Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1116 Secret Discussion

As the sun sets and the moon rises, the lights in Feiyan Castle are brightly lit.

A group of real strong people argued all night, but there was still no result.

Ancestor Hongyi has always kept his eyes closed and rested, listening to the opinions of all parties.

He has not spoken for a long time, and has not even moved, so that all the powerful real people present are very suspicious that he is tired of everyone's arguments and has entered a state of meditation on his own.

But even so, they have to continue to say what needs to be said, because the implications of this matter are too important, and it is very likely that the Dali Sword Sect will fall into a situation of eternal disaster.

The focus of their discussion on this matter has also changed from whether they should destroy their foundation to whether there are other more suitable alternatives.


Suddenly, Ancestor Hongyi let out a long low groan, and slowly opened his eyes as if he had returned to his soul.

There was a strong look of exhaustion in his eyes.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

The ancestor has been sitting in the meeting hall, obviously not going anywhere, how could he suddenly look like this?

Ancestor Hongyi ignored everyone's surprised looks and said in a deep voice: "Let's stop the discussion on this matter! Next, we will start the first step of preparing the plan, first erecting a higher-efficiency rainbow light here. bridge!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned again.

Why did Duanduan start preparing for the Rainbow Light Bridge?

Could it be that all the opinions they just discussed were in vain?

Ancestor Hongyi slowly looked around at everyone and gave an indisputable reason.

"Because Patriarch Yunxiao has already approved this plan!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and suddenly the shadows of floating clouds and palaces bloomed in the void.

This is the exclusive mark of Ancestor Yunxiao.

Soon, Lu Yu and Yu Die were notified to go to the council chamber to attend the secret discussion.

The previous plan was just a general strategy. In order to successfully complete the entire surprise attack plan, there are still many details that need to be perfected. Naturally, these cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences.

As for the original real-person strong men, they no longer opposed this plan after seeing Ancestor Hongyi display the exclusive mark of Ancestor Yunxiao.

Because they know that Patriarch Yunxiao is the strongest backing of the entire Dali Sword Sect. If it were not for his protection, the entire Dali Sword Sect would have disappeared long ago. Now that he is also optimistic about this plan, then there must be a deep meaning. They just need to behave and execute.

After all, Patriarch Yunxiao, who has a lifespan of three thousand years, is like a Dinghai Shenzhen to the entire Dali Sword Sect. The decision he makes is absolutely impossible to harm the Dali Sword Sect.

As a result, a new round of emergency consultations began in the meeting hall in Feiyan Castle.

The outcome of this discussion may completely rewrite the structure of the eight major sects...

Therefore, the content of this discussion is even more top-secret. The alert level of the entire inner fort has been raised to the highest level. Not even a fly can even get close to the inner fort.

The disciples in Feiyan Castle also clearly felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and couldn't help but start talking again.

"What's happening here?"

"What happened?"

"Could it be that Ancestor Hongyi and other real people are joining forces to punish Lu Yu?"

"Nonsense! If Ancestor Hongyi wanted to attack Senior Brother Lu Yu, he would have done it long ago, why would he wait until now?"

"Then what's the reason?"

"What other reason could it be! They must be discussing cooperation with the Da Luo Holy Land reinforcements!"

"So, Ancestor Hongyi has recognized Lu Yu? Are you planning to shake hands with him and make peace?"

"Lu Yu...did he really let Ancestor Hongyi come to see him eagerly?"

"Tell me why Ancestor Hongyi didn't take action against Lu Yu before. It was already like that at that time. I think the Litian Sword Code is about to be activated..."

"I guess it's some kind of certainty..."

"Are you kidding me? The majestic Tiangang Patriarch has no confidence in dealing with a true disciple?"

"What else? Otherwise, can you tell me why a dignified Tiangang strongman is so easy to talk to? Wouldn't it be good for him to beat up the disciple under him and then make him obedient?"

"Senior Brother Lu Yu, to be invited by Ancestor Hongyi to enter the house, he must have put forward sufficiently attractive conditions!"

"I don't know what kind of huge plans they are planning now..."

Everyone is looking forward to the ongoing meeting in the inner castle.

In a certain attic, Baozi and the others were even more uneasy, as if they were sitting on pins and needles.

As disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak, they are naturally particularly concerned about Lu Yu's situation. Although there are different opinions outside, no one can tell what the situation is.

Until late in the evening, a stream of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and the Rainbow Light Bridge was activated again.

This scene only aggravated the suspicion in everyone's hearts.

Baozi and others were suddenly as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They didn't know what the problem was and whether it was related to Lu Yu.

"Don't worry! It's okay!"

When Ren Ren was panicking, Su Buyi suddenly walked in from outside and said coldly.

Everyone was stunned and turned their heads to look at him in surprise.

"Old Su, do you know what's going on?" Baozi asked quickly.

Su Buyi nodded, his face slightly reddened: "I have already asked the senior sisters, the rainbow light bridge just now sent away the eldest brother and the first real person." Baozi was stunned, and then heaved a long sigh of relief. Although it is not clear what happened for the time being, the fact that the eldest brother and the first real person were escorted away by the rainbow light bridge means that there should be no problem... Everyone's hanging hearts can finally relax.

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