Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1133 Recasting Plan

Lu Yu looked at the ever-changing scene at the end of the sky, pondered for a moment, then suddenly pulled out the Feihong Sword and swung it out.

In an instant, huge amounts of true energy surged out, followed by turbulent waves on the sea surface.

The scene in the sky was even more exaggerated, with stars falling like rain, dragging long tail flames, and flying towards the vast sea ahead.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at this astonishing scene, Yudie couldn't help but be stunned.

With one strike of the sword, the stars were like rain. This power was indeed shocking. But the problem was that no trace of the enemy was found in the direction in which Lu Yu used his sword. Why did such a good person suddenly appear like this?

Lu Yu put away his sword and said with a smile: "I am informing the three big guys in the distance and telling them my current location."

Yudie couldn't help but rolled her eyes again: "Tch! Is it necessary to notify me like this? Your behavior is clearly a villain's success!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and ignored her sarcasm. He suddenly raised his sword horizontally and handed the Feihong Sword to her.

"What are you doing?" Yudie's chest puffed up, like an aggressive little rooster, "Aren't you still convinced? Are you trying to get back the ground for that sword attack just now?"

Lu Yu glanced at her helplessly: "I just want you to take a good look at my Feihong Sword... You said before that you have a new understanding and insight into the art of casting. As long as you can get the right The materials can definitely be used to forge more powerful magic weapons, I wonder if this is true or not?”

"Of course it's true. I'm not like some people who always like to brag and talk big... Hey, wait, your sword seems a little strange..."

"Oh? Really?" Lu Yu looked at her with a faint smile: "Then tell me, what's so strange about it?"

Yudie glared at him fiercely, as if she was dissatisfied with his attitude of deliberately testing her, but she finally answered his question:

"The energy of this sword is gorgeous but the spirit is not peaceful. The sharpness is external, but the inner beauty is far from enough. The level of forging can only be regarded as unsatisfactory..."

"However, its foundation is extremely good. It swallows the sun and drinks the moon, gathers stars and clouds, and the treasure contains light. This, this... this is simply a rare and top-quality material! Who forged this sword? What a waste!"

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said, "This sword was forged by your sister."

But Yudie shook her head and said: "No, Yang Chudie weighs a few pounds. I know clearly that her tricks are all taught to her by me. If it's her craftsmanship, I can't possibly not see it." ...However, some of the riveting of the inscriptions are indeed her usual technique. Could it be that the sword had been damaged before and was repaired by her? "

Lu Yu was completely convinced now.

From the first time he got the Feihong Sword, it had been very sharp. Later, after Yang Chudie repaired it, the sword was even more brilliant and sharp. There was no sign of any damage at all. Thinking that now Yu Die can see through it at a glance and can explain it clearly.

"Where does this sword... come from?"

The more Yudie looked, the more shocked she became. She turned her head in shock and looked at Lu Yu with extremely sharp eyes.

Although she had long known that Lu Yu's Feihong Sword was extraordinary, she had never had the opportunity to see it at such a close distance.

Lu Yu pointed at the sky above his head.

"It comes from the Nine Heavens?"

"No, we have to go further..."

"Nine days away?" Yudie was filled with astonishment and disbelief, "How is this possible!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly, and was not in a hurry to argue with her and asked instead, "Have you heard of the Star and Moon Holy Emblem?"

"The Holy Emblem of the Star and the Moon? But the sect's treasure that is guarded by the Bixiao Palace in the Star and Moon Valley?"

Lu Yu nodded slightly and said, "However, it is no longer in Xingyue Valley, but has been swallowed by this sword."

"What?" Yudie was shocked.

A divine weapon that can devour other treasures, especially treasures like the Star and Moon Holy Emblem, is simply unheard of. If this is true, then the Feihong Sword really cannot be thought of except from Jiutian. There can be other better explanations.

"In addition..." Lu Yu continued: "The sword you just said was not beautiful enough. This statement is not wrong, but it is not accurate enough."

As he spoke, Lu Yu stretched out his index finger and rubbed it gently on the sword's edge. Suddenly his finger exerted force and was cut by the sword's edge. A trail of blood immediately flowed on the sword's edge.

As the blood stain soaked in, a bright brilliance gradually bloomed on the sword's edge, and a huge shadow of a giant beast totem slowly unfolded on the sword's edge.

Although the giant beast in the totem is still in a dormant state, a ferocious and wild look can be clearly seen from its outlines. One day, once it fully awakens, its power will probably be Enough to destroy heaven and earth.

"This, this is..." Yudie couldn't help but lost her voice in shock.

She had naturally seen that this was the weapon spirit dormant in the Feihong Sword, but she had no idea that the weapon spirit hidden in the Feihong Sword was so huge.

Lu Yu gritted his teeth and said nothing. It seemed that displaying this totem had consumed a lot of energy on his part.

After a while, he finally let go of the hilt of the sword, and the totem on the sword's edge also converged and disappeared.

Lu Yu then breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that even though his strength had improved a lot, it was still very difficult for him to drive this weapon spirit.

But this is much better than the previous situation where I was completely helpless and only Ye Weilan could activate it slightly.

Just listen to him continue to say: "As you said, this sword still has various problems, and it is currently unable to maximize its potential. For example, the weapon spirit hidden in the sword, the power of its operation Not even one percent..."

"In the past few days, I have seen Liang Chuanyu swinging the Tianming Sword in front of me, which makes me feel itchy... According to a mysterious senior who also comes from nine days away, as long as this sword is forged properly, It can make the weapon spirit within it exert more powerful power, even reaching the level of a heavenly spirit-level magic weapon..."

He paused and showed a bright smile:

"How about it? Are you interested in helping me transform it? If you are interested, how about we go to Candlelight Town together after this is over?"

"Candlelight Town?"

Top-notch forging materials are extremely rare. You can only meet them but don't ask for them. Yudie was already moved. Hearing Lu Yu's last words, she couldn't help but be surprised again: "But that candlelight town in the Nine Nether Land? Why do you want to go there?"

"Because the senior I just mentioned is hiding there." Lu Yu replied: "In a sense, he was the real owner of this sword."

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