Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1127 Long-Planned

The red moon appeared from behind the Red Moon Lord, and as it continued to rise, it gradually rose to the sky above the two people's heads.

Evil, weird, and cold red light billows.

In fact, the light will not show a "tumbling" state at all, but for some reason, the red moon at this moment gives Lu Yu exactly this feeling.

In the realm of chaos, a Dawson-black chain moved vertically and staggered, automatically making way for the strange red moon in the sky.

In this way, the surrounding dark chains will not become an obstacle between Lu Yu and Hong Yue, allowing Lu Yu to use the dark chains to resolve Hong Yue's offensive.

At this moment, Lu Yu was firmly locked by the strange red moon in the sky, and there was no room for turning around.

However, what he was waiting for was exactly such an opportunity.

At the same moment when the red moon descended, in an instant, his hands were waving.

Puppet magic talismans flew out one after another!

The passage created by the criss-crossing black chains did completely expose him to the Red Moon offensive in the sky, but it also provided an excellent attack path for his puppet magic talisman.

At this moment, it can be said that it is the perfect opportunity for him to attack the main body of Ice King Island.

If under such circumstances, he still cannot effectively attack the opponent, it means that there is really no chance!

After accumulating momentum for a long time, the puppet magic talismans achieved the effect of last come first!

He had already planned this offensive for a long time. It was not a temporary decision when the opponent launched the Red Moon Offensive. He had been quietly planning it even earlier.

The first incarnation of the puppet technique appeared, and he raised his hand and struck a sword!

It’s actually the sword art of banishing immortals!

The puppet transformed into an elegant and agile shadow of the banished immortal, taking the lead in clearing the way and attacking the main body of Ice King Island headlong.

Lord Chiyue couldn't help but frown slightly.

In fact, he had long noticed that Lu Yu had secretly deployed the Puppet Technique Talisman, but he did not think that Puppet Technique could play any role in such a battle. After all, the entire surrounding area was under his absolute control.

But what he didn't expect was that the puppet technique under Lu Yu's control could actually perform the sword technique on its own. It had to be said that this really surprised him.

However, what surprised him even more was yet to come...

Immediately afterwards, the second puppet incarnation appeared, and he also raised his hand and struck a sword, the Supreme Immortal Sect's secret skill - Qingxu Sword Technique!

The third puppet incarnation is the secret skill of Hunyuan Qi Sect - the Whale Swallowing Tiger Roaring Technique!

The fourth puppet incarnation, the secret skill of Da Luo Holy Land - Kong Ming Jin Fist Gang!

The fifth puppet incarnation, the secret skill of Shenhuo Xuanzong - Donghuo Zhuzhao Jue!

The sixth puppet incarnation, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect’s secret skill—the Bibo Sword Technique!

The seventh puppet incarnation, Wuya Immortal Pavilion’s secret skill—Wind Surge Sword Technique!

A total of twelve puppet incarnations appeared one after another, and each puppet incarnation was accompanied by a powerful offensive with astonishing power.

For ordinary people, being able to accurately control a puppet technique is already very valuable, but Lu Yu can actually control twelve puppets at the same time, and each one can perform a trick from each major sect... This is no longer possible To use an exaggeration to describe it, this is simply insane! It’s simply a magical skill!

Lord Chiyue's mood at this time was no longer unexpected, but deeply shocked.

However, the shock Lu Yu wanted to give him still did not reach the limit...

These twelve puppet incarnations rushed straight along the straight passage. The attacks came one after another. Their positions were staggered. There was actually a wonderful rhythm hidden in them, making the twelve attacks like overlapping waves. Higher than a wave!

Combo skills!

Lord Chiyue's pupils suddenly shrank.

During the battle on the Golden Rooster Islands, under the auspices of Lu Yu, the combination skills shined. Naturally, he paid special attention to this wonderful combination of Taoism and magic.

Now the cooperation between the twelve incarnations of the puppet technique has reached the ultimate effect, allowing all kinds of power to be fully stimulated. This is the sign of the combination technique.

Originally, these Taoist sword techniques performed by the puppet incarnations could not exert their strongest power, and the effect could only be regarded as unsatisfactory.

Now that they have been combined into a combo, they have completely made up for this. With the combined power of the twelve moves of Taoism and Sword Techniques, even the heads of the major sects have come in person, and they dare not say that they can stably Resist this blow.

Lord Chiyue's face finally turned color.

After all, the body of the Ice King Island Master is only made up of real people. No matter how powerful it is, it has not transcended the category of real people.

"Hahaha...what a boy! I really have you!"

"Now I finally understand why Lord Earth Seal went out of his way and suddenly closed the net in a hurry, even asking me to help him..."

"Because you, a fish, are growing so fast! If you continue to cast a long line to catch big fish, you may not only be unable to catch the fish, but you may even lose the line bait!"

"But do you think you can get rid of your final fate this way? Don't be too naive!"

With a burst of hysterical laughter, the red moon in the sky suddenly split into two.

Then two divided into four, four divided into eight, eight divided into sixteen...

The sky above the two people's heads was crowded with circles of evil and inexplicable scarlet lunar spheres.

The churning red light descended one after another, directly piercing through the phantom of the Exalted Immortal rushing at the forefront. The puppet incarnation that used the Exalted Immortal Sword Technique also turned into a pool of powder...

Then comes the second course...

The third way...

The fourth way...

The red light kept rolling, whizzing down, annihilating the puppet incarnations one after another with the force of a falling moon.

It was not until the end that all the puppet incarnations disappeared, and the red moon in the sky came together again and smashed towards Lu Yu.

At this time, Lu Yu, after manipulating twelve puppet incarnations, seemed to have reached his limit. He stood there in a daze, no longer able to resist.

The scarlet lunar sphere engulfed him completely.

A huge concussive sound resounded in the field, and a Dawson black chain shook continuously and never subsided for a long time.

"The difficult guy has finally been settled..."

After a long time, Lord Chiyue let out a tired sigh.

Then he stepped forward and walked towards where Lu Yu originally stood.

"I don't know how much of this guy's soul can be preserved under such an offensive. I hope I won't be unable to make a difference in front of that guy from Diyin..."

As he spoke, he took out a small transparent bottle, as if he wanted to recover Lu Yu's soul in some special way.

That transparent vial is made using special techniques and special materials. It has an excellent adsorption effect on the wandering souls floating between heaven and earth. Once it is opened, it will automatically absorb the surrounding souls and essences.

However, what surprised Lord Chiyue was that the transparent vial that had been opened at this time did not react at all, as if there were no souls or spirits around at all.

Lord Chiyue frowned.

Suddenly, at the bottom of the field, where Lu Yu originally stood, he saw a pile of scattered talisman papers, some of which seemed to be the talismans of the puppet technique...

Lord Chiyue could not help but be slightly startled.

However, before he could react.

The next moment, a sharp sword suddenly stabbed from behind, penetrated his body, and penetrated his chest, revealing a section of his chest that was filled with cold light.

The astonished expression on Lord Chiyue's face instantly solidified.

Lu Yu's voice sounded next to him: "This should be effective for you, right?"

It turns out that what the previous Red Moon offensive swallowed was nothing more than a puppet incarnation.

Those twelve powerful offensives were nothing more than a cover-up to attack the east and the west.

The real Lu Yu's body had already been quietly hidden through the method of transposition. What he was waiting for was this final moment, to launch an unexpected fatal blow to the body of the Ice King Island Master.

This was the real killing move that he had planned for a long time.

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