Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1125 A Realm Where No Starlight Can Shine

Before the opponent could take action, Lu Yu took the lead and slashed out with his sword.

He did not slash at Lord Chiyue in front, but at the surrounding dark chains.

The entire area is already under the opponent's control. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to directly attack the body of the Ice King Island master who is possessed by Lord Red Moon.

This is only possible if we first break the chaotic and dark realm around us.

This time he did not use the microscopic mysteries, but used other types of star mysteries.

But the result was exactly the same as before. The sticky and sluggish feeling came again. The sword that was so sharp in the past became limp at this moment, seemingly without any strength.

"Are you going to struggle pointlessly again?"

Lord Chiyue sneered again.

"It's useless... I already knew all your secrets the last time we fought!"

"Everything you have learned comes from the vast starry sky. The Mystery of the Starry Sky is indeed the top Mystery among all the heavens and worlds, but it is not without its opponents. For example, this time I specially borrowed the Mystery of Chaos from the Earth Seal God. It happens to be the nemesis of the secret of the starry sky that you master!"

"In the ancient times, chaos was not yet opened, heaven and earth were not divided, and all the heavens and worlds were shrouded in chaos. It was a situation where even the light of the stars could not shine. How could you fight against it."

As Lord Chiyue spoke, the surrounding dark chains kept shuttling and intertwining towards Lu Yu.

There seemed to be some kind of invisible magic power in his words. With every word he spoke, the edge of Lu Yu's sword dimmed a bit, as if it was really the chaos when the world first opened, gradually swallowing up the starlight. .

Fortunately, Lu Yu's movement skills were quite flexible, and he relied on the Flying Flower Shadow Escape to keep moving around in the gaps of the dark chains, so that he was not completely trapped.

On the surface, this is because his movement is too flexible.

But if we look into the root cause carefully, it is still because his inner breath is too powerful.

Thousands of flowers were hidden in the tranquil sea of ​​true energy, so that he didn't need any time to recuperate. This allowed him to make incredible dodge movements seamlessly.

"The secret of chaos?"

After hearing Lord Chiyue's words, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

It seems that I have really guessed it. This power does not belong to Lord Chiyue, but is borrowed from Bixiao Shrine in some special way.

As for what method...

Lu Yu couldn't help but cast his gaze on the body of the Ice Emperor Island Master who was covered in black armor.

Whether it is the secrets of chaos or the consciousness of Lord Chiyue, they are undoubtedly based on the body of the Ice King Island master. I am afraid that the aggregation of the chaos secrets is probably related to the materials that pieced together the body of the Ice King Island master.

Although he did not have any evidence, he always felt that at least part of the body of the Ice Emperor Island Master should come from the seventeenth level of Jiuyou Underground, and this is where the mysterious power of wonton comes from. source.

"The Earth Seal God...could he be the Seventeenth Que who lives in the Nine Netherlands?"

After once again avoiding the entanglement of Dawson's black chain, Lu Yu suddenly asked back coldly.

Lord Chiyue could not help but be surprised again: "How is this possible? Have you ever been to the deepest part of Jiuyou?"

After a slight pause, he smiled solemnly: "Don't try to get some advice from me anymore. I've already said it before. If you have any other questions, please leave them to ask the Earth Seal God!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and immediately several more chains intertwined across the sky.

However, this time, Lu Yu did not choose to evade, but once again waved his sword to meet the dark chains coming from the sky.

He planned to try another method.

Although he could indeed temporarily avoid the chain's attack through his flexible movements, this was only a temporary measure after all.

Judging from the overall situation, the scope of his activities has been continuously restricted.

Moreover, the opponent has the blessing of the home field, and the control of the Senhei Chain has almost no loss, but his constant dodges, but it consumes a lot of money. Under the influence of one and the other, he will eventually end up in a desperate situation. .

Therefore, he must try another method to break the deadlock!

The dark chains were silent, and when they were about to wrap around Lu Yu, they suddenly shook, and more chains appeared again, forming a dense net that covered Lu Yu's head.

Apparently, Lord Chiyue had also noticed that Lu Yu's movement was too flexible, so he deliberately guarded against him.

But at this moment, Lu Yu's sword waved out.

"Hahaha...boy, I admire your courage!"

Lord Chiyue couldn't help laughing proudly.

"I've told you that your starry sky secrets are impossible to resist the chaos secrets, yet you still want to hit an egg against a rock..."

However, midway through his words, his voice suddenly stopped.

Because what was reflected on Lu Yu's Feihong Sword was not starlight at all, but a bright red sun.

Yanyang Sword Technique!

"Since my own secrets of swordsmanship are ineffective, how about trying the essence of Bixiao Shrine's own secrets?"

Lu Yu roared.

The sword was shaped like a rising sun, red as fire, and hit the densely packed giant network of chains in front of him.

There was a loud bang.

Suddenly, a Dawson-black chain snapped.

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