Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1132 Strange reaction

It is said to be a small island, but it is actually just a reef.

Although the space is not big, it is more than enough for setting up defensive and concealing formations.

After a long period of busy work, before nightfall, the formation barrier was finally completed. Lu Yu threw the Feihong Sword and Hongluan Sword to the outside of the barrier and asked them to be on guard. Then he hugged the two Taoists and hid in the tent inside the barrier.

That night, the spring breeze turned into rain on the small island, and plum blossoms bloomed several times.

By the early morning of the next day, the two women were already exhausted and fell into a deep sleep. On the contrary, Lu Yu became energetic.

As he said, this is a good "tonic".

Especially after Ye Weilan, who had condensed the inner elixir, she could feed him back with even greater power, and the benefits were indescribable. It only took him one night to recover all his energy. Considering the scale of his true energy now, it is simply unimaginable.

Although there are still some internal injuries on his body that are not clear, for him who has regained his strength, these minor injuries are nothing to worry about.

Lu Yu gently climbed up from the intertwined bodies of the two women, and took out a spare thin quilt from the Qiankun bag to cover the two women.

Just when he was about to finally deal with the remaining injuries in his body, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, as if someone had broken into the warning range of the Feihong Sword.

Lu Yu's heart suddenly tightened, flying flowers flashed across his body, and he quietly slipped out of the tent.

It turned out that Jade Butterfly appeared outside the barrier.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned, wondering why she suddenly appeared here.

You know, this island is at least ten miles away from where the Spring Conch was originally parked... She has already given up the Spring Conch to her, so why does she still want to follow?

"Yudie, why are you here?"

Lu Yu opened the protective barrier and took the initiative to greet him.

Without the shield of the barrier, he realized that Yudie's expression seemed a little abnormal.

Her eyes were bloodshot, but the edge in them was extremely sharp.

call out!

Without saying a word, she raised her hand and two butterflies flew towards Lu Yu's head.

Lu Yu was caught off guard and subconsciously turned his head.

But his face was still cut by the cold sword energy, and red blood flowed down his cheek.

Lu Yu couldn't help being startled. He quickly checked and found that it was just a shallow cut and a little skin injury. Then he turned around with lingering fear and shouted: "Are you crazy?"

Yudie didn't say anything, just stared at him with cold eyes.

"Why are you pretending to be mute... Did you take the wrong medicine? Or were you possessed by an evil spirit? If you don't speak anymore, I will think that you are possessed by the Red Moon Demon Cult. Don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"I was here last night..." Yudie said slowly.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

What's going on? Could it be that...she really has a voyeuristic habit?

I just heard her continue to say: "I have been hesitating here all night, whether I should rush in and give you a sword... This time, it is even! I hope you will know yourself better in the future!"

Lu Yu was suddenly confused.

How come it's even?

Why on earth should I give myself a sword?

What else do you want to know for yourself?

It’s over…

Could there really be something wrong with this woman? Could it be the sequelae left behind in the ancient city of Guoyun?

"Yang it really you?" Lu Yu cautiously asked.

"Don't worry, I'm not wrong, and I'm not crazy."

Yudie rolled her eyes fiercely at him.

Okay... now the taste is finally right!

Lu Yu felt relieved a little.

But he still didn't know what was going on. Why did she react so strangely?

But, having said that, after successfully escaping from the ancient city of Wuyun last time, she seemed to have such a strange reaction after she hid in the mound under the clouds and made out with Chudie... Could this have anything to do with it?

She doesn't allow herself to be intimate with her sister?

Lu Yu found it unbelievable, but this was the only reasonable explanation he could think of at the moment...

"Why did you come here?" Lu Yu asked seriously.

Yudie snorted coldly: "You are just enjoying yourself with Yang Chudie and the others. Have you forgotten something important?"

Lu Yu was startled, looking at her sharp eyes, he suddenly woke up.

He quickly pulled open the shirt on his chest and looked at his heart.

I saw that the strong chest was completely empty, and the previous cross-shaped mark was completely gone.

"Eh...have you erased it already? Do you actually have time? Aren't you always here..." Yudie said in surprise.

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "I didn't do anything..."

"How could that happen?"

Lu Yu raised his head and looked at the southern sky.

I saw that at the end of the distant sky, there seemed to be faint bursts of thunder, and the wind and clouds were changing...

He looked deeply and smiled slightly: "I think it was the three big guys from Daluo Holy Land who helped us..."

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