Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1098 Act as planned

The shuttle boat was as fast as lightning, and the scenery on both sides of the river kept flying backwards, like floating light passing through a crack, and only a vague afterimage could be seen.

After entering the Yuanjiang waterway, this was already the area controlled by the Dali Sword Sect. Lu Yu naturally no longer had to worry about being discovered by the Tiangang Patriarch, so he directly took out the dragon fish black tail and put it on the shuttle boat.

With the blessing of the dragon fish black tail, crossing a distance of a hundred miles was just a piece of cake. However, unlike the situation in Feiyan Castle where they were facing a great enemy, the few people on the shuttle boat did not pay much attention to their speed at all, because they had been talking about the various changes in the entire Dali Sword Sect during this period of time.

At this time, Lu Yu, Yu Die, and Jiang Feiyan were still on the shuttle boat. Although they no longer had to consider the risk of exposure, Chu Die and Ye Weilan were practicing in the Spring Conch.

After the training over the past few days, the two of them obviously had a lot of experience and insights. This was the critical moment to transform these experiences and insights into cultivation. Therefore, Lu Yu would never call them out unless it was absolutely necessary.

After Jiang Feiyan's narration, Lu Yu and Yu Die finally had a general understanding of the recent series of changes in Dali Sword Sect...

In fact, as early as when Lu Yu and others left Dali Sword Sect and set off for Woyun Ancient City, Tailing Patriarch had already begun to vigorously rectify the military equipment, and the combination skills were his most remarkable attempt in this process.

He started with the Shensi seal paper left by Lu Yu, learned from its strengths and weaknesses, and introduced new ideas. He not only designed a combination skill for the "Meteor" team composed of Jiang Feiyan and other true disciples, but also designed more than ten other combination skills, mobilizing almost all the people in the entire sect who had comprehended the mysteries of Taoism.

Even Changchun Zhenren, who had a lifespan of 800 years, was arranged to step out of the Wulao Peak where he had not left for a long time...

However, when Tailing Patriarch did all this, he was thinking about how to counterattack Wuya Xian Pavilion and Yuhai Xianzong. He never thought that Lu Yu would cause such a big trouble in Woyun Ancient City, so that the situation took a sharp turn for the worse and now became a state of full passive defense.

When Lu Yu heard Jiang Feiyan say this, he was also stunned.

Perhaps, the combination skills deduced by Tailing Patriarch were indeed not precise enough in his opinion, but he was so productive and played so many tricks under the dozens of Taoist mysteries of Dali Sword Sect. It must be said that this is also a kind of ability.

"What happened later?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but ask: "Since Tailing Patriarch was so bold, how did Hongyi Patriarch come from behind and become the current sect that obeys his arrangements in everything?"

"Because he brought back the will of Yunxiao Patriarch." Jiang Feiyan replied.


Lu Yu and Yudie were stunned at the same time, and they exchanged glances with each other: "Did Yunxiao Patriarch send back a new will? What did he say specifically?"

Jiang Feiyan shook her head: "I don't know about this..."

"Don't know?"

Lu Yu was confused...

He said he brought back the will, but he couldn't say it clearly. What is going on?

Jiang Feiyan explained: "As soon as Patriarch Hongyi came back, he claimed that he came here in accordance with the will of Patriarch Yunxiao, and his purpose was to 'solve the current troubles' - these were his original words at the time."

"In addition, although there are no other explanations, it is an indisputable fact that there is some hidden connection between Patriarch Hongyi and Patriarch Yunxiao. The first thing he did after returning was to directly use the Li Tian Sword Classic to destroy more than ten strongholds arranged by Wuya Xian Pavilion in the north. During this period, he also had a direct confrontation with the Seven Wuya Ancestors. With the power of the Li Tian Sword Classic, Patriarch Hongyi won a great victory, and the Seven Wuya Ancestors retreated three thousand miles away and have not set foot in the northern seas again..."

"Afterwards, Patriarch Hongyi openly performed the Li Tian Sword Classic in the northern sea area, and drew a mysterious force directly from the sky, which instantly replenished the divine power lost by the Li Tian Sword Classic. Then he calmly returned to the Five Elders Peak and told everyone that the Li Tian Sword Classic was able to quickly replenish divine power because of the assistance of Patriarch Yunxiao. As long as Patriarch Yunxiao sat on the sky for a day, the divine power of the Li Tian Sword Classic would be endless, inexhaustible, and inexhaustible..."

"It is precisely because of Patriarch Hongyi's deterrence that the Tiangang Patriarchs of the major sects have coveted the surrounding area for so long, but have not dared to force it." After listening to Jiang Feiyan's story, Lu Yu and Yudie were stunned.

Unexpectedly, when they were still desperately trying to deceive and win over helpers in the Daluo Holy Land, such a major event actually happened here, and even the Li Tian Sword Classic had been used... No wonder the seven ancestors of Wu Ya did not appear in the Daluo Holy Land. It should be when they were fighting with the Hongyi Patriarch, and the two sides were fighting hard.

All along, Lu Yu felt that the Tiangang Patriarchs of the major sects were afraid of the power of the Yunxiao Patriarch and had been waiting for the best time to launch a fatal attack on the Yunxiao Patriarch, so they were so restrained and delayed to attack head-on...

Now it seems that it is true that they are afraid of the Yunxiao Patriarch... It's just that the way it is presented is completely different from what he originally expected.

Lu Yu and Yu Die were stunned for a long time before they finally digested this shocking news.

The next changes no longer need Jiang Feiyan to explain too much.

Even the Tiangang Patriarchs of the major sects have been deeply shocked by Patriarch Hongyi's actions, and there will naturally be no resistance within the sects.

It is no wonder that Patriarch Tailing will temporarily withdraw from the stage, and Patriarch Hongyi will officially take over the entire Dali Sword Sect.

"So, it's not just Patriarch Hongyi who wants to punish me. Perhaps Patriarch Yunxiao also has the intention behind this?"

Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze as sharp as a razor edge, but his tone was an understatement.

He has always been regarded as the descendant of Patriarch Yunxiao. Although Lu Yu himself knows that what he has learned has nothing to do with Patriarch Yunxiao, this identity has undoubtedly given him a position within the Dali Sword Sect. Great convenience.

Now, if Ancestor Yunxiao shows dissatisfaction with him, then his status in the Dali Sword Sect will undoubtedly be greatly affected.

Jiang Feiyan looked at Lu Yu with clear eyes and said: "With the prestige of Patriarch Yunxiao, I don't think he would be so harsh on a disciple who has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats. There may be something behind it...but no matter what the truth is, Anyway, it doesn’t matter now..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but remain silent.

He could understand the meaning of Jiang Feiyan's words...

Even if Patriarch Hongyi falsely conveys the order and completely distorts Patriarch Yunxiao's attitude towards him, with his current prestige in the Dali Sword Sect, everyone will not have the slightest doubt and will only regard his words as Elder Yunxiao's. The golden rule of ancestors.

At this moment, he is the incarnation of Ancestor Yunxiao in this world.

"That's why I suggest you not to come back for the time being. When everything is settled and Patriarch Yunxiao's attitude is clear, it won't be too late for you to come back..."

Jiang Feiyan looked at the two of them sincerely: "Why don't you turn around and leave before anyone notices you now! You have this dragon clan's treasure, and with the cover of the vast sea, if you want to escape, you will be the ancestor of Tiangang. I can’t stop you!”

"As for the cooperation with Daluo Holy Land, I will ask my father to come forward to communicate..."

Lu Yu shook his head.

It is not easy for Daluo Holy Land to reach this stage. They will not listen to everyone, not even Master Maoye who is in charge of the Hate Water Sword...

He was about to speak.

But at this moment, the eastern sky and the northern sky lit up with dazzling brilliance at the same time, and the night sky was reflected like day.

Lu Yu immediately laughed: "I'm afraid that even if we want to leave, we won't be able to leave! So, we should follow the original plan and go over to convince him in person!"

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