Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1082 Healing injuries with water

In the Daluo Holy Land, people were moving back and forth without stopping for a moment, creating a tense and busy scene.

Although the situation is already very serious, moving the army far away is not a simple matter after all. Combat preparation integration, personnel deployment, route planning, intelligence collection, march plan, logistics supply, rear rear stay... all kinds of things are complicated. , it is not possible to just leave with just one order. There will be a delay of at least three or two days.

Especially at this time, Daluo Holy Land had just suffered an unprecedented powerful attack. Although the altar formation was not captured, there were many disciples injured as a result. In addition, Tao Jinran, who had narrowly escaped being attacked by many powerful Tiangang men, was also seriously injured.

Therefore, there are still many aftermaths to deal with.

"The situation of our master's master is quite serious... I have heard for a long time that the wise envoy has exquisite Taoism and superb medical skills. He used the 'Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique' in the Dali Sword Sect to cure many Jindan masters who were dying. I wonder if I can ask the wise envoy to give our master a good hand this time?"

In the Qinglong Holy Altar, a real strong man with profound cultivation and wearing a purple robe spoke to Lu Yu with sincerity on his face.

This person is Gui Yunzuo, the master of the Xuanwu Holy Altar, and behind him is Du Qishang, the most outstanding true disciple of Daluo Holy Land.

Because the Xuanwu Holy Altar is extremely supportive of Lu Yu's strategy, and as the eldest disciple Du Qishang has already shown his attitude of seeking war, the entire Xuanwu Holy Altar is extremely enthusiastic about fighting, so they have already prepared for the battle in advance. While the entire sect was busy with their preparations, they were able to relax and start taking charge of affairs outside the Xuanwu Altar.

The two people came here specifically to ask Lu Yu to save Tao Jinran.

I just don’t know how the news spread. After the battle on the Golden Rooster Islands, he did cure more than a dozen real people who were dying. This incident made his reputation unparalleled for a while... But the method he used The method is not one of the thirty-six magical techniques, the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique!

Not to mention him, including sisters Chudie and Yudie, none of the three of them have mastered this powerful Taoist method that is famous among the eight major sects.

Lu Yu turned around and looked at each other, sisters Chu Dieshi and Yudie, and said, "Master Gui Tan, I'm afraid I misunderstood something. I haven't actually understood the 'Zhou Guang Water Dividing Technique'... However, I have Other healing methods are also very effective, so you might as well try treating Master Tao first!”

After saying that, he followed the two people outside.

Originally, he had planned to take advantage of this time to start refining the elixir, but now he had to give it up for the time being.

In any case, Tao Jinran is the real leader after all, and his status is extraordinary. This time he was injured in order to cooperate with the surprise attack plan he proposed. Regardless of emotion or reason, he cannot just sit idly by and ignore this.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the Chongming Palace located in the Main Altar of the Daluo Holy Land. This was where the real masters of the Daluo Holy Land had been seated. At this time, Tao Jinran had been urgently transferred here.

Chongming Palace is very beautifully built and looks majestic and magnificent.

But this place, as the home of past sect masters, possesses more than just grandeur. There are also many unique magical formations, which are full of mystery. If there is really a threat of external invasion, Lu Yu will not be able to do anything. There is no doubt that this palace will become the most impregnable and impregnable fortress in the world in an instant.

However, Lu Yu had no time to appreciate the subtle details at this time. Under the guidance of Gui Yunzuo and Du Qishang, he passed directly through the dense guards and reached the interior of the palace unimpeded. Tao Jin Before he went to bed, he checked his injuries.

Lu Yu switched his sight to the special field of view of the Lotus Medical Scripture. After a few quick glances, he immediately grasped the condition of Tao Jinran's injury.

Leaving aside the minor injuries, the most important thing is the seven penetrating injuries on his body. These seven injuries all struck from the back, directly penetrated his body, and injured the internal organs, extra meridians and eight meridians.

The extremely domineering and fierce determination still remained in the wounds, indicating that these injuries were caused by direct strikes from the power of Tiangang. Through these wounds, it was not difficult for Lu Yu to piece together the specific process of his injuries in his mind...

Obviously, Tao Jinran should have had a premonition that something was not going to happen at that time, so he turned back and evacuated immediately, but the strong Tiangang man still pursued him from behind. In order to escape, he did not dodge the opponent's attack at all, so he was directly hit from behind by the power of Tiangang. Pierce.

If anyone else had suffered such an injury, he would have been seriously injured and died, but Tao Jinran's cultivation was far beyond compare, so for him, such an injury was not an incurable disease.

The injury is not complicated, just a bit serious. With Tao Jinran's own strength, it should take several years to recover. If the three Tiangang ancestors help, this time will be greatly shortened.

But in this current situation, how could he wait for several years? Even the three Tiangang Ancestors, who had suffered a lot of damage from the battle just now, were seizing the time to recover and had no time to distract him from healing his injuries.

"Wise Envoy, I wonder how our master's situation is going? Can you think of any way to treat him?"

Seeing that Lu Yu just glanced at the unconscious Tao Jinran, and then remained silently in a daze without making any further movements for a long time, Gui Yunzuo couldn't help but ask.

There were several Jindan elders from the general altar in the room who were responsible for guarding the place at this time, and they all looked at Lu Yu eagerly.

Although they did not speak, Lu Yu could tell from their eyes that the reason why these people's eyes were so eager was probably because they were directed at the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique... Unfortunately, they could only be disappointed this time. .

He caught everyone's attention and asked, "I wonder if there is a lake near here?"


Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu couldn't figure out what to do with the lake. Did he need to choose a place when using the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique?

Lu Yu looked at the expressions on the faces of several people and knew the answer in his heart, so he added: "It doesn't have to be a lake, a larger river will do, as long as it is a place with a water source."

"There is a Yuquan River twenty miles away. It is used to divert water to irrigate the sect's medicinal fields. It was specially dug by the Zongtan who mobilized thousands of people. The water potential is quite rich..."

As Gui Yunzuo said, he couldn't help showing a confused expression: "But...what does the wise envoy need water for?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Of course it is guided by the power of water to heal the wounds of the Master!"

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