Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1100 The First Return

The brilliant stream of light began to recover rapidly along the direction of Feiyan Castle.

The distance of nearly a hundred miles was approaching in an instant. Lu Yu and Yudie finally saw with their own eyes this fortress, which represented the highest construction level and strongest defense capability of the entire Dali Sword Sect. They saw it standing among the mountains, like a ferocious giant. A sharp fang in the beast's mouth.

Previously, the entire Feiyan Castle had entered a state of full alert. Now, as Li Xuan sent back the exact news first, the alert state has been lifted, but everyone did not disperse.

Although it was a false alarm, people also learned the news of Lu Yu's return. Everyone was full of curiosity about this famous true disciple who now had mixed reputations.

By now, the news has spread throughout the entire sect. It was precisely because of Lu Yu's actions in the ancient city of Guoyun that the Dali Sword Sect was facing such a severe situation. Now that he has returned in person, everyone is Concerned about how the situation will evolve next...

So, when Lu Yu and others stepped along the Rainbow Light Bridge, it could be said that tens of thousands of eyes in the entire Feiyan Castle were staring at him.

"Big Brother!"

"Brother Yu!"

Suddenly, there was a shout from the crowd.

A group of Feiyan Fort's garrison disciples, regardless of the surrounding obstructions, forcibly broke through the cordon and rushed towards Lu Yu and others.

Lu Yu turned around and saw a group of Jade Butterfly Peak disciples.

The leaders were Baozi and Su Buyi. Their faces were full of excitement. Su Buyi also held a long sword with shining flames in his hand. It was the sword that Lu Yu personally refined and later gave to him. Blood knife.

They were able to successfully break through from the surrounding guards of a group of deacons. Su Buyi and this blood knife were indispensable. Judging from the state of this man's sword at this time, it was obvious that he had become more and more comfortable in controlling the blood knife, easily. The loose stool drives the sword to split the formation composed of a group of deacons...

When Lu Yu first presented the sword to him, he never expected such a scene. Su Buyi, who had always been silent and shy, could actually use the blood sword so powerfully and domineeringly.

"Why are you here!"

Lu Yu was also very happy. He never expected to meet the disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak here, but then he thought about it. Zhennan Camp controls the twenty-six peaks in the south, and Jade Butterfly Peak is also under its jurisdiction. Baozi and others will be It's not surprising that he was sent here to take charge of guarding.

Perhaps there are more Jade Butterfly Peak disciples who have been dispatched, but they just haven't appeared here yet.

Several deacons around wanted to rush over to stop Baozi and the others, but Li Xuan waved his hand and stopped blocking them, allowing them to come to Lu Yu.

"Elder brother, you are finally back!"

"This is so great!"

"With you here, we can definitely drive those grandsons from Wuya Immortal Pavilion back to their hometown!"

"They all said that you killed a Tiangang Realm powerhouse in Guoyun Ancient City. Is this true?"

Lu Yu smiled and waved to everyone, turned sideways and moved Jade Butterfly in front of everyone, and said, "You should pay your respects to the first real person first!"

The first real person?

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Naturally, Yudie and the others had seen it a long time ago, but they thought that this was just their original Master Yang and the current Master Chudie. They had no idea that this was actually the real Master Yudie.

Even in the entire Jade Butterfly Peak, there are only a handful of people who have seen Jade Butterfly before, and only a few people such as Qi Yunkai, Qin Xiang, and Chu Hongling.

For a long time, in their impression, Jade Butterfly Peak was in charge of Uncle Yang. The so-called first real person was just a statue in the main hall of the real person. Unexpectedly, they saw the first real person in real life now. This made them feel sad. They couldn't react for a while.

"What are you still doing?" Lu Yu said again.

Only then did everyone wake up from a dream. Under the leadership of Baozi and Su Buyi, hundreds of Jade Butterfly Peak disciples knelt down on the ground and bowed:

"Disciple meets the first master!"

The voice was loud and resounded throughout Feiyan Castle.

The other disciples around him couldn't help but feel a little moved when they saw this scene. Unexpectedly, this time Lu Yu brought back not only Jiang Feiyan, but also the real Yudie who had disappeared for decades, and actually came back with him.

In this way, Jade Butterfly Peak has two real people, Chudie and Yudie, plus Lu Yu who can kill the strong Tiangang man with one sword, and the strength of Jade Butterfly Peak has expanded rapidly over the years... Looking at the entire Dali Sword Sect , Jade Butterfly Peak is already considered a powerful mountain.

"Everyone get up!"

Yudie waved her hand lightly: "Although I have never met you, since you respect me as your master and worship me, you are all my disciples..."

"I have not been sitting on the mountain these years. You must have suffered a lot, right? Don't worry, from now on, such a thing will never happen again!"

"This time the sect is in trouble and the situation is precarious. Since you have accepted the assignment and come here, I hope that you can all fulfill your duties and work with all your heart. When this matter is over, I will definitely reward you based on your merits, and I will also personally guide you in your cultivation. I will use my skills and techniques to make up for my debt to you all these years."

Baozi and others were immediately overjoyed and saluted again to express their gratitude.

The other disciples around were jealous. Being able to receive personal guidance from the first master was a treatment that only true disciples could have. The luck of these Yudiefeng disciples was really good!

Then, Lu Yu also praised and encouraged everyone, and promised that after returning to Yudiefeng, everyone would celebrate together. Then everyone retreated again.

"Brother Yu..."

Before leaving, Baozi and Su Buyi walked at the end, looking at Lu Yu with complicated eyes, as if they wanted to say something but stopped.

Lu Yu saw through what the two wanted to say, shook his hand at them, and said: "Don't worry, and don't say more... Let's talk about everything after we return to Yudiefeng!"

"But... when can we go back?" Baozi said worriedly.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked to the south. In this direction, tens of thousands of elites from the Daluo Holy Land were entrenched thousands of miles away.

He smiled faintly, with a bright glimmer in his eyes: "Don't worry, I believe this will all end soon... It will definitely be faster than you think!"

As soon as the voice fell, the rainbow light bridge sent from the north had arrived at this time, landing opposite Lu Yu and others.

The figures of a group of real elders appeared from the halo.

Before he could see who was coming, a stern voice came out first:

"Lu Yu, do you admit your guilt?"

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