Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1136 Intensity

Gui Yunzuo and Du Qishang left in a hurry with their hearts full of shock.

In addition to Ye Weilan's "show", Lu Yu took the opportunity to reveal the next action plan to the two of them. Of course, it was only a rough strategy, but it was already extremely important information.

Regarding such important news, the two of them did not dare to rely on it at all, so they decided to go back in person and report it to Patriarch Zhaoyun and others in person.

As a result, the small island and reef became clean again.

Lu Yu took this opportunity to activate the lotus water therapy, completely eradicating the last part of the injuries in his body.

Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan are also making their own preparations.

In the evening, the sky suddenly became overcast and the sea suddenly became turbulent. However, the mighty troops from Daluo Holy Land arrived - they deliberately used the treacherous weather to hide their whereabouts. In this way, even the enemy Even though he knew their approximate location, it was difficult to see clearly what was true or false.

Without Lu Yu's words, the large forces spontaneously surrounded the island. In an instant, this originally unknown island became the core of the entire large army.

When Lu Yu woke up from trance and opened his eyes again, he happened to see the three ancestors Zhaoyun, Huitang, and Gunlong coming hand in hand.

However, the eyes of the three ancestors did not stay on Lu Yu, but looked at Ye Weilan who was guarding Lu Yu for a while.

Obviously, even for them, Ye Weilan's power was incredible.

"Three ancestors, you came at just the right time!"

As Lu Yu spoke, he stopped the hydrotherapy method and put away the red lotus flowers that covered the entire surrounding island.

The three ancestors obviously had no intention of exchanging too much greetings. Ancestor Zhaoyun asked directly: "Master Xuanwu Altar said that the target that your Dali Sword Sect decided to deal with was Shenhuo Xuanzong? Do you want to join forces with us? To conquer the Fire God Mountain, the home of Shenhuo Xuanzong?”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It's not just the Fire God Mountain! When Patriarch Shanwen attacked Daluo Holy Land before, weren't there two Tiangang Patriarchs of Shenhuo Xuanzong among them? If they dare to come out and get in the way this time, they will be cut off too. ! This can be regarded as revenge for Da Luo Holy Land!"

Ancestor Zhaoyun narrowed his eyes and remained silent.

He would naturally be happy to make the powerful Tiangang men who had gone to Daluo Holy Land to show off their power pay the price, but... could this really be achieved?

Ancestor Huitang also frowned and said: "I wonder where the Dali Sword Sect will draw its troops from? In what way will it join forces with us?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly.

It can be said that the reactions of these three ancestors were exactly the same as the reactions of the people of the Dali Sword Sect when they first heard about his plan. However, since he was able to quickly convince everyone in Feiyan Castle, now he can convince them again here. The three ancestors are naturally no exception.

So, he summarized the specific details of the entire operation, including the delivery of the rainbow light bridge, the response of the floating warship, the contraction of the northern border of the Great Li Sword Sect, the detonation of the underground spiritual veins into a trap... and other specific details. , all said without reservation.

After listening to Lu Yu's story, the three ancestors realized that the Dali Sword Sect was serious this time and how big the decision made by the opponent was.

The three ancestors pondered and remained silent for a long time, seeming to think over every detail mentioned by Lu Yu over and over again in their hearts.

Lu Yu sat quietly on the ground, neither explaining nor urging, giving the three of them enough time to think.

After a long time.

Ancestor Zhaoyun said: "The surprise attack on Huoshen Mountain is no small matter. Among the eight major sects, there has never been a battle of this level... I want to know whether Patriarch Yunxiao will do this in this operation. Will you participate?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

It’s Ancestor Yunxiao again…

It seems that these three ancestors of Daluo Holy Land really care about Ancestor Yunxiao... All the details combined cannot compare with the status of Ancestor Yunxiao in the hearts of the three people.

However, he had already thought of an excuse for this...

"Without the approval of Ancestor Yunxiao, how could this plan be implemented smoothly? However, we cannot guess what his old man wants, and I cannot arrange his behavior..."

"Here, I can only guarantee one thing to the three of you, that is, Ancestor Yunxiao knows all the details of this plan, and he will definitely pay attention to every step of the plan. If there are major changes that cause the situation to be unfavorable, He will definitely not sit back and ignore it!”

"As for how the old man will participate in this, I can't guess!"

Ancestor Zhaoyun nodded and fell silent again, as if deep in thought.

Lu Yu added: "However, if Ancestor Yunxiao takes action himself, it means that our plan has encountered an extremely unfavorable situation. Only by taking action can he take over the situation... Do the three ancestors want to see this? ”

"What are you talking about! We naturally hope that the whole operation goes smoothly!" Ancestor Zhaoyun said: "But if Ancestor Yunxiao knows the truth about this matter, we will have no worries!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Please three ancestors, since Daluo Holy Land has chosen to stand with us, ancestor Yunxiao will be our strong backing no matter what time."

The three Tiangang ancestors exchanged glances with each other.

Finally, Patriarch Huitang said: "In that case, let's let the matter be decided like this! Let's go back and arrange the manpower and get ready to line up! We must be ready within the established time limit. However, as for the floating battleship, side……"

As he said that, he looked in the direction of Yudie: "Master Yudie, I still need to trouble you a lot about this matter!"

Jade Butterfly nodded lightly: "It is your duty to do what is within your duty!"

Suddenly, everything was arranged in full swing amidst the gloomy clouds.

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