are you doing? At this time, you are still playing tricks?"

"Don't disturb him!" Chu Die warned in a stern voice.

She has been with Lu Yu for a long time, and knows his habits. She knows that he will never do meaningless things, especially at such a critical moment, and he will not shoot without purpose.

Moreover, Lu Yu, who had his eyes closed at this time, always gave her a very strange feeling... She couldn't help but think of the scene when he and Fairy Yao Ji joined forces in the underground of Tianhuan Palace and used their thoughts and consciousness to directly attack the Long Eyebrow Ancestor... In fact, her guess was correct. Lu Yu was imitating Fairy Yao Ji at that time and planned to determine the location of the other party's body through the search of thoughts and consciousness. Although Yao Ji was originally an immortal and had already cultivated her primordial spirit, and was far superior to him in terms of pure thought strength, he did not want to cut the other party's thoughts and consciousness into several pieces like her, but just locked the enemy's position, and already had a general direction, so he felt that he was still competent to this extent. However, Yudie didn't know all this, and she had never seen the two of them join forces to deal with the Long Eyebrow Ancestor. In addition, being glared at by her sister subconsciously aroused her rebellious heart, so she said disdainfully: "Tsk! Mysterious... Then I'll wait! I want to see what you are up to!" The floating battleship continued to move forward. Lu Yu's thoughts and consciousness were like the silent tentacles of a sea monster, and had already penetrated into the deep space.

At this time, the battle between several Tiangang masters had also entered a white-hot stage. The sky was full of scattered law fragments, and violent power was pouring out wantonly... Lu Yu couldn't see what the scene was like. He only had a hazy feeling, and at the same time, he felt a chill that penetrated his bones.

These chills were both familiar and unfamiliar to him, because he had had similar experiences before and clearly knew that the source of these chills was none other than Tiangang powerhouses.

Next, he only needs to search according to the map to find the "source" of these chills, and then he can locate the opponent...

However, that's not all he did.

Determining the opponent's position is not his ultimate goal. What he really wants to do is to resolve the crisis in one fell swoop. To do this, their next offensive must be accurate and ruthless, hitting the opponent's key position. OK……

Finally, Lu Yu caught the coldest one among the many chills.

Without hesitation, he immediately gathered all the "tentacles" transformed from his thoughts and traced back to the source of the coldness.

At the same time, standing on the ship, he suddenly opened his eyes, which seemed to be as sharp as an eagle.

"Everyone, please join me in attacking!"

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