Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1090 Boating on the sea

On the vast ocean, a lone boat floats and sinks in the turbulent waves.

There are two figures, a man and a woman, on the lonely boat. The man is tall and straight, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, standing tall at the bow; the woman is sitting at the stern of the boat, with green eyebrows and autumn-cut eyes, which is the ultimate beauty in the world.

The sky was covered with clouds and the sea was full of waves. This lonely boat seemed to be in danger of capsizing at any time, but the two people on the boat were unaware of this. They looked up at the northern sky, seeming to be anxiously waiting for something.

"Is there still no reply from there?"

Amid the sea breeze, the beautiful woman on the boat asked.

The man on the bow turned around, glanced at the woman, and shook his head helplessly.

A ray of light flashed in the woman's bright eyes: "It seems that the situation on the sect's side is already very bad, and we can't delay it any longer... Let's break in!"

The man nodded and said: "That's all it can do!"

Before she finished speaking, bursts of rays of light flashed from the hands of the woman sitting at the stern of the boat, and the boat flew out at an extremely fast speed, like a sharp arrow leaving the string.

This man and woman are Lu Yu and Yang Yudie.

At this time, ten days had passed since Lu Yu was promoted to the seventh level of Guihai Realm in Da Luo Holy Land.

That day, after Lu Yu had a deep talk with Tao Jinran on the Yuquan River, Da Luo Holy Land immediately began to organize its troops. In less than half a day, nearly 50,000 people were gathered in Da Luo Holy Land, all of whom were elite disciples of Da Luo Holy Land. This majestic army The 50,000-strong army was officially dispatched that night.

However, what Lu Yu and others did not expect was that the situation at this time was already very serious. Judging from the news reported by the scouts, except for the Taishang Immortal Sect, all major sects have sent their elite troops to participate in the encirclement of the Dali Sword Sect.

At this time, the Dali Sword Sect was completely surrounded by elite groups from all major sects, and even communication was cut off.

The only slight relief is that although the major sects sent their elites to surround the Dali Sword Sect, except for the Wuya Immortal Pavilion and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, the other major sects have never really taken action and only waved flags to cheer from the sidelines. That's all, this can be said to be a blessing among misfortunes.

In view of this, Lu Yu and others temporarily separated from the large army and sneaked back to the Dali Sword Sect alone.

First, because the situation is unclear, it is impossible for large forces to easily join the battle with a blind eye. Instead, they are on the periphery like they are now, which is more of a deterrent to the major sects.

Secondly, in order to resolve the current crisis, Daluo Holy Land and Dali Sword Sect must first establish communication. Only when both parties cooperate with each other can they win in this battle of two against five.

Therefore, Lu Yu, Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan became the vanguard of the group waiting for an opportunity to sneak back to the Dali Sword Sect. As for Master Lian Gu and Gao Yang, they stayed with the large forces at the rear.

The reason why Lu Yu and Yudie appeared in this sea area at this time was to get in touch with the Dali Sword Sect. Unfortunately, it was still the same as the previous few days. The messages they sent out, whether they were sent to Yudie Peak or I sent it to Wulaofeng, but there was no response.

Therefore, there is only one choice before them now, and that is to break into the siege of the major sects in person.

The lone boat was like flying, constantly shuttling through the wind and waves.

Such a fast water vehicle is naturally the shuttle boat unique to the Dali Sword Sect.

Although Lu Yu's original shuttle boat had long been damaged, the person who invented the shuttle boat was Yudie herself. She is now many times stronger than when she first created the shuttle boat. She wants to create another shuttle boat. Traveling by shuttle boat is not a problem at all.

Not only that, Yudie also built more than ten shuttle boats in one go, and even passed this skill to several real people in Daluo Holy Land who are good at refining weapons, so that they can build more shuttle boats for their disciples. The disciples used it in this battle.

The method of building this shuttle boat was originally a secret of the Dali Sword Sect. At that time, many people in the major sects wanted to ask for this method but could not get it. Now Yudie has given it to Daluo Holy Land for free. , this can be regarded as a kind of reward for Daluo Holy Land.

I think the elders of the Dali Sword Sect will definitely not oppose Yudie's decision.

As for why only Lu Yu and Yu Die were seen on the shuttle boat at this time, it was naturally to avoid being noticed by the omnipresent Tiangang strong men.

Yudie's golden elixir law has been extremely condensed. She has dealt with Tiangang strong men for many years and can suppress her own strength well so that her aura will not be exposed; and Lu Yu's understanding of the secrets of the law is far beyond ordinary people, and he can also Conceal your own scent very well.

In comparison, Chudie and Weilan were half a step behind, so they had no choice but to hide in the Spring Conch and let Lu Yu carry it with him.

In fact, when it comes to hidden whereabouts, it is undoubtedly a more efficient method to use the Spring Conch and the Dragon Fish Black Tail to sneak back to the Dali Sword Sect from the deep sea. Tail is an extremely powerful artifact. Once it is driven, it will inevitably produce powerful spiritual power fluctuations.

Normally, this might not be anything at all, but at this time, there are countless Tiangang powerhouses hidden in the surrounding sky. They are acting under the eyes of the Tiangang powerhouses at this time. How dare they use them easily? These two magic weapons?

In short, the presence of Tiangang experts has completely changed the situation. Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient for them to directly use the Gaoyang to jump back remotely?

It was precisely because of the interference of these powerful Tiangang men that communication was blocked and long-distance jumping became dangerous that they had to take this strategy.

In fact, they also used the Spring Conch at the beginning, but it immediately attracted the prying eyes of Tiangang strong men across the sky. When Jade Butterfly discovered it in time, they immediately stopped the Spring Conch and hid their whereabouts, and then managed to escape. A calamity passed.

Since then, the way the four of them traveled has changed into what it is now.

"Who do you think will be waiting for us in front?"

In the midst of the turbulent wind and waves, Yudie suddenly spoke again.

"Could he be someone from Bixiao Shrine? Will he meet your old friend?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned and looked at her sideways: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"It's nothing... I just want to say, isn't your relationship with Bixiao Shrine very good?"

Yudie said: "It is said that before you set off to Guoyun Ancient City, their saint went to Yudie Peak to see you. Why is she suddenly so disrespectful this time and following Wuya Immortal Pavilion and Yuhai Immortal Sect? People are making noises together, trying to get rid of you quickly."

Over the past few days, she has interrogated many things about Lu Yu. Although Chudie would not pay attention to her, and Lu Yu would not tell her everything, Ye Weilan could not defeat her scheming, insinuating and intimidating her. Under the inducement, most of Lu Yu's secrets have been revealed.

"My relationship with Bixiao Shrine has never been good."

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Since you are so well-informed, haven't you heard? Also before we set off, Bixiao Palace sent people to Jade Butterfly Peak to press me for debt... Everything is just a superficial skill. That’s all!”

He said this, but in his heart he understood that the reason why Bixiao Shrine completely turned to the opposite side was probably because the secrets in his body had been noticed by the other party.

From this moment on, there was no room for relaxation between him and Bixiao Palace.

"Then what's going on with the Supreme Immortal Sect? All the eight major sects are here, but they are the only ones who are absent... What is the relationship between you two?"

Lu Yuqi asked: "Why do I have to have friendship with them? Couldn't it be that Master Wuxu and Li Wangji have friendship?"

Yudie said: "It's very simple, because I know there is no friendship between them..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the past at Biyun Tianmen, when Ye Fei gathered many masters on the Golden Sunflower List to plot against Meng Ting.

Now it seems that the two factions should have been feuding for a long time.

The Supreme Immortal Sect may not be trying to give him face, but he is just unhappy with the Bixiao Palace.

He was about to speak when suddenly there was a loud noise that shook the sea surface.

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