Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1124 The Decryption of Lord Chiyue

After a brief moment of astonishment, Lord Chiyue couldn't help but burst into laughter again.

"You are indeed the incarnation of the Holy Lotus. You are really surprising. It seems that the Bixiao Palace has really found an excellent nurturing body this time..."

Lu Yu felt awe-struck in his heart.

The incarnation of the Holy Lotus?

Breeding the body?

Does this all refer to yourself?

Listening to the tone of Lord Chiyue's words, not only does he have a deep connection with Bixiao Shrine, but Bixiao Shrine has already known about his existence, and there is a result of their deliberate connivance behind it. …

"That old guy, the ridiculous Yin Shen Zun, told me countless times not to let you notice the interference of the Bixiao Palace behind the scenes. I never thought that you would have noticed it a long time ago... It can make the earth Even if that old fox miscalculated, you are really awesome! I suffered a few losses at your hands before, so it’s not too unfair!”

As Lord Chiyue spoke, he couldn't help laughing.

Lu Yu looked at Lord Chiyue who was in a crazy state, but his heart couldn't help but feel cold...

Earth Seal God...Who is this?

To make Lord Chiyue lose his composure like this, I don't think he is a simple person...

"Who is the Earth Seal God?" Lu Yu couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Don't you even know about him?" Lord Chiyue was surprised, and then nodded: "That's right... Yao Ji reincarnated and came to this world. I thought she already knew about that matter. I wanted to come to her She just sensed that something was wrong, so she turned around and reincarnated in a hurry... She couldn't know the specific layout of the Bixiao Shrine in the world above, and naturally she couldn't know the existence of the Earth Seal God. "

Lu Yu couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat again.

Listen to this tone... Yao Ji doesn't know, but he seems to know?

It seems that Lord Chiyue, who is a subordinate of the Lord of Heaven, really knows many unknown and shocking secrets... Isn't it just that he doesn't know the secrets hidden on the eighteenth floor underground?

"So...who is he?" Lu Yu asked again.

Lord Chiyue said: "You don't need to know his specific identity, as long as he is the real master behind the scenes of the entire Bixiao Shrine, from Tiangang to real people, no matter how great the person is, everyone will obey his orders! "

Lu Yu's heart moved and he said: "Such a great power? Could it be that... this person could come from outside the world? Just like the Ming Wang Dharma Master from the Daze Realm?"

Lord Chiyue was surprised again, "tsk tsk" twice, and said: "So, you are really smart. I just mentioned it a little bit, but I didn't expect you to guess it yourself..."

"When you meet the Earth Seal God, don't say that I revealed his details... Of course, I am referring to your soul. Your body will have no chance to see him!"

Lu Yu reminded: "Your Excellency, we seem to be getting further and further apart. You haven't answered my original question yet..."

Lord Chiyue smiled coldly: "These are actually old things. It doesn't hurt to tell you so that you don't become a confused person!"

"In the world above, there are many heavens and all realms. The forces of these heavens and all realms are divided into several huge camps, and they are constantly conquering each other..."

"You don't need to worry about which camps they are. You only need to know one thing. In the world above, the Lord of Heaven and the Bixiao Palace actually belong to the same camp. They both serve under a certain powerful Immortal King. …Do you understand the connection between us now?”

Lu Yu was slightly startled and asked: "Then why in the past more than 100,000 years, the relationship between the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect and the Bixiao Shrine has been like fire and water?"

Lord Chiyue said: "Even brothers are fighting against each other, let alone two forces that belong to the same camp?"

"Early after the fall of the Storm Clan, we, the Scarlet Moon God Sect, were the first to come to this world, and then the Bixiao Shrine also followed. We were the first two forces to come to this world... We originally upheld the They came with the same goal, but precisely because of the same goal, there was competition between them!"

"At first, our Scarlet Moon God Sect was so powerful that Bixiao Shrine couldn't compete with us, so they resorted to conspiracy methods, secretly supported and united with other forces, falsely accused us of being evil and crooked, and led other sects to crusade against us, so It eventually evolved into the current situation..."

"The Bixiao Shrine is just a bunch of despicable people. They know they can't do it, so they secretly play tricks to make things difficult. If they can't afford the cruel things they have done secretly, their Bixiao Shrine is nothing compared to our Scarlet Moon Sect. Favorably!"

"What's ridiculous is that the major sects don't know the details of it at all, and they actually regard it as the head of the eight major sects. Instead, they regard our Red Moon Sect as the enemy of life and death. They don't know that the biggest enemy is right beside them. It's really stupid. Extremely good!”

Lord Chiyue's face was full of anger and injustice.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look stunned.

He never expected that there would be such a connection between the Bixiao Shrine and the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect...

Everyone said that the Bixiao Shrine was the first to be established among the eight major sects, but they had no idea that before they were founded, they already had a profound and long "past" with the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect.

"Then...what is the purpose of your coming here?" Lu Yu asked again.

According to Senior Tianjian, he came to this world just to stop a huge plan of Bixiao Shrine. Because he was worried about being noticed by Bixiao Shrine's supreme artifact "Kunlun Realm", he had to put the real The purpose is forgotten, leaving only the incomplete consciousness to fight against it...

Since the Scarlet Moon Divine Sect and the Bixiao Shrine originally came with the same goal, then from Lord Scarlet Moon’s mouth, we can also learn this secret, and this will undoubtedly unlock all the secrets of the eighteenth floor underground. The essential.

Unfortunately, Lord Chiyue was extremely sensitive to this and did not continue.

He said lightly: "Don't you think you have too many questions? You only have one life. I have already answered your questions... If you have other questions, you can ask them again when you see the Earth Seal God in the future. Ask him slowly!"

"Don't you want to take revenge? Don't you want the major sects to recognize the true face of Bixiao Shrine?" Lu Yu said seductively: "You also know my influence among the major sects now, I can help you!"

Lord Chiyue shook his head: "What's the point of this? After so many years, I have come to understand the reality. We lost the competition between Chiyue Divine Sect and Bixiao Shrine, completely. I finally lost..."

"There is nothing wrong with leaving that matter to the Bixiao Palace. After all, no matter what happens, we are allies of the same camp... I have nothing else to ask for now. The only thing I want to do is to go home. If the Earth Seal God is willing to help me with this matter, then it doesn’t matter if I do him a favor!”

Lu Yu was stunned.

I never expected that the rebellious Lord Chiyue would have his spirit completely flattened...

Listening to the implication of his words, it is obvious that the condition for the Earth Seal God to "help" him is to kill himself here and obtain his soul...

In this regard, he had already somewhat guessed that Lord Chiyue himself was actually not sure that he would be able to eat him safely. Therefore, the Earth Seal God used some special means to remove the slaves who were originally from him. The top secrets of the seventeenth floor underground were temporarily "lent" to him just to restrain himself.

"So, are you ready to die?" Lord Chiyue sneered repeatedly.

Along with the sneer, chains moved around, chaos arose, and darkness filled the air.

There is no wind, no rain, no cloud, no sunshine, no sun, no moon... even the starlight is completely annihilated above the sea.

This means that Lu Yu will have to have a final decisive battle with his opponent in a place where even the stars cannot shine.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "If you want to kill me, let's see if you have such a method!"

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