Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1123 A final question

"Actually, it didn't take long. Didn't we see it last time at the Golden Rooster Islands?"

"Ice King Island Master" sneered lightly.

His whole body was covered in black armor, and he was surrounded by dense black energy.

There was only one pair of eyes, glowing with a strange blood-red color, with a surging power surging in them.

It was this surging power that revealed his true identity and made Lu Yu realize that the Ice King Island Master in front of him was just a shell.

"It's just... when we said goodbye last time, I didn't expect you to do so many earth-shattering things. You actually joined forces with Yao Ji to kill the Master Ming?"

Lord Chiyue's blood-red eyes stared at Lu Yu for an instant.

"Were you not enemies of life and death in Dakong Mountain before? Why have you joined forces again this time? What is the relationship between you?"

Seriously, this is actually the third head-to-head confrontation between the two.

In addition to the battle on the Golden Rooster Islands, when he was in the demon spirit world, he also pretended to be the emperor of the giant spirit clan and possessed him in Da Kong Mountain. At that time, he also had an affair with Qin Yanzhen. There is a lot of intrigue and cooperation, so it is not surprising that such questions are raised now.

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. I think you should have a very profound understanding of this sentence..."

Lu Yu replied with a chuckle.

"The eight major sects and the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect have been fighting each other for tens of thousands of years. Even such hatred can turn enemies into friends. What's so surprising about Yao Ji and I joining forces?"

After a pause, he continued:

"I need to remind you that Yao Ji and I are now a community of interests. We have joined forces to kill Ming Wang Fa Zun. No matter what kind of conflicts I had with her before, this experience has made our destiny closely linked. Connected..."

"The union between me and her is far deeper than your intrigues in Da Kong Mountain. Any action you take against me now is tantamount to declaring war on her... Therefore, I advise you to think twice about your current actions. Let’s go!”

"Haha, don't make a fuss about me with Yao Ji. Do I think I'm one of those idiots from Daluo Holy Land? Will I listen to your lies so easily?"

Lord Chiyue sneered.

"A mere Yao Ji is just a descendant of the Storm Clan. Their glorious era has long passed. She is just a lonely ghost. Now she has too much time to take care of herself. She is no longer in this world... Even if she stands in front of me in person You have no right to say such words to me in front of me!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel startled.

A descendant of the Storm Clan?

He has always been curious about Yao Ji's true identity, but he didn't expect that he would now get the revelation from Lord Chiyue...

In an instant, Lu Yu figured out many things.

No wonder Yao Ji has such a deep understanding of the ancient city of Guoyun, no wonder she wants to take away the entire Tianhuan Palace...

There are also the secrets she mentioned about the ancient Celestial Clan, as well as her certain understanding of the Night Phoenix Clan’s bloodline magical powers...

Unexpectedly, this was the reason. It turned out that she herself was a descendant of the Storm Clan, one of the ancient heavenly clans, just like Ye Weilan!

It's just that the Storm Clan is, after all, a powerful ethnic group that once ruled all the worlds. Their overall strength is undoubtedly much stronger than the Night Phoenix Clan...

However, now is clearly not the time to dwell on these issues.

Compared with these questions, there is another question that is more closely related to him - ever since this area was suddenly activated, he has always had a familiar feeling that seems to be familiar. He has been trying his best to think about this familiarity. Where does the feeling come from?

Seeing the expression on Lu Yu's face, Lord Chiyue couldn't help but reveal a playful smile: "You claim to have a close relationship with Yao Ji, but she must have never told you about her true identity, right? Just based on that. You want to trick me too?"

"Instead of thinking about Yao Ji, it's better to think about your current situation! Last time in the Golden Rooster Islands, I was not prepared enough and you escaped by chance. This time, you can't think of anything like last time. good luck!"

Lu Yu glanced at the dense black chains around him and said calmly: "Are these really all prepared by your Excellency?"

Lord Chiyue was astonished.

At this time, there was chaos in the surrounding field. Even though a Dawson-black chain appeared, these chains were entangled with each other, forming dead knots. In essence, it was still chaos... and this was also It is the essence of its meaning - chaos.

Chaos obscures everything, including the brightness of the stars in the sky.

Only in this way can the secret of the stars be completely restrained by Lord Lu Yu.

However, what Lord Chiyue didn't expect was that Lu Yu, who was in this chaos, could still see some mysteries.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Lord Chiyue said with sharp eyes.

Lu Yu sighed softly and showed a helpless yet free and easy smile: "Since you have made such full preparations, I think this time it is indeed doomed..."

"In your eyes, I must be a dead person, right? Facing a dying person, I wonder if you can answer me a question sincerely, so as to solve a doubt that has been bothering me for a long time..."

Lord Chiyue laughed playfully again: "Tell me about it!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly, and in a flash, his eyes suddenly became sharp and sharp: "I wonder what kind of connection there is between the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect and the Bixiao Shrine?"

A look of astonishment instantly froze on Lord Chiyue's face.

He thought about many possibilities...

Maybe Lu Yu will ask about his true identity and want to see his true face...

Or ask about the true origins of these incredible techniques such as floating battleships, Hun Tian Hammer, black armored warriors, etc...

He even asked about the connection between himself and Ancestor Shanwen...

He just didn't expect that Lu Yu's thinking would jump to this point and suddenly connect the Scarlet Moon God Sect with the Bixiao Shrine.

And this is indeed the biggest question in Lu Yu's mind.

Because he has already figured out where the feeling of déjà vu in this field comes from.

It was in the Realm of Ten Thousand Swords that he used his mind and consciousness to travel through the thunder tribulation of the earth and penetrated deep into the seventeenth floor underground. He "observed" the Yama Palace where his mother was most likely imprisoned.

There is a secret connection between that mysterious palace and this unique area at this time that he cannot describe, but it actually exists.

According to the original weapon spirit of Feihong Sword and now Senior Tianjian, the seventeenth underground level has always been the territory controlled by Bixiao Palace, and they have more in the deepest underground - the eighteenth level. Plan for a huge and shocking plan.

Based on this, Lu Yu could conclude that there must be some unknown connection between the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect and the Bixiao Shrine.

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