Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1135 Show it off

"Lu...Xianshi, you are indeed here!"

Two rays of light quickly descended in front of Lu Yu and others, and Du Qishang said with a surprised look on his face.

He was originally the most outstanding true disciple in the entire Daluo Holy Land, and he was definitely one of the best among men. But after the recent series of changes, his mentality could not help but undergo subtle changes, and he no longer dared to treat Lu Yu as a brother. , and instead respected him as "the wise envoy".

However, Lu Yu still kept the original title for him and said with a smile: "Brother Du, Master Gui, when I saw you guys appearing, I knew there was good news... But what's new about the three Tiangang ancestors?" Arrangements?”

After a few brief exchanges, everyone knew the outline of the whole thing.

It turned out that everything was just as Lu Yu expected. The previous battle had already alarmed Daluo Holy Land and others far in the south. Such a fierce battle would take place at this time. No matter how you think about it, it was all related to the Dali Sword Sect. It cannot be separated.

Therefore, for the sake of caution, the three Tiangang Patriarchs ordered the main army of Daluo Holy Land to advance three thousand miles and closely observed the evolution of the situation.

It was this distance of three thousand miles that scared off Yue Xiujun and others who were still making arrangements, so that they left in a hurry, and even the cross mark on Lu Yu's chest disappeared.

"The great battle a few days ago was extremely powerful. The sky and the earth collapsed at the same time, and strong light shone directly on the sky... Even though we were thousands of miles away, we felt the strong vibration here. The three ancestors even Based on this, it is concluded that there must be a strong person from the Tiangang Realm fighting here to cause this scene to happen. "

"Since the situation is still unclear, the three ancestors did not dare to leave the formation without permission and come to check. They just ordered us to be careful and be ready to fight at any time... It was not until we saw the wise envoy sending a signal with the sword technique that we were ordered to wait again. Come over immediately to contact us. What instructions does the wise envoy have?"

As Gui Yunzuo spoke, he couldn't help but look at Lu Yu and others curiously.

In fact, before setting off, he had already made mental preparations. No matter what kind of "big people" or "big scenes" he saw here, he would not be surprised...

But what he didn't expect was that after such a big battle, there would be only Lu Yu and four others here, just like the lineup when they left the army's main formation and went to the Dali Sword Sect alone. This was really disappointing. He was somewhat unexpected.

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Master Gui Tan is serious. I actually didn't have any special intention when I sent out the sword technique before. I just wanted to indicate my position and send a signal to everyone that this place is safe..."

"In addition, I have obtained the approval of Patriarch Hongyi and the leader of Dali Sword Sect. The next action plan has been determined, and I will start cooperating with your personnel soon..."

"Since the three ancestors have already anticipated this, please return to the altar and Brother Du to contact the army headquarters again, and ask the three ancestors to take a step further and lead their troops to come here immediately. The next step is It’s time for us to show off our skills together!”

Gui Yunzuo and Du Qishang couldn't help but be startled.

It's not that they thought there was anything transgressive in Lu Yu's request for the three ancestors to come over to join them, but they didn't expect that it had only been a few days since Lu Yu and others left, and that the Dali Sword Sect had already done so so quickly. Ready to cooperate...

You must know that the Dali Sword Sect is now under heavy siege, and the whole body can be affected by a single move. This is completely different from them going into battle lightly and being ready at any time... This just shows that Lu Yu plays a decisive role within the Dali Sword Sect. It is conceivable that great courage contributed to this matter.

In addition, the recent turmoil showed that Lu Yu and others had just experienced a shocking battle. They did not expect that they would immediately start the next plan without even needing to adjust. This also surprised them.

"What? Any more questions?"

Seeing that the two people were stunned and didn't respond, Lu Yu couldn't help but ask.

Gui Yunzuo looked at Lu Yu and said: "When the earthquake occurred here a few days ago, the three ancestors also pointed out that the people who caused the earthquake did not look like Hongyi, Tailing, and Yunxiao of the noble sect. One of the three ancestors..."

"I wonder if a master from your sect has recently been promoted to Tiangang Realm, or has your sect found Tiangang Realm helpers from elsewhere? Regarding this point, please wise envoys not to hide anything, so that we can report back to our ancestors in time... …”

Lu Yu suddenly showed a strange expression, looked back at the three women beside him, and then said: "This is what the three ancestors said personally, do you think we have a new Tiangang Realm helper?"

"Isn't it..." Gui Yunzuo said in astonishment.

"If you insist on saying so, the person who took action yesterday does have power comparable to Tiangang to a certain extent, but...she is not a new helper!"

"Huh?" Gui Yunzuo looked at Lu Yu blankly, with a confused look on his face.

Lu Yu thought for a while, considering that with the intervention of the Earth Seal God, it is very likely that the Bixiao Shrine will bring greater pressure. In order to increase the confidence of the allies, there is indeed no need to hide this matter from the Daluo Holy Land.

So, he winked at Ye Weilan beside him: "Weilan..."

Ye Weilan seemed a little shy, looking at him hesitantly, her watery eyes seemed to be saying: Do you really want to do this?

Lu Yu smiled slightly, gently stroked a strand of hair on her forehead, and said softly: "It's okay, just show it...I didn't have time to see it clearly yesterday!"

Ye Weilan bit her teeth lightly, finally summoning up the courage.

She jumped up, and her graceful and enchanting demon spirit body was as light as a swift, and she passed through the high sky in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the sky seemed to be lit up instantly.

An extremely huge fire phoenix totem appeared in the sky, with light and shadow swaying across a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

A rolling heat wave hit us, the seawater evaporated rapidly, and gurgling white gas came out, as if the entire sea area was about to evaporate.

The long tail flame even broke through the shackles of Tiangang and rushed straight into the sky.

"Ah...this, this, this..."

Gui Yunzuo and Du Qishang couldn't help but gape, dumbfounded.

They had already paid attention to the demon spirit concubine beside Lu Yu, and knew that she had successfully formed a pill at this time, and her strength had obviously increased a lot.

But they never expected that her strength would grow to such an extent!

Is this still the power that a demon spirit in the Dan Formation Realm should have?

Even if the cultivation method of the demon body is different from that of humans, it is definitely not that different. Moreover, among demon spirits and humans who form the same elixir, the human race is often more powerful.

At this moment, the power Ye Weilan displayed in the air could be said to have completely subverted their understanding of demon spirits.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel swaying as he looked at the fire phoenix totems filling the sky.

He smiled slightly and said: "You may not believe it when I say it, but this friend of mine is actually a descendant of the ancient Celestial Clan and possesses the powerful bloodline of Night Phoenix. This is what Her Highness Yao Ji once said personally... now Do you know how to report back to the three ancestors?"

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