Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1078 One sword opens the sky

The safe channel is open.

Lu Yu was the first to fly out, like a tiger emerging from a cave, rushing towards the cracks above his head.

The rest of the people followed closely behind, filing out from various safe passages and bucking the trend. Their momentum looked like a group of fish trying to jump over the dragon gate.

Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan were the first to catch up with Lu Yu. Their bodies merged into one place, and they were constantly entangled with each other during the flight. Their movement trajectory was like four balls of light that gathered together. No two.

The entire crimson sky could not suppress the circles of brilliant rays of light that erupted from the bodies of the four people.

"Draw out the sword!"

Lu Yu gave an order, and Dark Star's sword intention turned into a stream of light and slashed towards the deep sky.

Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan also followed suit and used their own special moves.

A sword transforms into a dragon.

One sword makes a phoenix.

One sword brings together thousands of sword shadows.

Coupled with Lu Yu's Dark Star Sword Intention, the four sword intensions flowed in parallel, sometimes intertwining with each other. After a long period of accumulation, they had already cooperated with each other tacitly, as if they were one integrated body.

The sword intent cuts into the deep space.

It suddenly erupted in the deep space, and the black hole transformed by the power of the dark stars appeared. Thousands of sword shadows spurted out from it, sweeping across the entire airspace, and then split into two, one side turning into yellow-orange. The real dragon turned into a red fire phoenix on one side, overlapped on the left and right, and the dragon and phoenix were majestic...

The Dark Star Sword Technique, the Great Linglong Sword Technique, the Great True Dragon Sword Technique and the Phoenix Dance in the Nine Heavens, four extremely powerful Tao techniques, are cleverly combined in an unprecedented way, achieving an almost perfect overlap of power. .

Under this perfect combination, even the laws of heaven were temporarily evaded.

In an instant, the clouds and mists dissipated and the sky opened wide.

Even the crimson "scars" that originally covered the sky have faded away, and it seems that the power of the four people's swords actually cut the sky in half.

The power of a sword is comparable to that of Kaitian!

One after another, tyrannical figures clearly appeared on the sky. There were ten figures in total. Among them, the figures of the three ancestors Gunlong, Zhaoyun, and Huitang were prominently listed. As for the other seven, needless to say, naturally They are Tiangang powerhouses gathered by Ancestor Shanwen.

Although not all nine Tiangang powerhouses are present, such a lineup is enough to be proud of the world.

It can be said that these ten Tiangang experts were in the midst of a fierce battle. They did not expect that someone would suddenly intervene at this moment, and in such an incredible way, all of their true identities were exposed. They were immediately stunned. Expressions appeared on everyone's faces at the same time.

"My dear fellows, the rest is up to you!"

Lu Yu stood in the void, withdrew his Feihong Sword and said loudly.

How could the fifty-eight real strong men in Daluo Holy Land not understand what he meant? Suddenly, they swarmed up, and the golden elixir-appearing figures flew past him, bombarding the combo skills that had been prepared.

As for the target of the attack, it was naturally the location that Lu Yu had already chosen.

It was only then that Lu Yu realized that the "source of coldness" he had locked with his mind and consciousness was actually not the ancestor of Shanwen, nor the body of any Tiangang strongman, but the power of these seven Tiangang strongmen. The core of the field created together.

Every Tiangang powerhouse can influence a wide range of areas, which Patriarch Gunlong has personally demonstrated before.

And these seven Tiangang experts don't know what kind of method they used, but they actually overlaid the fields that the seven people influenced into one place. It was under the influence of such a field that the sky seemed to be bleeding. , dripping red mucus continuously and launched an offensive towards the altar array below.

It can be said that this is a confrontation between the seven Tiangang powerhouses using this strange field and the altar formation. If it were not for the three ancestors Gunlong, Zhaoyun and Huitang sitting in charge, I am afraid that They had already succeeded.

But now, the combined skills performed by fifty-eight real-person experts happened to hit the key hub of this special field.

Although this combination technique is not as exquisite as the combination technique imitated from the Litian Sword Code, and no one among the fifty-eight real strong men has taken the elixir of Turtle Breath Shenglong, it is still an unparalleled power. Power, even the strong Tiangang can't beat its edge.

What's more, Lu Yu and others' combination skills had already opened the way before, and this offensive of fifty-eight real strong men could be said to have taken advantage of the right time and place, and hit the key point accurately and hard.

Suddenly, violent power poured into the sky.

A brilliant glow surged in the sky, and the strange laws were shattered inch by inch. This was not the original law between heaven and earth, but a law rewritten by the seven Tiangang experts, and the entire realm they had created completely collapsed.

The rain fell suddenly.

In every raindrop, there is a seven-color glow, which is the last afterglow of the collapse of the law...

Although the strange realm has been broken, the bodies of the seven Tiangang powerhouses have not been affected.

However, they also know that the situation is over at this time, and there is no area that the seven people have jointly built. If they want to fight against the Holy Altar Formation that has stood for more than 100,000 years in the Daluo Holy Land and has three Tiangang powerhouses sitting there, it is simply impossible. An impossible thing.

What's more, there are Lu Yu and others watching eagerly from the side. Although their cultivation is far from Tiangang, they still show amazing combat power...

"Three fellow Taoists, that's it for today!"

"You are lucky this time! You will be protected by your noble sect's altar array!"

"I hope you can learn the lesson from this time and don't interfere in the affairs of the Dali Sword Sect again, otherwise you won't be so polite today!"

There was a lingering sound in the sky, and the figures of the seven Tiangang powerhouses finally gradually disappeared into the invisible...

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