Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1115 Opinions

"Are you serious about what you just said..."

Behind him, Jade Butterfly's voice suddenly came unexpectedly.

Lu Yu turned around and looked back, smiling but not answering: "What do you think?"

Yudie curled her lips disdainfully: "I really don't know how you came up with it, and actually encouraged Ancestor Hongyi to detonate his own spiritual veins... You should tell me which mountain's spiritual veins are suitable for transformation into you. The trap you are talking about?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "How do I know this? Naturally, this will have to be decided after the two ancestors discuss it with all the real people... However, I think no matter what happens, it shouldn't be our Jade Butterfly Peak's turn, right? !”

Yudie shook her head slowly: "You guys are so terrible. You can come up with such a destructive method... I don't know what evil Yang Yudie has done. He chose a guy like you to be my brother-in-law." !”

Lu Yu said: "Extraordinary measures are used in extraordinary times! Unless we are ready to be slaughtered by others, otherwise... you would like to come up with a better strategy? Who can't just criticize others?"

Yudie was speechless immediately, and could only roll her eyes at him angrily.

After a moment, she couldn't help it anymore and asked, "Do you think Ancestor Hongyi will agree to your plan?"

Lu Yu turned his gaze to Feiyan Castle, his eyes as deep as the sea, and said: "Unless he can immediately recall Ancestor Yunxiao to kill everyone, other than cooperating with me, I really can't think of any other way to crack it. This method... However, I guess this is very annoying. If Ancestor Yunxiao could really come back, he wouldn’t have delayed it until now!”

"Really not?"

Yudie sneered and said: "Don't forget, the major sects are now shouting and killing the Dali Sword Sect, but they are all under the banner of punishing you, so he can't arrest you and sacrifice you to calm everyone's anger. Angry?"

Lu Yu said calmly: "Do you think the current situation can be settled by just taking me out to sacrifice? Besides, do you think it will be easy to capture me and sacrifice me? We I just showed him my domain, why shouldn’t he consider it carefully?”

Yudie said: "So, do we have to be ready to go to Huoshen Mountain?"

Lu Yu took a deep breath: "I hope so!"

Jade Die added: "By the way, what was the final fate of the bison you just mentioned? Did it escape?"

Lu Yu smiled: "What do you think?"

Jade Butterfly said angrily: "Guess what? Can you please stop showing off... Could it be that he was eaten by a hungry wolf?"

Lu Yu shook his head gently: "Actually, there are no packs of wolves hunting around. It's just a story I made up... But when I was practicing swordsmanship, I did encounter a pack of hungry wolves in the wild. Later, They all died under my sword when I was only seven years old..."

As he spoke, his eyes gradually became darker, revealing a look of reminiscence.

The training in the wilderness was exactly his father's arrangement, and that was the last memory he had of his father.

Jade Die couldn't help but be startled and looked at Lu Yu in astonishment.

Lu Yu smiled casually again: "So, I am actually very experienced in dealing with hungry wolves, and this time will be no exception!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the alchemy furnace. He placed his palm on the alchemy furnace, and immediately the steam rose and the furnace fire started.

Yudie was immediately startled, and quickly jumped down from the alchemy furnace, casting a disdainful look at Lu Yu, who had a smirk on his face.

This guy did it on purpose!

In a short period of time, it seems that no one will bother me anymore, and this furnace of elixirs can finally be finished successfully...

But at this time, inside Feiyan Castle, it was far less peaceful than the wilderness outside.

After Patriarch Hongyi returned to Feiyan Castle, facing everyone's eager gazes, he briefly took the initiative to tell the contents of his conversation with Lu Yu.

Choosing to cooperate with the Da Luo Holy Land Alliance is an excellent plan, and there will naturally be no problems; the surprise attack on the Vulcan Mountain is a bit risky, but the pursuit of wealth and danger is still within the acceptable range; as Hongyi When the ancestor mentioned the turtle formation again and transformed some of the peripheral mountain spiritual veins into detonating traps, a group of real elders immediately exploded!

"How can this be done?"

"This must never be done!"

"The spiritual veins of the Immortal Mountain were left behind by the founder of the mountain. They are the foundation of the ancestors and the basis for the inheritance and continuation of the Dali Sword Sect... Although the sect is in a critical situation, it has still not lost an inch of ground. At this time, it is necessary to dig out the foundation of the ancestors. This is too ridiculous!”

"I have said before that Lu Yu has always had evil intentions, but his bad character has been covered up by his talent. Now he finally shows his tail!"

"This move is indeed against the principles of Tianhe..."

"Why did our Dali Sword Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect reach this stage of quarrel? Isn't it because they covet our resources and land? In every sect's territory, every inch of land must be fought for! If we voluntarily give up some of the surrounding mountains, we may even If you want to destroy it with your own hands...then what's the point of fighting this battle?"

Just as Patriarch Hongyi expected, everyone’s opposition was fierce.

This is exactly why he brought this matter up to discuss with everyone... Even though he has taken over the power and can act arbitrarily in the sect, if he really wants to implement this plan, he will not be able to spare all the real people. If their objections are too strong, this matter will not proceed.

The series of plans proposed by Lu Yu were actually a set of combination punches.

If we can't shrink the front and lay traps, then the plan to surprise the Vulcan Mountain will be greatly compromised; if there is no surprise attack on the Vulcan Mountain, then there will be no suitable entry point for cooperation with the Da Luo Holy Land...

In the end, everything is back to where it started, which is equivalent to standing still.

Normally, this would be nothing, but with the recent changes in some boulders, especially after Bixiao Shrine also joined the battle group, Ancestor Hongyi clearly felt an invisible pressure... Bixiao Shrine, The background is extremely profound. It is a behemoth that towers over the eight major sects. If they really go all out, the life of the Dali Sword Sect will never be easy...

Somehow, Ancestor Hongyi already felt that a rope had been put around his neck, and it was being pulled tighter and tighter... If he could only stand still, it would mean slow death.

Therefore, he must make changes!

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