Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1110 The scorching sun

Soon, everyone noticed the changes in the sky.

Suddenly, the entire Feiyan Castle disciples were excited.

"Coming, coming! Someone is coming from the north again!"

"This must be for Senior Brother Lu Yu, right?"

"Nonsense! Besides Lu Yu, who else has such a great reputation?"

"I heard that this rainbow light bridge is not cheap. The materials consumed each time it is opened are worth at least one million spiritual stones! Now in just one day, the rainbow light bridge has been reconnected twice. This is still in If there is no war... Lu Yu is probably the only one in the entire Dali Sword Sect who has such dignity!"

"Haha, don't even think about what he said and what he did! Why won't the North send someone to find out the situation?"

"Tell me, who will come this time? Could it be that Ancestor Hongyi really came here in person?"

"Impossible! How could the majestic Tiangang Patriarch really come here to meet a true disciple?"

"It's not necessarily just to come here to meet, maybe it's just to come to raise an army to question the crime? After all, what Lu Yu said before was so shameless that not even the Tiangang Patriarch would be so angry!"

"That's impossible! Ancestor Tiangang has such an important identity. Enemies from all directions need him to frighten him. How can he leave the sect headquarters easily?"

"But, if Patriarch Tiangang hadn't come in person, who else could have controlled this Lu Yu? Master Master? Master Zifu? Master Hailing? I'm afraid none of them can do it..."

While the disciples in the fort were having heated discussions everywhere, Ye Yuankang, Yuan Jiansong, Li Xuan and other real strong men from Zhennan Camp had already gathered on the top of Feiyan Fortress, standing upright one by one, preparing to welcome the coming rainbow light. bridge.

Unlike other disciples in the fort, standing where they are, they can observe the Rainbow Light Bridge more intuitively, and therefore can also get more information from it that the outside world does not know.

At this time, the light inspired by the light bridge is mainly bright and golden in color, and the brightness is even more extraordinary. This means that the strength of the characters carried on the light bridge is beyond imagination.

After undergoing special reinforcement, the Rainbow Light Bridge can still appear in this state. The answer to the identity of the person on the bridge is already clear.

"Ancestor Hongyi finally came in person!"

Li Xuan stood behind Yuan Jiansong, looking at the gorgeous glow, and sighed softly.

"I didn't expect that even Patriarch Tiangang couldn't withstand the pressure he brought. Does this mean he has succeeded again? This guy... is really getting more and more surprising!"

Yuan Jiansong shook his head lightly: "It's too early to say this now!"

Li Xuan was startled: "Master, did you see anything?"

Yuan Jiansong stared at the spreading brilliant glow for a moment, with extremely sharp eyes, and said: "You will understand after a while!"

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel frightened.

He was surprised by Yuan Jiansong's attitude, but at the same time he thought to himself: There is indeed a gap between his Taoism and his master's. It was obvious that he had seen something, but he still had no clue...

After a while, the light bridge was finally fully connected and descended.

After a burst of bright light, the halo gradually dissipated.

Before they could see the specific appearance of the person coming, a powerful and mysterious aura hit their faces, making everyone's breathing stagnate.

Li Xuan suddenly trembled all over!

This breath...could it be...

Now, he finally understood why Yuan Jiansong reacted like that just now!

This is clearly the aura of Litian Sword Code!

It turns out that Patriarch Hongyi came directly with the Litian Sword Code, and judging from the strong pressure, this treasure of the Zhen Sect is in a state that can be activated at any time!

It is true that Patriarch Hongyi came in person, but in his current state, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is sharpening his sword and full of murderous intent!

Li Xuan couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on his face. He didn't expect that the atmosphere would already be so tense before Hongyi Patriarch even showed up.

The other powerful real people around him obviously had similar feelings to him, so when the halo completely subsided, Patriarch Hongyi led a large group of people including Li Wangji, Chen Zifu, Feng Ruhai, Wei Yingcheng, etc. When Dangdi appeared, everyone forgot to salute and greet him.

But they forgot that the surrounding laws of heaven and earth immediately responded.

In an instant, the sky suddenly became overcast with clouds, and rolling thunderclouds hung low, as if a ferocious beast wanted to devour this towering fortress standing among the mountains.

Everyone was shocked, and then they all woke up from a dream.

"Let's meet Ancestor Hongyi!"

"Let's meet Ancestor Hongyi!"

Not only the Zhennan Daying masters on the top of Feiyan Castle, but also the disciples from all over the castle spontaneously knelt on the ground and worshiped loudly:

"Disciple, see Ancestor Hongyi!"

"Disciple, see Ancestor Hongyi!"

What they worship is not only the status and power of the Tiangang Patriarch, but also a kind of surrender to the strongest power and highest inheritance of the Dali Sword Sect.

Ancestor Hongyi held the dark Litian Sword Code in his hand and slowly stepped down from the high platform on the top of the castle.

In the wild wind, his clothes were flying, and his hair was as wild as dancing.

His cold gaze swept over the faces of everyone in front of him one by one. However, until he looked from beginning to end, he did not find the figure he wanted to see in the crowd, so he asked:

"Where is Lu Yu?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of Hongyi did not hide it at all, and directly mentioned Lu Yu's name as soon as he came up.

No one dares to answer this question, because it is very likely that just an answer will bear the wrath of Hongyi Ancestor.

As a result, everyone subconsciously turned their heads and looked at a barren mountain nearby.

That's where Lu Yu set up the alchemy furnace.

Ancestor Hongyi followed everyone's gaze and turned to look.

I saw a huge alchemy furnace standing in the wilderness among the mountains. A handsome young man was sitting next to the alchemy furnace, staring at him with interest.

The surroundings were already covered with dark clouds and thunderous winds, but only on the young man and the huge alchemy furnace beside him, a ray of sunshine fell from the sky and enveloped him.

The area covered by that beam of sunlight was only a small area, but amidst the overwhelming pressure of thunder, it looked particularly beautiful and eye-catching.

Ancestor Hongyi's eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew that the target he was looking for had already appeared.

The young man under the beam of sunshine also happened to stand up at this moment and waved to this side from a distance. His loud voice came faintly in the strong wind:

"Ancestor Hongyi, can you come over and talk to me?"

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