Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1109 Light Bridge Reconnection

In Feiyan Castle.

Although no one dared to come and talk to Lu Yu, everyone was very concerned about Lu Yu's every move.

Somehow, people seemed to have a premonition that a dark cloud seemed to be brewing in the northern sky, and it was unknown when it would turn into a violent storm and descend in the most violent manner.

However, Lu Yu, who was in the vortex of this storm, seemed to be unaware of it.

He actually marked out an area in the mountains next to Feiyan Fort, set up a pill furnace on it, and leisurely refined pills in front of tens of thousands of disciples in Feiyan Fort...

He even asked Ye Yuankang to send someone to send him the recent military intelligence report. It seems that he wants to do two things at the same time, refining pills in the furnace while analyzing the military situation to understand how bad the current situation is...

However, it is obviously difficult to accurately grasp the essence of the brief report, so he sent people to ask Ye Yuankang questions from time to time, asking about the specific arrangements of the major sects around the Dali Sword Sect. It seems that he is really designing the next military plan.

His performance not only made Ye Yuankang and others stare, but even Yudie, who was staying with him, couldn't help but complain about it.

"I say, are you really not nervous at all?"

Yudie sat on a huge rock next to the pill furnace, swinging her white legs boredly.

She was not like Lu Yu, who could still make pills while analyzing military situations and thinking about countermeasures at this time. Under such pressure, she could not calm down even if she was fiddling with her favorite mechanical formation.

"What's there to be nervous about?"

Lu Yu raised his head to look at her, but what he saw was a pair of white calves, round, tight, and radiant with a mutton-fat luster. The elegant curve continued to extend upwards. From the charming trend of that line, you can see how slender the upper part is...

Lu Yu didn't dare to look any further, and quickly lowered his head, and then said: "Don't worry, so many storms have come, is it possible that the boat will capsize here? I am very confident in my judgment, and Ancestor Hongyi will definitely come."

In fact, it is better to say that he is confident in his own judgment than to say that he is confident in the spell he casts. In the spell he cast on Wei Yingcheng and others, he showed a posture of being able to control his power. This "control" can be said to give the other party a step down, and it can also be regarded as a warning - such a "control" spell, since he can use it on Wei Yingcheng and others, naturally he can also use it on his Ancestor Hongyi.

Of course, the warning was very obscure, but Lu Yu believed that Ancestor Hongyi would definitely understand it.

Yudie obviously didn't know about Lu Yu's twists and turns, and said disdainfully: "Tsk, it sounds good, I don't believe you are really not nervous at all, otherwise why are the pills you refined just ordinary pills, and the materials used are just some scraps?"

"Well... because I'm not sure how much time I have to refine this batch of pills, maybe a few hours later, maybe the next moment, the next second, maybe Ancestor Hongyi will appear in front of us at any time. In this case, how can I refine those top-level pills? What if all the materials are ruined?" Lu Yu said innocently.

Yudie didn't believe Lu Yu's lies at all, staring at him with a pair of flickering eyes: "Then what about these secret areas you set up around? Aren't they used to guard against the old ancestor Hongyi? Otherwise, you can just refine this furnace of broken pills in the inner castle, why bother running to this barren mountain outside?"

Lu Yu was stunned.

It seems that this sister-in-law's eyes are really poisonous, and nothing can be hidden from her...

Indeed, the point mentioned by Yudie is the real reason why he really left Feiyan Castle and ran outside.

No matter what, he must be fully prepared.

Back in the Daluo Holy Land, he also took advantage of the unpreparedness to successfully perform the infinite circle on the old ancestor Gunlong. Now with the improvement of his realm and the blessing of the golden elixir seed, he can perform this spell more obscurely, but everything needs environmental cover and cooperation.

He was able to deceive a group of real elders in the inner castle and quietly open his domain, but the same trick might not be able to deceive Hongyi, who had the Tiangang realm cultivation. Therefore, he moved to the outside where the environmental factors were richer, just to better hide the opening of his domain. Including the alchemy at this time and the military intelligence report he asked Ye Yuankang for, in fact, they were all to further enrich the surrounding elements so that he could hide his true calculations invisibly.

Perhaps the final situation would not require this step, but he had to make such preparations in advance.

However, at this moment, facing Yudie's questioning, Lu Yu obviously would not admit all this.

He blinked and said, "Could it be that I am tired of staying in there and want to change the scenery and breathe? Besides, alchemy must be based on time and place, and the quenching of materials has extremely harsh requirements on the environment... Can you understand this alchemy thing better than me?"

"Tsk! You are so stubborn!"

Yudie rolled her eyes at him fiercely.

She really couldn't argue with Lu Yu with these reasons, but she would not easily lose her judgment because of this.

After a pause, she said again: "Hey! At this time, how long are you going to hold on alone? Otherwise, let Yang Chudie and Xiao Fenghuang come out to help you hold up the scene, in case you If there is really something missing, it can be fixed in time with them both here, right?"

Lu Yu glanced at her strangely and said, "Didn't you say it yourself before? Don't you need them to come out to cause trouble? Why have you changed your mind now?"

Yudie blinked in the same way: "I don't need their help, but the problem is that they are here to help you now! This time, the other time!"

Lu Yu always felt that her reaction was a bit strange, but he flatly refused: "You don't need their help, and I don't need their help either, so it's best to let them stay in retreat at this time!"

Seeing that Lu Yu was unmoved, Yudie had no choice but to say frankly: "Then I'll tell you the truth. Last night you mysteriously wrote a small note, which was densely packed, and then secretly stuffed it. When you get closer to the Spring Conch, do you think I didn’t notice it? In fact, I saw it! If I guessed it right, it should be a martial art formula, right?”

As she said that, she suddenly jumped down from the rock and jumped in front of Lu Yu. A pair of flickering bright eyes looked into Lu Yu's eyes, and her excitement was clearly revealed.

"Tell me quickly, is there something wrong with Yang Chudie's practice? Is it serious? Do you need my help?"

Lu Yu vomited blood and said, "Can't you just hope for her? That's your biological sister!"

"What's wrong with my sister? She still bullies me? Are you going to tell me or not? Are you going to tell me or not!"

The expression on Yudie's face became fierce, and she got closer and closer. The tip of her nose almost touched Lu Yu, and even the exquisite undulating curves of her chest were pressed against her.

Due to the existence of the body-protecting Qi, Lu Yu actually didn't need to be in close contact with him to feel the amazing curve.

He felt overwhelmed and quickly raised his hands to apologize: "Okay! I said, I said... I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you this time. There is indeed a little trouble in the cultivation in the Spring Conch, but it's not your sister. But Weilan, she has reached a crucial point!"

Yudie couldn't help but be startled when she heard this.

A crucial node, in other words, the key to promotion and breakthrough...

She wanted to continue asking.

But at this moment, a gorgeous glow suddenly appeared in the north.

Spanning thousands of miles, the rainbow light bridge that closely connects Wulao Peak and Feiyan Castle once again stretches across the sky.

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