Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1092 Sacrificing one’s life for righteousness

As their vision became clearer, Lu Yu and Yudie not only saw "Qingluan" with his sword in the air, but also had a panoramic view of the situation ahead.

It turns out that the Linglong Pagoda on the island is not complete, but is under construction, so it is not yet able to exert its full power.

However, Lu Yu was not optimistic at all, and instead frowned even more tightly.

You must know that this is the southern part of the Dali Sword Sect, close to the outlet of the Yuanjiang River. According to the geographical location, the north of the Dali Sword Sect is the normal path for the Wuya Immortal Pavilion to attack. The last time they and Yu When the Haixian Sect joined forces, they came along Huiyue Bay in the northern sea...

Now, he is actually able to arrange the Linglong Pagoda to the south, which illustrates at least two points:

First, they have absolutely no worries.

Second, they have massive resources at this time. It seems that although the other sects have not taken direct action for the time being, they have given them great help in terms of resources.

Jiang Feiyan and others launched a powerful offensive here at this time, naturally to pull out this unfinished pagoda to prevent Wuya Immortal Pavilion from using it as a stronghold to continue to advance step by step.

However, it is obviously impossible to achieve this goal with just one Great Light Sword Technique.

Jiang Feiyan naturally knew this. She did not expect to achieve this miraculous feat with the Great Light Sword Art alone. She used this sword art mainly to clear obstacles, so as soon as the power of the Great Light Sword Art ended, she immediately Returning to the sword like the wind, Qingluan Sword bloomed with bright light in the air, and the power of the sword rippled away again.

However, this time she was no longer alone. Behind her, strong figures leapt out. The sword movements in their hands coordinated with Jiang Feiyan's offensive. They were relaxed and coordinated perfectly. There is a watertight feeling.

Only then did Lu Yu know that it was Jiang Feiyan who was leading a group of true disciples of the Dali Sword Sect to complete this offensive. But what really surprised him was another thing...

"Combo skills?"

When Yudie saw the offensive led by Jiang Feiyan and a group of disciples, she couldn't help but look back at Lu Yu in surprise.

It turns out that what Jiang Feiyan and others performed was a combination technique. Although the power was far less than what the previous Da Luo Holy Land masters had performed, it was clearly a powerful offensive formed through the exquisite arrangement and combination of Taoist secrets. , and this is exactly the characteristic of combo skills.

As far as Yudie knows, the combination technique was originally created by Lu Yu. So far, he has only successfully performed a few techniques. How come these true disciples of the Dali Sword Sect can also perform combination techniques?

Could it be that this was Lu Yu's masterpiece that he had left in the Dali Sword Sect?

Lu Yu's eyes couldn't help but become profound, and he watched the evolution of Taoism in the air for a moment, and said: "This is not my creation... I think it should be the handiwork of our ancestor Tailing."

"Ancestor Tailing?" Yudie was quite surprised.

In her opinion, the ability to perform combinations is an incredible ability. Among the various characters she has met, only Lu Yu has such an ability. She really can't imagine that there is another person who can do it. When it comes to such a thing, even if that person is an ancestor of Tiangang, it won't work.

Lu Yu said: "Don't underestimate Tailing Ancestor. The 'Six-Pointed Star Lock' that I understood before, and even the 'Infinite Circle', strictly speaking, are all derived from the 'Xuanyang Dao Lock'... But this ancestor has Being able to store the Xuanyang Dao Lock within himself shows that he is truly unfathomable."

"In addition, it is said that as soon as he came back, he went to read the spiritual seals I left on the Golden Rooster Islands. It has been so long, and it is not that big that he can deduce a new combination of skills. The place is so strange..."

"It's just that the power of this combo..." At this point, Lu Yu shook his head slightly, "There is still a lot of room for improvement!"

While speaking, the offensive of Jiang Feiyan and others' combination skills had been fully launched. Just as Lu Yu said, although the arrangement and combination of everyone at the beginning was picturesque, when the real power burst out, it was far different from Yudie's expectations. Far.

Lu Yu didn't need to say anything more now. Yudie herself knew that this combination of skills still needed improvement.

But even so, this is still an extremely powerful move. Under its shocking power, the exquisite pagoda on the island is crumbling. The lights of various magic circles on the pagoda are extinguished one after another, and finally only Missing the last one.

As long as this last light is extinguished, the entire exquisite pagoda will disintegrate on its own and completely collapse. However, this last light has stubbornly survived.

This means that Jiang Feiyan and others' offensive will fall short.

The people from Wuya Immortal Pavilion have already surrounded them from all directions, and there are also several real people leading the team. Jiang Feiyan and others have absolutely no chance to attack again.


At the critical moment, Jiang Feiyan suddenly shouted, unfolded a scroll in his hand, and opened a light bridge for retreat.

This light bridge was colorful and shimmering. Lu Yu could tell at a glance that it was the Rainbow Light Bridge of the Dali Sword Sect. However, it was the same rainbow light bridge that led Meng Ting to Wulao Peak when she visited last time. Compared with the Light Bridge, this Light Bridge is much larger in scale, and judging from the arc of the bridge itself, the landing point cannot be as far away as Wulao Peak...

Lu Yu secretly estimated that this should be a rainbow light bridge recently set up by the Dali Sword Sect in the southern region, for the purpose of projecting troops to launch surprise attacks on the enemy.

Everyone boarded the Rainbow Light Bridge and prepared to evacuate.

Only Jiang Feiyan herself, instead of boarding the Rainbow Light Bridge, once again grasped the Qingluan Sword, triggering powerful spiritual power fluctuations, and then cast her eyes on the exquisite pagoda with only the last light left.

Everyone was shocked and shouted: "Senior Sister Jiang, what are you doing! Where are you going!"

Jiang Feiyan didn't even look back, leaving only "You guys go first", and then headed towards the Linglong Pagoda alone, ignoring the soldiers in the Wuya Pavilion around her, and rushed over resolutely...

Obviously, she was prepared to go back and complete the unfinished tasks at the expense of herself.

"What's this girl's name?"

Yudie looked at Jiang Feiyan who broke into the enemy's formation alone, not only did she not have any worries, but there was a look of appreciation in her eyes.

"Jiang Feiyan." Lu Yu replied.

"You should be quite familiar with her, right?"

"It's okay...why do you ask this suddenly?" Lu Yu asked strangely.

Jade Butterfly smiled and said: "I like her... You can think of a way to recruit her to our Jade Butterfly Peak!"

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth twitched slightly: "This... it's better for you to discuss it with her and me!"

"Who is her father?"

"The leader of Cuizhu Peak, Master Maoye!"

After saying this, Shuangzhou had reached the edge of the battle.

Lu Yu suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the exquisite pagoda on the island.

At this time, everyone in Wuya Immortal Pavilion had formed a siege on Jiang Feiyan. Even if he wanted to rescue her, he was unable to reach her.

So, he simply spread his sword in the direction of Linglong Pagoda and made a move to surround Wei and save Zhao.

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