Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1099 Welcome

The location of the three people at this time is on the road from Bailu Gorge to Feiyan Castle.

From the mouth of the Yuanjiang River to the Bailu Gorge, there are all waterways in between. The three of them are extremely fast. However, there is a land road between Bailu Gorge and Feiyan Fort, so the speed of the three of them has actually slowed down.

To the north is the headquarters of the Dali Sword Sect, and to the east is Feiyan Castle. At this time, dazzling lights light up in both directions at the same time. You don't have to think about it to know that their whereabouts must have been exposed, otherwise only the light from the east will light up at most. , and even the north will not be alarmed.

In the blink of an eye, the light from the east has spread over. It turns out to be a rainbow light bridge. The light and shadow in the north are still evolving in the night sky. It seems that its landing point is not where the three of them are, but at Feiyan Castle dozens of miles away to the east.

Thinking about it, this is normal. The light emitting from the north must come from within the Dali Sword Sect, maybe directly from Wulao Peak. With such a long distance, it is impossible to accurately locate the three people in the wilderness. It can only be Use the original stronghold fortress as the landing point.

"This is really a big deal!"

Fortunately, Yudie stopped the shuttle boat, looked at the surging light in the night sky, and said with great emotion.

The Rainbow Light Bridge and the Teleportation Array are both methods that can achieve long-distance delivery in a short time. The former is slightly slower, but it is safer and more stable. The latter is more efficient, but it travels through space. The teleportation effect is achieved only through barriers.

This may not be a problem in normal times, but at this time, with the arrival and return of many Tiangang powerhouses, the process of crossing the space barrier is likely to be interfered by the joint efforts of Tiangang powerhouses, and the consequences will be fatal.

Under such a situation, short-distance teleportation arrays may be retained, but long-distance teleportation arrays have been deactivated without exception. Therefore, there is no direct connection between the Dali Sword Sect headquarters and Feiyan Castle. The teleportation circle was replaced by the Caiqiao Light Bridge.

In addition, the Rainbow Light Bridge also has advantages that the other two teleportation arrays do not have...

First, when the Rainbow Light Bridge is activated, the people on the bridge will transcend the Five Elements for a short period of time. There is almost no force that can interfere with the people in this state.

Secondly, the rainbow light bridge can be delivered at fixed points. For example, during the previous attack on the Linglong Pagoda, Jiang Feiyan only needed to unfold the scroll to notify the people in the fortress to open the rainbow light bridge to lead the retreat. However, if the teleportation array was changed, she would have to build it on the spot. To create a corresponding magic circle, under the circumstances at that time, there was no such chance.

Therefore, it can be said that if used in a battle between two armies, the superiority of the Rainbow Light Bridge cannot be compared with that of the teleportation array.

However, the cost of the corresponding rainbow light bridge is much higher than that of the teleportation array. Originally, the Dali Sword Sect only built one at Wulao Peak, and it was only opened occasionally when distinguished guests came. Nowadays, the Rainbow Light Bridge is turned on at every turn.

"These are also the works of Ancestor Hongyi." Jiang Feiyan said, "He not only laid many Tiangang barriers and built two fortresses in Zhennan and Zhenxi, but also improved and strengthened the Rainbow Light Bridge at Wulao Peak, making Wulao The delivery range of Feng's light bridge covers almost the entire continent, otherwise the previous rainbow light bridge alone would not be able to span such a long distance..."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "He is really energetic!"

Jiang Feiyan said: "Since he came back, Ancestor Hongyi has never rested. Without his hard work and hard work, it is hard to say what the Dali Sword Sect would be like now... But according to the According to his own statement, a large part of this work actually relies on the power of Ancestor Yunxiao, just like replenishing the divine power of the Litian Sword Canon..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Why does this sound like Patriarch Yunxiao is like an oversized Lingxi pot?

Even as the top Tiangang Realm expert, Lu Yu does not believe that he has inexhaustible power. It is probably because he has mastered some mysterious power in the sky, and this is probably also the case. Many powerful Tiangang men never forget him and are eager to find out why he is...

With this thought in mind, he said: "I don't know if it will be his old man who will personally come over to check and correct my shortcomings this time..."

While they were talking, the rainbow light bridge from Feiyan Castle had already descended in front of the three of them.

Lu Yu had no choice but to give up his speculation about the glow in the distance for the time being, and instead focused his attention on what was in front of him.

There were more than ten people coming, and Lu Yu saw an old acquaintance among them—Xuan Mo Zhenren Li Xuan. He was standing at the forefront of the crowd. It was obvious that he was the main group of people.

But before the two sides could say anything, as soon as Guangqiao landed on the ground, a group of true disciples rushed up behind him.

"Senior Sister Jiang!"

"It's really you!"

"It's so good to see you're okay!"

"I've said it before, good people have their own destiny..."

A group of true disciples showed their true feelings. Seeing this scene, Jiang Feiyan was also very excited. She must have known that she would have been reborn as a human being and would never see the sincere faces in front of her again.

But she didn't just get excited, she didn't forget to explain the whole process to everyone:

"Thanks to Junior Brother Lu Yu and Master Yudie for arriving in time, they not only successfully destroyed the exquisite pagoda of Wuya Xian Pavilion, but also took me away from danger. Otherwise, I am afraid I would not have the opportunity to talk to you here again..."

"Senior Brother Lu!"

"God Lu!"

"Master Yudie!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Now that Jiang Feiyan has been confirmed to be safe, this is equivalent to solving a knot in their hearts, so the curiosity about Lu Yu and Yudie prevailed again.

After all, for them, the experience of these two people is like a legend, which makes them full of admiration and yearning. Apart from this, there are no other complicated emotions.

Lu Yu smiled and greeted everyone.

As for Yudie, she enjoyed the scene of this group of true disciples coming to greet her in unison. For her, such a scene has been long overdue.

"Master Yudie, long time no see!"

At this time, Master Xuan Mo also came up and said to Yudie sincerely.

Yudie Peak, Tianquan Peak, and Moyu Peak are all southern peaks, not far from each other, and can be considered neighbors, so the two are naturally quite familiar with each other.

"Master Xuanmo, how are you?" Yudie also responded with a smile.

The two exchanged a few simple pleasantries, and Li Xuan turned his gaze back to Lu Yu, shook his head and smiled: "Every time you go out, it is always extraordinary, but this time the movement is really too scary... But no matter what, I still welcome you back!"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and said: "Is there anyone who doesn't welcome us?"

Li Xuan laughed and said: "This rainbow light bridge can't last too long, why don't we go back to Feiyan Castle first!"

Lu Yu smiled lightly.

At this time, the atmosphere around was harmonious and harmonious, but when we return to Feiyan Castle, I'm afraid it will no longer be like this.

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