Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1081 Death is coming

Because of this, when he was at the Azure Dragon Altar, Yue Xiujun let Lu Yu kill him out of despair.

If I die at the hands of that evil star, I won't have to face all this again.

It's a pity that Lu Yu didn't follow her advice...

And she couldn't choose to commit suicide, because that was tantamount to another form of betrayal. The family's sense of mission prevented her from doing such a thing, and secretly encouraging Lu Yu to do it was her bottom line.

Seeing that Yue Xiujun didn't speak, Ancestor Shanwen continued: "Besides, did their sacrifice just save you?"

His eyes were as bright as fire. As he spoke, he looked Yue Xiujun up and down, his sharp eyes seeming to look at her five possessions and six palaces.

"Without their sacrifice, how could your "Phantom Spirit Technique" have improved to another level? Now it is approaching the state of great success!"

"From a certain point of view, I would also like to thank that Lu Yu... Your cultivation progress has always been too smooth, and you lacked the polishing in adversity. I didn't expect that this experience of being trapped in the enemy's hands actually made you It’s a completely new breakthrough in Kung Fu, which is an unexpected surprise!”

"It's a pity that we didn't capture the leader of the Da Luo Holy Land, nor did we capture their altar array... Otherwise, if there were more people buried with him, maybe you would be able to use the "Phantom Spiritual Mind Technique" in one fell swoop. Cultivation has reached the state of great success!”

At the end, Patriarch Shanwen couldn't help showing a look of regret.

Only then did Yue Xiujun know that during the period when he fell into a coma after the six warships were sacrificed, Patriarch Shanwen had already had a fierce battle with Daluo Holy Land.

She couldn't help but ask: "That Lu is he doing now?"

"Still living well for the time being..."

Ancestor Shanwen sighed again.

Then, after the six battleships were sacrificed, the evolution of all events was roughly described.

In the end, he couldn't help but praise Lu Yu: "This boy is indeed not to be underestimated. He has connected many Jindan Daoist people with his own efforts, allowing them to complete an unparalleled and exquisite cooperation, which made me and the other six None of the fellow Taoists can do anything about it..."

"If given time, when this son becomes more mature, I am afraid that no one in the world will be able to cure him... Therefore, now is the perfect time to cut him off! If you miss this opportunity, I am afraid it will never be possible again in the future. There’s a chance!”

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but think of the attitude of the three Tiangang ancestors of Daluo Holy Land towards Lu Yu.

Although she did not agree with Patriarch Shanwen's decision, out of loyalty to her family, she still allowed her to say without reservation: "That Lu Yu is very clever. He used Fairy Yaoji as bait to manipulate people in the Daluo Holy Land. , has already convinced the entire Da Luo Holy Land faction to be convinced by him, your last warning is probably of no use..."

Then, she told Ancestor Shanwen everything she saw and heard in the Daluo Holy Land, as well as Lu Yu's various methods.

Patriarch Shanwen was slightly startled.

Listening to Yue Xiujun's story, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle more and more tightly.

He never expected that Lu Yu, a small person from the Guihai Realm, would get involved with Fairy Yaoji and cause such a huge storm in the Daluo Holy Land. He also did not expect that he would have such a great influence on the Daluo Holy Land. The influence has been so deep.

In this way, they made some miscalculations this time... With Fairy Yao Ji emboldening them behind the scenes, I'm afraid that the three old guys in Daluo Holy Land may not be willing to be lonely, and besides, they are not the ones who are willing to keep their peace in the first place!

After listening to Yue Xiujun's entire story, Patriarch Shanwen fell into a long silence.

After a while, when he was about to speak.

But at this moment, a brilliant stream of colorful light fell from the sky and flew towards him.

Ancestor Shanwen stretched out his hand, firmly caught the stream of light in his hand, and slowly opened his palm. It turned out to be a communication talisman.

Yue Xiujun looked at the communication talisman and felt a sense of déjà vu, but he couldn't tell where it was familiar.

"What? Does it look familiar?"

Ancestor Shanwen smiled and said: "No doubt, this is exactly the message sent by your husband, the head of the family. You also know the current environment. Many Tiangang powerful men have come and returned, and Xiao Zhong is negotiating a very important matter. For safety reasons, I sent him a brand new method to prevent the communication between us from being intercepted by others..."

As he spoke, he unfolded the summons, and after just a quick glance, the expression on his face became richer.

Yue Xiujun looked at the beaming Ancestor Shanwen, and couldn't help but feel very curious. She didn't know what her husband said in the summons, which actually made this unfathomable Ancestor beam with joy.

After a while, Patriarch Shanwen finally revealed the answer to the mystery.

I just heard him laughing and saying: "It seems that we don't have to think about Daluo Holy Land anymore. No matter what choice they make, it doesn't matter anymore..."

"Because Bixiao Shrine has also decided to take action against the Dali Sword Sect. No matter how hard they struggle, their death has come!"

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