Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1091 Qingluan Reappears

The loud noise came from the left front of the shuttle boat. Although the sound was shocking, it was actually still far away from the two people.

Lu Yu immediately called up the chart of the nearby area, and while checking it, he said: "There is an island about forty miles northwest of us, and the movement seems to be coming from there."

The sky was thick with clouds, but Yudie's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and she said, "I don't remember any large-scale defense facilities in this area in the Dali Sword Sect. Could it be that they were newly built in the past few years?"

At this time, the sea surface was shaking violently, and it could be judged that the battle forty miles away was very fierce. The two sides would not start such a duel in an open space for no reason, so Yudie said this.

Lu Yu raised his head, looked at the layers of mist in the northwest direction, and said with a deep look: "I also don't remember that there is our stronghold here. Maybe it is not a defense facility built by us, but it is not certain..."

While speaking, the shuttle boat had already adjusted its direction and was speeding towards the place where the loud noise was coming from.

In any case, in the battle that will take place here, one of the parties must be the men of the Dali Sword Sect, and they cannot ignore it no matter what.

The distance of more than forty miles passed halfway in the blink of an eye.

The loud noise in the distance has not stopped, and it continues to stir up huge waves. The waves are tens of feet high, like mountains. Fortunately, Yudie is very good at driving the shuttle boat, and can control the shuttle boat. He kept flying on one wave after another without losing any speed.

As the fog in front of them continued to disappear, the outline of the island in front of them finally appeared in their sight. However, this island seemed to be a little different from what they thought. In its center area, there was an impressive figure. Root tower.

As soon as he saw the vague tower, Lu Yu's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

At the same time, Yudie also said in surprise: "Huh? This seems to be the exquisite pagoda array of Wuya Immortal Pavilion?"

It seems that the scene that Lu Yu was most worried about has finally happened. It is obvious that this is not the stronghold of the Dali Sword Sect, but the enemy's forces are trying to establish a stronghold here, preparing to make every step to limit the activities of the Dali Sword Sect. The scope finally left Dali Sword Sect with no strategic depth and was completely defeated in one fell swoop.

The Linglong Pagoda of Wuya Immortal Pavilion has extremely powerful power. When they conspired with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, the Linglong Pagoda was even used to restrain the Yunxiao Ancestor... Fortunately, Lu Yu noticed their conspiracy first. , immediately launched a sniper operation. Although the Dali Sword Sect suffered heavy losses in the battle of Huiyue Bay, in the end, they destroyed the eight exquisite pagodas of Wuya Immortal Pavilion in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, after eight exquisite pagodas were removed from Wuya Immortal Pavilion, a new exquisite pagoda would now be erected. Where did they get them from? Could it be that they even moved all the money from Piaomiao Peak?

Lu Yu was thinking about it, but at this moment, a piece of white light suddenly lit up, eternity, deathly silence, tranquility... reflecting the sky and the earth without a single blind spot.

Great Light Sword Technique!

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the thick fog on the sea receded.

In an instant, even the waves stopped.

Lu Yu and Yudie's front sights were no longer obscured, and they could clearly see the scene in front of them.

"Is it the real person in charge?" Yudie said in surprise.

The leader, Li Wangji, is most famous for his two special skills, the Great Light Sword Technique and the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique.

However, Lu Yu shook his head: "No."

"how do you know?"

"Because I know the magic weapon that performs this sword technique, and its name is 'Qingluan'." Lu Yu said.

"Qingluan?" Yudie was stunned, obviously thinking that this name was very special.

At this time, with the purification of the Great Light Sword Art, the world has become clear, and a sword shining with green light sweeps across the sky. It is the sword that Lu Yu bought with a lot of money in Shengyun Mountain and gave it to Jiang Feiyan. A Qingluan sword.

It's just that at this time, Qingluan has already transformed from the original spiritual level into a mysterious spiritual weapon, and his edge is even better than before.

"This sword was made by Famous Sword Villa. It can be regarded as a tribute to the Red Luan Sword you forged. Therefore, Master Lin named the sword 'Qingluan'!" Lu Yu explained.

He didn't say the second part of the sentence. In fact, Lin Zhengtie was full of confidence at the time. He once made it clear that the power of this "Qing Luan" would be greater than that of the "Red Luan" in the future. From the current power of Jiang Feiyan's use of the Great Light Sword Technique, Look, he is indeed not bragging. After years of tempering, "Qing Luan" is now stronger than "Hong Luan".

I don’t know what Jiang Feiyan has been through in the past two years, and how she got to this point...

But even if Lu Yu didn't say anything, Yudie had already guessed the meaning behind it. At this moment, looking at the radiant Qingluan Sword in the sky, with her eyesight, she could naturally see that the power of this sword was already higher than that of the Hongluan Sword. superior.

"Master Lin is really thoughtful... When I went to Mingjian Villa to study, he took good care of me. I heard that he has been lured to Jade Butterfly Peak by you? If there is a chance, I would like to follow him again. Let’s learn from each other and let him know what a real magic weapon is!”

Jade Die said proudly.

Obviously, after these preparations, she has a new understanding of the art of casting, and she is not afraid of the challenge of Mingjian Villa.

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