Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1097 Full Alert

Feiyan Castle is heavily fortified and is divided into three inner and outer layers. Each layer is protected by powerful formations. In order to build these protective barriers, the Dali Sword Sect did not hesitate to evacuate all their property.

The entire Feiyan Castle can be said to be the strongest external fortress in the history of the Dali Sword Sect. Its defensive capabilities are not far behind those of Wulaofeng. Even if it is stable, it may not be incapable of fighting.

Ye Yuankang was originally observing the external situation, and was naturally in the outermost circle of Feiyan Castle. At this time, he rushed towards the inner fort like lightning, and within a moment he arrived at the Tianjian Array in the center of the inner fort. .

After arriving, he found that there were not many people around the Tianjian Array, and the number of people far exceeded his expectations.

These people all have one thing in common, that is, they are all members of the "Meteor Star" team, and they all look forward to the direction of the Tianjian Array.

Ye Yuankang had a thought in his mind and suddenly had some concerns in his heart, but he didn't say anything and walked to the front of the magic circle calmly.

At this time, several real people have already arrived here. One of them is the first Cangsong Daoist in Tianquan Peak. Because he is proficient in formations, he has dismantled a communication hub of the Tianjian Array and directly Read the information contained inside it.

After a moment, Master Cangsong put down the hub crystal in his hand, put it in its original position, and said: "The Tiangang barrier at the mouth of the Yuanjiang River was opened according to the unlocking technique left by ancestor Hongyi. The correct method was used. It is a part of the Great Light Mystery. There are only a few people in the whole sect who are proficient in this secret... I think it must be Brother Maoye's beloved daughter."

"Ah...Senior Sister Jiang is not dead!"

" really great!"

"She is indeed alive! I knew it!"

"Good luck! God bless you!"

The surrounding true disciples couldn't help but cheer heartily.

They wholeheartedly supported Jiang Feiyan, who had single-handedly cut off the rear. The reason they were waiting so eagerly at this moment was to finally confirm the news.

However, unlike the joy on the faces of the true disciples, the faces of the real elders did not have any color of joy, but instead showed deep worries.

"Everyone, what do you think about this?" Ye Yuankang asked in a deep voice, facing all the real people.

"I'm afraid it won't be so simple at this time..." Master Qiyou said.

He is also the elder of the Presbytery and one of the three guards of the Sutra Pagoda, but this time he appears in the Zhennan camp as Ye Yuankang's deputy.

"Brother Maoye's beloved daughter is indeed an astonishing talent, and her strength is not bad. However, she fell into the enemy's territory alone. It was a fluke that she was able to successfully destroy the Linglong Pagoda. There is no way she could escape intact... At this time, she If you can successfully pass through the Yuanjiang estuary, you will probably be threatened by Wuya Immortal Pavilion!"

Master Qiyou's words were like a basin of cold water poured down on everyone's heads, leaving all the true disciples stunned for a long time.

However, someone quickly refuted it.


"Senior Sister Jiang is definitely not such a person!"

"If she is greedy for life and afraid of death, how can she go into danger alone and single-handedly turn the tide from collapse?"

"Given Senior Sister Jiang's character, she would rather commit suicide than have to endure hardship in the hands of a thief!"

"That's right! Senior Sister Jiang's character is beyond doubt!"

"I am willing to guarantee with my life that Senior Sister Jiang will definitely betray anyone in the sect!"

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but become angry, and they all opened their mouths to vouch for Jiang Feiyan.

After all, there is a big gap between the real disciples and the real elders. Therefore, when it comes to understanding and familiarity with Jiang Feiyan, these real elders are naturally far behind the real disciples around them.

Even Ye Yuankang himself did not expect that Jiang Feiyan would have such high popularity among the vast number of disciples of the Dali Sword Sect.

If Jiang Feiyan is really a steadfast person with a strong Taoist heart, how should we explain the scene before us?

"Brother Cangsong, what do you think?"

Ye Yuankang looked at Master Cangsong again and asked.

Among the entire Zhennan camp, apart from himself, the former leader of Tianquan Peak and now the leader of the Six Peaks Alliance was the most powerful, so Ye Yuankang paid special attention to his opinions.

Cangsong Zhenren said: "Brother Maoye has a strict family tradition, and his daughter will naturally not be a wallflower who easily succumbs to his opponents... However, now that almost all the ancestors of the major sects have returned, this has brought about many variables. …”

"Just like Lu Yu from Jade Butterfly Peak, he has a technique that can directly read other people's minds and memories, which astounds us and makes the enemy hard to guard against... Now is the troubled time, and I can guarantee that the opponent may not have soul-stirring abilities. By means of this method, he controlled Brother Maoye’s beloved daughter.”

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

In fact, there is no need to take Lu Yu as an example. During this period, many unexpected things have happened. For example, Wuya Immortal Pavilion actually pushed the Linglong Pagoda to the southern area in an attempt to establish a stronghold along the coast. This was a situation that was simply impossible before.

Ye Yuankang thought for a moment and was about to announce a countermeasure.

But at this moment, the Tianjian array in front of him suddenly sounded the alarm again.

"The Tiangang barrier at Gray Rabbit Gorge has also been unlocked, and someone successfully passed through Gray Rabbit Gorge!" The deacon on the side immediately reported loudly.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked, and secretly said in their hearts: So fast!

Gray Rabbit Gorge is a Tiangang barrier arranged behind the Yuanjiang estuary. Although they are adjacent to each other, the actual distance between the two places is a hundred miles. Unexpectedly, after just a few words, the other party has already Crossed a distance of hundreds of miles!

This kind of speed is impossible for ordinary real people to possess, and it is certainly impossible for Jiang Feiyan to possess it.

But that is to say, no matter what happened to Jiang Feiyan at this time, there must be an existence beyond everyone's imagination staying beside Jiang Feiyan at this time.

This thought, like a huge shadow, quickly enveloped everyone's minds.

However, there is another possibility, maybe it is a coincidence...

"Brother Cangsong..."

In fact, there was no need for Mr. Ye Ge to remind him. Master Cangsong once again removed the hub crystal and read the information contained in it.

"It's still the great secret of was done by the same person!" Master Cangsong announced.

This undoubtedly negates the possibility of coincidence!

At this time, everyone felt an unprecedented pressure.

Although it is not yet clear who the opponent is that is approaching at full speed, the southern defense line that has been guarded for so long without any flaws is now being broken through easily. It must be said that this makes everyone nervous. There was a huge psychological gap in my heart.

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

Ye Yuankang also had to rethink his strategy.

As the commander-in-chief of Zhennan Camp, he must take charge of the overall situation. What he has to think about is not only how to deal with this intruding foreign force, but also the impact of this incident on the overall situation in the south, and behind this incident, Is the enemy hiding other conspiracies...


Another alarm came from the Tianjian Array!

The deacon in charge of reporting the news immediately screamed as if his brows were burned by fire: "Bailu Gorge has also been breached!"

Everyone was shocked!

Bailu Gorge... let alone how far it is from Gray Rabbit Gorge, the key is that Bailu Gorge is only more than a hundred miles away from Feiyan Castle where they are now!

No matter who the other party is, he will appear in front of everyone soon!

There is no time to think about it!

"Full alert! Prepare to fight!" Ye Yuankang ordered loudly.

Suddenly, the entire Feiyan Fortress seemed to have woken up from a dream, and it immediately became brightly lit. Countless figures were running around and shouting up and down the fort, inside and outside.

But just when everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and were so busy, Master Xuan Mo, the leader of Mo Yu Peak, suddenly said coldly and uncertainly:

"Could this be Lu Yu?"

"From the mouth of the sea to Bailu Gorge, there are waterways all the way, but Lu Yu happens to have a dragon treasure that can reach extreme speeds in the water..."

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