Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1083 A two-pronged approach

The purpose of Lu Yu's search for water was naturally to use the power of water and the power of red lotus to heal Tao Jinran's injuries.

The best good is like water, water benefits all things without any struggle.

The famous Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique actually makes use of this property of water to achieve unparalleled therapeutic effects.

When he was in Guoyun Ancient City before, he had already tried to use the power of water and the power of red lotus to treat Ye Weilan, who was beaten all over by the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng. The effect was very significant. He had no reason to Discard it at this time.

Soon, everyone took Tao Jinran to the Yuquan River twenty miles away.

After arriving here, Lu Yu realized that Gui Yunzuo's words were too subtle.

Although this place is excavated manually, it is designed extremely exquisitely, with nine twists and turns, folded between the mountains. The mighty water winds around the mountains like a spiritual snake, and above the mountains are pieces of medicine. field.

This Yuquan River not only brings the convenience of water conservancy and irrigation, but also connects the spiritual energy between the mountains. It gathers in one place and flows into the medicinal fields in a very strange way... Because in the 30s With the existence of the six holy altar formations, the spiritual energy in the Daluo Holy Land is already extremely rich, but the richness of the spiritual energy here is the highest in the entire Daluo Holy Land. How can this be described by "rich water potential"? ?

But that's a good thing...

The richer the spiritual energy, the more conducive it is for him to perform lotus water therapy - yes, he has temporarily named this healing method that combines the power of water and the power of red lotus as lotus water therapy.

"Xianshi, what's next?"

Standing by the Yuquan River surrounding the mountains, everyone couldn't help but ask Lu Yu again.

"Please put the Master Master into the river!"

Lu Yu answered very simply.


Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Originally, they were full of doubts when they heard that Lu Yu was not going to use the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique. Now he wanted to throw Tao Jinran into the river. This sounded too unreliable... They had never I have never heard of such an incredible healing method.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, am I still here to harm the master? Or do you think that with the strength of the master, you will be drowned in this river?"

Everyone was doubtful, but thinking of Lu Yu's huge reputation and a series of feats he had done recently, they finally pushed Tao Jinran into the Yuquan River.

The rushing river quickly swept Tao Jinran away.

Seeing that everyone was about to be swept away by the crowd, Lu Yu still didn't react at all. He only had his eyes slightly closed and a smile on his face, as if he was in an intoxicated state...

"Xianshi, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Gui Yunzuo asked nervously.

Lu Yu sighed with emotion: "The achievements of your sect in the spirit gathering array are truly ingenious. This is truly an excellent place for cultivation!"

After saying that, he opened his eyes suddenly, and amid the astonished expressions on Gui Yunzuo's and others' faces, he suddenly raised his hand, and a red lotus flew out and fell into the water. The river was suddenly stirred, powerful The whirlpool automatically brought Tao Jinran back, who had gradually drifted away.

This first red lotus was like a charge signal, and then more red lotuses shot out from Lu Yu's fingertips one after another.

In an instant, the banks of the Yuquan River looked like a peach forest in March and April, with countless fallen flowers blooming all over the place, and the swirling red lotuses kept falling into the river.

Red lotuses grow when they meet water, and they multiply and bloom continuously. In just a short time, the river is filled with red lotuses in full bloom, and these red lotuses are still multiplying and blooming, like this If the momentum continues, I am afraid that the entire Yuquan River will be completely covered by red lotus.

Such a scene can't help but make everyone marvel.

You must know that the red lotus is not a phantom, but a collection of true essences. It is extremely difficult to condense the true essence into an entity. However, it is possible to condense the true essence into a lotus-like shape. Entity, and it is still of such a huge scale, does this mean how powerful his power must be?

In addition, the red lotus grows when it touches the water, spreading all over the river like splashing ink. This scene may seem effortless, but what is revealed behind it is Lu Yu's extremely fine and exquisite ability to control the true essence.

This is like an ordinary person. The most delicate movement is to control his ten fingers, but Lu Yu can make every hair on his body retract and relax freely. The difference between them can be seen just by thinking about it. It's chilling.

Until this moment, no one doubted Lu Yu's ability.

Although it was their first time to see such a scene and they didn't know what the principle behind it was, the majestic spirit displayed in front of them already made them full of confidence in Lu Yu.

Even the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique, I'm afraid it won't be more magnificent than the scene in front of you!

The lotus flower keeps spreading.

After a while, not only the river in front of everyone, but also the entire river winding around the mountain, as well as the medicinal fields on the mountain, and wherever the spiritual energy gathered were all covered by red lotus flowers.

In addition to being amazed in everyone's hearts, there is still only amazement...

Lu Yu had no doubt that Tao Jinran's injuries could be successfully treated using lotus water therapy.

The only thing to worry about is that this will also expose the secrets of his internal skills.

But this is not a big problem. The secret of the Nine-turn Nirvana Technique has not been exposed for the first time. It is nothing if it is exposed again in this Daluo Holy Land. After all, at this time, he is no longer as weak as he was at the beginning. Will let others make it round or flat.

In this case, why not go one step further?

At the thought of this, Lu Yu suddenly stopped moving and suddenly turned back to look at Gui Yunzuo and the others.

Gui Yunzuo and others couldn't help but be startled.

Originally, they were still thinking about how far Lu Yu could spread the red lotus bloom, but they didn't expect that he suddenly stopped.

"Xianshi...has it been completed?" Everyone asked in surprise.

Lu Yu said: "I'm not a god, how can I be so fast? After all, this is an injury caused by the power of Tiangang. It won't take a few days for the wound to heal, but there will still be symptoms left, which will cause endless troubles..."

"Then...what do you need us to do?"

Lu Yu said: "Actually, there is nothing to do. It's just that the length of time to heal Master Tao this time is probably a bit beyond my expectation. Anyway, I am idle, so why not find something to do..."

"I plan to take advantage of this period of time to heal Master Tao's injuries while condensing the true energy in my body. However, I am afraid that this will consume a lot of your sect's spiritual energy resources. I hope you can agree to this!"

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly shocked again.

Healing and practicing at the same time...can these two things be done at the same time?

"Isn't this dangerous?" Gui Yunzuo asked.

Lu Yu said: "The technique I practice is very special, and the process of practice is also different from ordinary people. For others, practice and healing are two different things, but for me, it is just the same thing... So, please, please Don’t worry, I can’t tell you what the effect of the practice will be, but Master Tao’s treatment will definitely not be affected.”

After hearing Lu Yu's assurance, everyone finally felt relieved.

Although there is no real basis for his guarantee, his performance just now has completely conquered everyone. As long as he dares to say it, everyone dares to believe it.

"In that case, please do what you want, wise envoy! You can use the spiritual energy resources here as you wish!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly.

What he was waiting for was this sentence from the other party...

He no longer hesitated at that moment, his body flew out and floated on the Yuquan River.

In an instant, thousands of lotus flowers flew up, and the water of the Yuquan River traced across the sky, soaring and coiling in the air like a water dragon.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth rolls in from all directions.

Gui Yunzuo and others immediately looked at each other in shock.

At this moment, they suddenly felt a bad feeling in their hearts...

Could it be that...this is what Lu Yu calls "a lot of spiritual energy resources consumed"?

This is really a lot!

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