Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1089 Chills down the spine

Tao Jinran shook his head and said: "I don't know... I think there should be some deep connection between them, but with my ability, I can't see through the mystery at all."

Lu Yu was silent for a while, but he couldn't help but secretly think in his heart that the "deep connection" among them was probably related to the mysterious "Three Illusions"...

After all, he had placed a restriction on Yue Xiujun, and he knew exactly what she was and what she was not.

Apart from the "Three Illusions" that he still couldn't understand, he really couldn't think of any other reason why Yue Xiujun disappeared from the Gaoyang and then reappeared in the blood formation out of thin air.

"What's next?" Lu Yu asked.

Tao Jinran said: "Next, the blood array started to move in a very strange way. With Mrs. Zhong as the center, billowing waves of blood rolled up around it, and the size of the entire sea of ​​​​blood quickly shrank..."

"I also can't understand what happened in the middle. The only thing I can be sure of is that Madam Zhong is absorbing the power contained in the sea of ​​blood, including the power of those disciples who committed suicide..."

"Those disciples of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect who sacrificed themselves were not particularly powerful in themselves, but after being blessed by the blood array, they were all returned to Madam Zhong on a scale of ten or a hundred times. Even at that time, I Even though we were far away from her, we could clearly feel the surge of spiritual energy in her body."

"But even so, Mrs. Zhong still seems not satisfied, or it should be said that the people behind the scenes who are leading all this are still not satisfied. They set their target on me... A team wearing black armor and wrapped around The dead warriors with black arrogance rushed out from the rushing blood waves and started chasing me, trying to pull me into the blood array and turn me into nutrients..."

Hearing this, Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled and said: "So, it was this group of dead soldiers who rushed out of the blood formation that injured you like this before, and not Ancestor Shanwen. Waiting for someone?”

Tao Jinran said: "That group of dead soldiers is extremely powerful. The weapons in his hands and the armor on his body are all made of special inscriptions. As long as they form a certain formation, they can activate the power of Tiangang. They can deal with me." It’s already done, so why bother with Patriarch Shanwen and others to do it themselves?”

"However, the more important reason, I think, is that they want to turn me into a nutrient in the blood formation, so the team of dead soldiers must do it themselves, as if to complete a specific ritual. Only in this way will my cultivation be sucked into the blood formation..."

"So, those Tiangang strong men did not attack me directly, they just activated a field to trap me in it, allowing me to fight with that group of dead soldiers."

"Fortunately, Ancestor Zhaoyun and others came to support in time and opened a hole in that area, allowing me to escape with the help of the treasures of the Zhensect passed down by ancestors in Daluo Holy Land. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been No chance of coming back here.”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned.

Unexpectedly, his previous guess was wrong. It was not the strong Tiangang who injured him like this, but a group of powerful dead soldiers who could activate the power of Tiangang when assembled in a special way...

However, from Tao Jinran's description of this group of dead soldiers, he couldn't help but feel familiar.

"Let me guess, are this group of dead soldiers all riding Pegasus? Moreover, even the Pegasus they are riding are covered in black armor?"

Tao Jinran couldn't help but be startled and looked at Lu Yu in surprise.

Lu Yu looked at the expression on his face and continued: "Could the leader of this group of dead soldiers happen to be the master of Ice King Island, Lan Qianqiu?"

Tao Jinran stared in astonishment, the expression on his face clearly becoming more surprised.

"So you all know..."

It seems that his guess was indeed correct!

This group of dead soldiers was the Ice King Island Master and others who had intercepted him in Cangyuan Continent. At that time, his side was already at the end of its strength. They almost discovered their whereabouts, but were eventually defeated by Lian Gu's acting skills. Successfully deceived the past.

Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and said, "We are all old friends..."

Strictly speaking, Lu Yu has never actually spoken a word directly to the owner of Ice King Island, but the entanglement between the two can be said to be extremely complicated, and it is not too much to sum it up with the phrase "old friend".

Looking back now, the last encounter was really dangerous!

He didn't expect at all at the time that the opponent would be able to activate the power of Tiangang after forming a formation. Otherwise, if he really took action at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But what really shocked Lu Yu was not that the Ice King Island Master showed up again, but the shocking secret hidden behind this incident!

When he was in Cangyuan Continent, Lu Yu could clearly sense that the aura emanating from the Ice King Island Master and others was coming from the same power as the Red Moon Lord. Moreover, in the battle of the Golden Rooster Islands, the Ice King Island Master and Li Wangji After fighting to the death, it was Chiyue Zun who suddenly rushed out and saved his only remaining head...

Therefore, Lu Yu had already concluded in his heart that the resurrection of Ice King Island Master and others was definitely related to Lord Chiyue. It was very likely that they had been demonized by Lord Chiyue...

But now, the owner of the Ice King Island and others, armed with the magic power of the Scarlet Moon, rushed out of the blood array... Doesn't this mean that the "blood array" is actually inseparable from the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect? relationship.

But Lu Yu understood very well that the person behind the "Blood Array" this time was not Lord Chiyue, but Ancestor Shanwen... He was very sure about this, otherwise the relationship between him and Lord Chiyue would be Because of his grievances, I'm afraid that all the offensives will be directed towards him, and they will definitely not attack the formation of the Qinglong Holy Altar.

In this case, it would be interesting!

Patriarch Shanwen and Lord Chiyue can also drive the magic power of Chiyue, so what is the relationship between them?

Lu Yu had fought against Lord Chiyue, and he knew clearly that Lord Chiyue was not a Tiangang realm cultivator. At least until he recovered all the Blood Moon Eclipse, he could not be a Tiangang strongman. Meaning they can't be the same person.

The blood array is related to the magic power of Scarlet Moon, which means that the "Three Illusion Laws" are related to the magic power of Scarlet Moon, and the "Three Illusion Laws" were created by Patriarch Shanwen... So what is the relationship between Patriarch Shanwen and the Scarlet Moon Demon Cult? What kind of relationship is it?

cooperate? use? Hire? Or is it an alliance that has some kind of agreement?

Thinking back to the rumors, Patriarch Shanwen comprehended the Great Dao eight hundred years ago and cultivated eight hundred and eighty-eight mysterious bodies. Such powerful skills that are obviously far beyond the normal scope may also not belong to this category. A world of one side... So could this connection between them begin eight hundred years ago? It was precisely because they reached an agreement that Patriarch Shanwen obtained such an unprecedented and powerful technique?

Thinking of these silently in his heart, not to mention Tao Jin burning across from him, even Lu Yu couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine.

However, Tao Jinran had no way of knowing what Lu Yu was thinking in his heart, and said with emotion: "Even now, looking back on the original scene, I still don't know how to break their formation. This time, it was the Zhenpai's treasure who saved the life." I, how can we think of escaping again and again when two armies are facing each other?”

"What's more, there is Mrs. Zhong. After being nourished by that strange blood formation, she should have been reborn and entered a new realm. I am afraid she will be even more difficult to deal with than that group of dead soldiers..."

"Thankfully I have you!"

Tao Jinran changed his tone and looked at Lu Yu eagerly: "Now that you have some understanding of their origins, you will surely find the answer yourself as to what strategy you should use to restrain them."

"Master Tao, you really think highly of me..."

Lu Yu shook his head gently.

Then he took another deep breath.

"Then, I'll give it a try!"

As his realm improved, his power reached an unprecedented level, and this was when his confidence exploded.

After so long delay, it’s time to set off!

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