Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1088 Blood Sacrifice Formation

"You actually succeeded..."

A surprised and slightly emotional voice sounded below Lu Yu.

Lu Yu lowered his head and saw that it was Tao Jinran, the real person in charge of teaching, who was soaking in the Yuquan River. At this time, he had woken up and was looking at him with an extremely complicated look, which included shock, amazement, and relief. , confused, worried... all-encompassing and extremely complicated!

He was not in a coma originally, but the injury was too serious and he had to go all out to resist the trauma caused by the power of Tiangang, so he sealed himself up.

In the process of Lu Yu's cultivation just now, as the true essence continued to condense, thousands of red lotuses continued to pass through his body. Their momentum was like spring breeze turning into rain, which had already completely healed the wounds in his body. Therefore, he was naturally fine.

However, although the injury has healed, the energy lost will not be restored, so his body is still very weak. Under such circumstances, it is a better choice to continue soaking in the Yuquan River to adjust his breath.

After all, with Lu Yu's true energy drive, the thirty-six altar formations responded. An endless stream of heaven and earth spiritual energy surged in from all directions, and this Yuquan River was originally where Lu Yu drove the heaven and earth spiritual energy. An important part, the scale of the spiritual energy contained in it has reached an unprecedented level. As long as he soaks in it, it will be of great benefit, so he naturally follows the trend.

Because of this, it can be said that he "witnessed" the entire promotion process of Lu Yu in a true sense, and was even more deeply shocked by the mysterious and majestic power of Lu Yu's skills.

For a moment, he even fell into self-doubt. He felt that the technique he practiced could be described as crude, with flaws everywhere, and that every step of the path he had taken so far was a mistake...

Fortunately, his Taoist heart was strong enough and he found himself in time at the last moment, thus avoiding the tragedy of the skill collapsing on its own.

However, with his status as the majestic master of Daluo Holy Land, and having practiced for hundreds of years, his Taoist heart was shaken by Lu Yu who was only in the Return to Sea Realm. This in itself shows that this sect comes from outside the Nine Heavens. What an astonishing level this skill has reached.

Therefore, when he saw Lu Yu finally controlling the red lotus in the sky and successfully promoted to a new level of cultivation, he showed such a complicated expression.

"I would also like to thank Headmaster Tao and all the Da Luo Holy Land teachers for their support!" Lu Yu said calmly.

This is not a courtesy, it is a fact.

He used his true energy to activate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, causing the thirty-six altar formations to respond accordingly. Although it seemed that he was imposing, in fact, the connection he established with the thirty-six altar formations was very strong. It's weak. As long as everyone in Daluo Holy Land is willing, they can stop such a response at any time.

But in fact, from the beginning to the end, for several days, no one stopped responding to the altar formation. It must be said that this was indeed the fulfillment of Daluo Holy Land for him.

Of course, most of this was due to the fact that Tao Jinran needed Lu Yu to heal his injuries. Everyone was afraid to act rashly, but after all, the benefits Lu Yu received were real.

"Master Master, your injuries are no longer serious, right?"

Lu Yu's body slowly fell, and he floated in front of Tao Jinran, asking with concern.

Although he was extremely confident in his lotus water therapy, he still needed to check it again.

"It doesn't matter." Tao Jinran shook his head and said.

At this time, the water in the Yuquan River receded rapidly. The reason why this artificially dug river can be surrounded by mountains with mighty water is entirely because of the strong spiritual energy that continues to surge. Now that Lu Yu has completed his practice, The surrounding spiritual energy has been drained by him, and accordingly the water power of the river has disappeared forever.

Seeing this scene, Tao Jinran did not feel any regret, but said with infinite emotion: "To this day, I always understand why she chose you... Maybe, only you can deal with those people!"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He could understand the first half of the sentence. This "she" must refer to Fairy Yao Ji. As for the second half of the sentence, what did it mean?

"Which people?"

Tao Jinran took a deep look and said: "The technique you practiced today really opened my eyes. Although I witnessed the entire process of your practice at close range, there are still many things that I cannot see. Where I understand, I intuitively understand the depth of it, and just thinking about it sends chills down my spine..."

"But this is not the first time I have felt like this. Just a few days ago, thousands of miles away in the eastern sea, I had a similar feeling..."

Lu Yu's heart suddenly moved, and he naturally thought of the battle a few days ago, the scene where six floating battleships self-destructed and sacrificed...

"You want to talk about the offensive of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect that day? What exactly did you see at that time?"

At that time, the Gaoyang was head-on with the opponent's six-pointed star array, and its sight was completely obscured by the strong light. Then it quickly started a long-distance jump and fled in a hurry. It was not clear what happened after the strong light. All she knew was that Yue Xiujun was inexplicable. The ground is missing...

But Tao Jinran, who was behind the opponent's formation, must have seen clearly what happened at that time!

Tao Jinran showed a helpless smile: "Didn't I say it before? It's something I can't understand at all. If I have to describe it in words, let's just call it a 'blood array'!"

"Blood array?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

Tao Jinran nodded and continued to explain: "After the six floating battleships detonated themselves, the huge force opened up a very strange space in the center of the six-pointed star array. Fortunately, the battleships you were driving evacuated in time. Otherwise, even if you are lucky enough to survive the force of the explosion, you will definitely be sucked into that space..."

"In that space, at first glance, it is an endless sea of ​​blood, but if you pay more attention for a moment, you will find that there is a lot of mystery..."

"The surface of the blood sea is not static. There are circles of strange ripples rippling in it. These ripples form a very complex and exquisite formation. It is a formation that I cannot understand at all. I can only feel it in it. Mysterious... just like how I felt when I witnessed your cultivation process!"

"Subsequently, many disciples of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect walked into the formation, and one by one they committed suicide and died generously. Their bodies turned into a sea of ​​blood... and then, the one you captured Mrs. Zhong also appeared in the blood array..."

"Yue Xiujun?"

Lu Yu couldn't help being shocked.

"How did she appear in that bloody formation?"

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