Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1096 Flying Rock Castle

In the southeastern part of Middle-earth, among the mountains, a majestic and heavily guarded fortress stands tall.

This is the recently completed Feiyan Castle of the Dali Sword Sect.

This place was not originally the territory of the Dali Sword Sect. Before the demise of the Dawu Dynasty, it was under the rule of Wuyang County. However, after Qianwu City was destroyed, the entire dynasty fell apart, and the heroes from all sides separated themselves and continued to conquer. This place has changed its owners several times.

However, no matter who is the master here, they must obey the Dali Sword Sect located in the center of the continent.

Therefore, when the Dali Sword Sect needed to set up a Zhennan camp on the southeastern border of the mainland in order to resist the enemy, they easily acquired the land from a small sect and built this magnificent camp. Feiyan Castle serves as the strategic focus of the Dali Sword Sect to resist enemies in the south.

The person in charge of the Zhennan camp was Ye Yuankang, one of the three original guards of the Sutra Pagoda, whose Taoist name was Yuanlong Zhenren.

Under the edict of Patriarch Hongyi, the twenty-six peaks in the southern part of the Dali Sword Sect were controlled by him. Including the elders, deacons, and true disciples of each peak, a huge tribe totaling nearly 100,000 people all obeyed him. dispatch and dispatch.

There is no doubt that this is a pivotal position, and every decision he makes will be related to the safety of the sect's southern border.

In fact, no matter in terms of personal cultivation or prestige, there are candidates in the sect who are more suitable than him. However, there is no way. Ancestor Hongyi chose Ye Yuankang, and he can only carry this heavy burden on his shoulders. , for this reason, he has devoted all his energy and devoted himself to his duties, even if he throws his head and blood, even if he dies, he will live up to his ancestor Hongyi's trust in him...

It was already late at night, but Ye Yuankang was still standing on the top of Feiyan Castle, looking at the situation in the south.

The night breeze was blowing, and the bright moon in the sky had passed its zenith. Ye Yuankang had been standing for a long time, checking the situation in all directions over and over again, but still did not leave.

He was feeling very irritable at the moment.

The reason was the raid on Linglong Pagoda not long ago.

The people of Wuya Immortal Pavilion openly built exquisite pagodas on the sea. In order not to be strategically passive, the Zhennan Camp had to destroy the enemy's stronghold. He also spent a lot of effort, so he set up a suspicious formation, attacked the east and west, and passed By constantly pulling and pulling, we got the opportunity to raid the Linglong Pagoda.

To this end, he dispatched the last hidden force in his hand - a special operations team composed of a group of true disciples code-named "Meteor".

This one was carefully selected by Ancestor Hongyi, and Ancestor Tailing personally guided them and granted them a powerful combination of skills, possessing very powerful combat effectiveness.

In the end, the "Meteor Star" team accomplished everything brilliantly and successfully destroyed the Wuya Immortal Pavilion and the Linglong Pagoda. This was equivalent to knocking a fang out of the evil wolf's mouth!

However, it is a pity that during this operation, the true disciple Jiang Feiyan who was responsible for leading the team was lost...

This Jiang Feiyan's identity is extraordinary. She is the beloved daughter of Jiang Yunfan, the first Maoye master of Cuizhu Peak. Since the death of his late wife, perhaps out of guilt, he has a very special feeling for his daughter... …

But the headache that Ye Yuankang has at the moment is not only how to explain this matter to Jiang Yunfan. After losing Jiang Feiyan, it is equivalent to losing the leader of the flock. The entire "Meteor Star" team does not know how to activate the combination skills. The strength will be A big discount is tantamount to losing a powerful combat capability.

The current situation was when manpower was tight. He could not make up his mind for a while whether to send the entire "Meteor Star" team back and hand it over to Patriarch Tailing to rebuild it, or to let them stay temporarily...

In addition, according to the latest situation, the soldiers of Wuya Immortal Pavilion are rapidly mobilizing in the southeastern sea area, and even Jindan Zhenren from other sects have appeared in their formation... What are these people planning, Ye Yuankang He didn't have any clue at the moment, which also gave him a headache.

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came from behind.

Ye Yuankang frowned subconsciously. In the middle of the night, rapid footsteps suddenly sounded, which always gave him a very bad premonition.

As expected, a deacon was heard saying anxiously: "Reporting to Mr. Ye Ge, there is feedback from the Tianjian Array that someone has just passed through the Tiangang Barrier at the mouth of Yuanjiang River..."

The Yuanjiang estuary is an important hub for all forces to enter the Middle-earth continent. It is also a place that the Zhennan camp focuses on defending. As long as something happens there, it is usually an extremely sensitive event.

"Is it the people from Wuya Immortal Pavilion who are launching a massive attack?" Ye Yuankang asked in a deep voice.

The deacon shook his head: "According to the feedback from the Tianjian Array, the Tiangang barrier has not been damaged by external forces."

Ye Yuankang couldn't help but frown.

In order to be able to play a role in Zhennan Camp, Ancestor Hongyi set up several Tiangang barriers in the southern area of ​​the Middle-earth continent. These barriers are connected to the Tianjian Array, and all information will be fed back to the Tianjian Array in real time. above the formation, and it can only be opened through specific techniques.

In this way, the Zhennan camp can be defended. Otherwise, with the manpower of 26 peaks, even if there are nearly 100,000 soldiers, how can it be possible to defend such a vast territory?

But now, since the Tiangang barrier at the mouth of the Yuanjiang River has not been damaged by any external force, it means that it should be the work of the Dali Sword Sect's own people.

This matter is indeed quite strange...

"Let's go and take a look first!"

While speaking, Ye Yuankang's body turned into a ray of light and quickly flew into the fortress.

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