Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1126 Chaos Fighting

It really works!

Lu Yu was immediately overjoyed.

Yanyang Sword Technique is one of the secret arts of the Bixiao Shrine Sect, and only true disciples can understand it.

Lu Yu naturally learned it from Ling Yufei.

His experience on the battlefield of Heavenly Prison left him with a very deep impression of this sword technique.

Although Ling Yufei has always abided by the rules and never taught this sword technique to him, his current cultivation level has long been different from what it used to be, and his ability to draw inferences from one example is even more powerful. If he wants to deduce the secret of this sword technique, It's just something that can be easily captured.

Perhaps the true secret of chaos can annihilate everything, but Lu Yu does not believe that the real top secret can be perfectly reproduced by the other party using an unknown carrier.

Because even he himself couldn't share the secret of the stars with Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan, how could the other party do it?

Even if the Earth Seal God and the Red Moon Lord join forces, it will definitely not work!

Therefore, he believed that the opponent's secret of chaos must be flawed!

His thinking was that since this was something created by Bixiao Shrine, it was impossible for them to even guard against the essence of their own secrets, so he tried to use Bixiao Shrine's own secrets of swordsmanship. The Tao Yanyang Sword Technique is the strongest secret skill of Bixiao Shrine that he can currently master... Unexpectedly, it really worked!

Although it only broke a few chains and did not completely reverse the situation, it at least gave him a glimpse of the possibility of victory!

" really never cease to amaze people!"

Lord Chiyue said with infinite emotion.

"But, so what? Do you think this can make you come back?"

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a mocking look:

"Even if I don't do anything now and let you break the laws of chaos around you at will, you won't be able to break out of this area until you die of exhaustion!"

Lu Yu took a long breath and let out the turbid air in his chest.

He knew that what Lord Chiyue said was indeed the truth.

Although the sword was very effective just now, it actually had almost no impact on the entire huge field. On the contrary, he himself consumed a lot of real energy... If he were to use this efficiency, he would really have to survive. When you are exhausted, it is impossible to see the hope of successfully breaking through the entire field!


He doesn't necessarily have to be at odds with the entire realm of chaos!

"Since I can't break out of this area, how about I rush to you directly?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yu swung his sword again!

His body suddenly swelled into a huge shadow, agile, elegant, free and easy... He swung his sword and slashed towards Lord Chiyue in front of him.

Exiled Immortal Sword Technique!

It is also the famous trick of Bixiao Shrine!

Although it is not as famous and powerful as the Yanyang Sword Technique, it is more flexible and versatile. If used properly, it can also achieve miraculous effects.

At this time, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in his heart...

If I had known this, I should have dragged Meng Ting to have a good discussion with her. As the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace of the Bixiao Shrine, her knowledge must be extremely profound, and she might be able to steal many practical tips from her. Better cope with the current situation.

The shadow of the banished immortal was as bright as snow, and under its sprint, the dark chains broke inch by inch.

Seeing that the shadow of the banished immortal was about to completely cover the body of the Ice King Island Master.

At this moment, Lord Chiyue stretched out his hand, and a huge phantom of a giant hand suddenly fell from the sky, completely shattering the phantom formed by the Banishing Immortal Sword Art in one fell swoop.

"Hahaha! Very good!"

Lord Chiyue laughed.

"Since you are unwilling to accept your fate, then let me enjoy your death struggle!"

"Although I promised the Earth Seal God to try my best to ensure that your soul is intact, you can't blame me if you want to commit suicide and suffer more!"

Following his words, the realm suddenly became extremely cold.

Sharp ice picks appeared out of thin air and were arranged into an extremely huge ring.

Ice City Ancient Temple Wheel!

It is one of the secret techniques of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

Although the Ice King Island Master has now become a puppet who does not know whether he is dead or alive, the power in his original golden elixir is still retained, and can also be driven by Lord Chiyue.

The huge ring was centered on Lu Yu, and countless ice cones roared towards him.

Faced with such a powerful offensive, Lu Yu did not hesitate at all and immediately used the Great Luo Holy Order.

Fortunately, this Da Luo Holy Land treasure is still in his hands and has not been returned to Da Luo Holy Land, allowing him to have many more choices in the battle at this time...

Next, the two started to attack each other.

Lu Yu's various offensive methods are endless, including Bixiao Shrine, Daluo Holy Land, Hunyuan Qi Sect, Shenhuo Xuan Sect, Taishang Immortal Sect... and even Yuhai Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion! In addition to the Great Li Sword Sect and his own Star Mystery, he had tried all the tricks from all the major sects.

Sure enough, it was just as he expected.

This area only has a special restraint effect on his secrets of the stars and the secrets of swordsmanship of the Dali Sword Sect. It has little effect on the secret arts of other sects.

But similarly, for the secret arts of other major sects, he could only learn a rough outline of them, and was far from being proficient.

On the other hand, Lord Chiyue on the opposite side had the advantage in the home field. Every time Lu Yu attacked, he had to cut off the chains one by one in order to threaten to get his puppet body.

Soon, Lu Yu was covered in blood.

But even so, Lu Yu still didn't give up and tried various attack possibilities.

"That's enough! Let's stop it here! I don't want to be unable to explain to the Earth Seal God!"

Lord Chiyue shouted coldly.

A red moon rose with it.

Finally, he stopped using Ice King Island Master's tricks and used his true power.

But this time, Lu Yu no longer avoided it, nor did he think of ways to resolve it.

He turned sideways and silently scattered a bunch of puppet magic talismans to the side...

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