Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1087 Lines such as sea and sky

Under the mountains, on the Yuquan River.

Lu Yu had no idea about the arrangement of the three Tiangang ancestors in the sky.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't pay attention to it at all. At this time, he was completely focused on tempering his true energy. As long as it didn't affect his cultivation, he would do it even if the three old guys stabbed the sky down. Not to care.

Returning to the sea is divided into four stages: clear sky, darkness, sea and sky lines, and emptiness and silence.

What these four words describe is the gradual transformation process of the true energy in the body.

At the beginning, the sea of ​​true energy in the body is as flat as a mirror and the sky is clear. This is the early stage of the Return to the Sea Realm, corresponding to the first to third levels of the Return to the Sea Realm.

Later, as the true essence continued to accumulate, the sea of ​​true essence in the body gradually became rippled, like clouds, wind and rain. This process needs to ensure that the sea of ​​true energy in the body generates tides at a fixed frequency, one after another, and remains stable in dynamics. Only in this way can it be considered the completion of this stage.

This is the middle stage of Guihai Realm, for the fourth to sixth levels of Guihai Realm.

Lu Yu is currently at this stage.

Next, as the true essence continues to accumulate, the tide in the sea of ​​true essence within the body will become more and more violent. Eventually, the momentum of the true essence wave will reach its peak and be as high as the sky. Now we have entered the stage where the sea and sky are equal to each other. This is The late stage of Guihai Realm corresponds to the seventh to ninth levels of Guihai Realm.

As for the final emptiness and silence, it is the state of great success in returning to the sea. The true essence in the body has returned to its original state, making it difficult to distinguish between virtual and real. The sea of ​​true essence is no longer a sea, but has become an empty valley. Make the final preparations by concluding the golden elixir. This is the tenth level of returning to the sea.

The last time he practiced at Jade Butterfly Peak, Lu Yu had caused thousands of lotus flowers to melt into the sea of ​​tranquility, causing the wave of true energy in his body to flow endlessly. Now that thousands of lotus flowers are flying in the air, it's just him. The scene of the sea of ​​true energy in his body is just exposed to the outside - the Nine-turn Nirvana Technique is too miraculous, and the amount of his true energy is too huge, so it must be tempered in this way.

Under the blessing of the thirty-six altars, spiritual energy from heaven and earth rolled in from all directions, causing the size of the sea of ​​true essence in his body to grow rapidly. In just half a day, he successfully returned to the sea. The fourth level of the realm was successfully promoted to the sixth level of the Guihai realm.

However, Lu Yu will not be satisfied with this improvement.

After entering the middle stage of Guihai Realm, as long as the spiritual energy resources are sufficient, it is a logical thing for him to be promoted from the fourth level to the sixth level of Guihai Realm. It is rare that the spiritual energy resources here are so sufficient, and there are thirty-six altars. The large formation gathered spirits for him, which was the perfect opportunity to break through to the late stage of Guihai Realm.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't be promoted to the late stage of Guihai Realm here, his chances would be even slimmer if he moved to other places.

Moreover, the recent series of battles have greatly expanded his horizons. It can be said that it has given him a new understanding of the path of cultivation. This is when he can't help but want to boldly try and practice.

Therefore, after entering the sixth level of Guihai Realm, Lu Yu did not stop and immediately launched an attack on the seventh level.

Until this moment, it was the true beginning of his practice, and it also meant that he had reached the most dangerous moment.

Lu Yu continued to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth rushing in from all directions, and turned it into his own true essence. He used this as a driving force to continuously push the tide of true essence in his body, causing it to set off one high wave after another. .

This scene, reflected in the external vision of heaven and earth, is a red storm that keeps twisting, like an unruly giant python.

This giant python seems to be in danger of collapsing at any time!

Lu Yu carefully guarded the spiritual platform, sharpened his Taoist heart, and had no distracting thoughts.

He put aside all grudges, gains and losses, successes and failures. All he could think about was how to tame the unruly true energy in his body, and his whole spirit entered an ethereal realm.

The predecessors have already pointed out the way, and the lines such as sea and sky are the key nodes to break through the seventh level.

But within the human body, there is only the Dantian Qi sea, so where does the sky come from?

Since there is no sky, why not create one yourself?

Human beings are born in compliance with heaven and earth. The human body itself is a seamless system of heaven and earth. Every place can be heaven, and every place can be earth.

"Heaven" and "Earth" are inherently in the human body and are not changed by external objects. Everything will be defined by oneself!

When he thought of this, Lu Yu's thoughts suddenly became clear.

Suddenly, the tide of true energy in his body rolled back.

Within the human body, there is heaven and earth.

There is no place that cannot be heaven, and no place cannot be earth. Wherever the wave of true energy reaches, there is heaven and earth.

In an instant, the true energy wave in the body turned over. The original tranquil sea of ​​true energy was no longer a sea, but waves that were constantly churning and rotating. The waves were constantly chasing and rotating, and naturally they reached the level of the sea and the sky. .

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Yu finally understood that the so-called "line between sea and sky" was actually an arc...

The red storm in the sky also stabilized.

If you distinguish it carefully, you can find that this storm has turned into circular loops composed of red lotuses. Some of the loops are spinning forward, and some are counter-rotating. In a very strange combination, they achieve perfection. of harmony and unity.

A moment later, blossoming red lotuses fell from the sky and all entered Lu Yu's body.

At this moment, Lu Yu understood that he had successfully entered the seventh level of Guihai Realm.

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