Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1138 Southern Emergency Report

In the center of the Cape Formation, the brilliance is extremely splendid.

This place is like a huge building intertwined with light and shadow. It is exquisite, fantastic, gorgeous, and extremely beautiful. This represents the highest level of creation of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

Zhong Chuyue walked on the stairs composed of light and shadow, climbed up the stairs, and came to the highest point of the entire Cape Formation.

This place is close to the sea of ​​clouds, and the field of vision is extremely broad. You can have a panoramic view of the southern mountains and rivers of Middle-earth. In fact, with the blessing of the Cape Formation, as long as the operator is willing, he can view any place within thousands of miles. The local area is enlarged to the level of every mile.

For example, what is displayed on the observation platform at this time is the situation of Feiyan Castle thousands of miles away.

It's just that Feiyan Castle is also isolated by a magic circle, so we can't directly see the actual situation inside it. We can only see the general situation around the entire fortress. Even so, judging from the rapid surge of spiritual energy around the fortress, it is obvious that the opponent is at this time. A huge project is underway.

"Ancestor, all the generations of the major sects are here!" Zhong Chuyue bowed and replied.

Zhong Chuyue has infinite respect for the most powerful Tiangang ancestor of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Without his strategizing and control, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect would never have been in such a situation.

And looking at all the major sects, he is the only one who can rival Yunxiao Ancestor.

Well, there may have been another Ming Wang Fa Zun before... But strictly speaking, Ming Wang Fa Zun cannot be counted as a member of the eight major sects, and now that Ming Wang Fa Zun has fallen, Patriarch Shanwen has now become the most powerful person to restrain Patriarch Yunxiao. Strong combat power.

"Ancestors, the incarnations of ancestors from all sides have arrived!"

Seeing that Ancestor Shanwen had been quietly looking at the scene on the observation platform without any reaction, Zhong Chuyue couldn't help but remind him again.

Although he didn't want to interrupt Patriarch Shanwen's thoughts, it was obvious that the Tiangang experts on the other side could not be offended.

"Feiyan Castle is rebuilding the Light Bridge Array!"

Patriarch Shanwen still didn't look back, but suddenly said coldly.

Zhong Chuyue couldn't help but be startled.

Although Patriarch Shanwen's answer had nothing to do with what he said, this sentence immediately attracted his attention.

Over the past few days, they have been closely observing the movements of Feiyan Castle and guessing what the Dali Sword Sect wanted to do with this move, but they have never come to a definite conclusion.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Shanwen had an accurate answer after just observing for half a day.


Ancestor Shanwen continued to explain: "Hongyi does have unique insights into the use of various protective barriers, and I can't see through the truth..."

"However, he was able to cover up the situation inside Feiyan Castle, but he could not conceal the changes in the surrounding Qi. After half a day of observation, during this period, the changes in Qi around Feiyan Castle were the same as when he strengthened them at Wulao Peak. The changes during the Light Bridge Formation are exactly the same!”

"So, they must be rebuilding a more powerful light bridge array. It seems that they are not satisfied with the current situation and want to further expand the radiation capability of Feiyan Castle!"

Zhong Chuyue was full of admiration.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Shanwen could infer the situation in Feiyan Castle through the changes in the surrounding qi and such insignificant information. This is really shocking.

However, compared to the sincerity in his heart, he was more surprised by the information revealed behind the incident. Combined with the series of changes that had occurred in the south in the past two days, an answer that shocked him was about to come out.

"Could it be that...are they planning to join forces with Daluo Holy Land to launch an offensive?" Zhong Chuyue frowned.

Ancestor Shanwen smiled lightly: "Let's go! Let's go meet the old guys from each faction first!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked down the steps.

Zhong Chuyue quickly followed carefully.

Patriarch Shanwen saw that he was hesitant to speak, so he asked: "What? Did those old guys say something?"

Zhong Chuyue replied: "All the Tiangang ancestors are very concerned about the affairs in the south, and they all asked what the turmoil in the past two days was about."

"Asking?" Patriarch Shanwen smiled playfully, "I think they are all here to question you, right?"

Zhong Chuyue quickly lowered his head.

Those Tiangang Patriarchs who came through the incarnation of true disciples did have a rather harsh tone, but he did not dare to comment like this. Only Patriarch Shanwen himself dared to say such words.

"There are indeed some accidents in the south. Lord Chiyue made a mistake. Xiaolan has disappeared, completely this time. There is not even a little room for turning... However, there are other people to take care of this matter. We don’t need to worry about the endgame.”

Zhong Chuyue couldn't help being shocked: "Disappeared? Qianqiu...has he completely fallen?"

Ancestor Shanwen said: "Xiaolan...he is no longer in a normal state. If we count, he has already fallen in the Golden Rooster Islands. After that, he just used his body to continue to exert some residual heat. Now he is like this In the end, it’s a worthy death!”

After a pause, he continued: "But don't worry, Xiaojun has evacuated one step ahead of time, and there is nothing wrong with her... She is now shouldering that extremely important mission, and I will never let any accident happen to her. ”

Zhong Chuyue finally calmed down a little.

Although the owner of Ice Emperor Island is a minister of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, his status in Zhong Chuyue's mind is naturally not as good as that of his wife.

The two of them slowly walked down the stairs intertwined with light and shadow.

Not long after, they arrived at a vast space with tables, chairs, benches, and all kinds of furnishings, just like a magnificent banquet hall.

The true disciples who inherited the will of the ancestors of Tiangang from all sects and came in incarnations all gathered here. As soon as they saw the two people appearing, their eyes suddenly gathered over them.

To be more precise, it was gathered on the body of Patriarch Shanwen.

"Fellow Taoists, it's really hard work for you to come here by incarnating yourself as a disciple!" Patriarch Shanwen said with a smile.

"Brother Shanwen Dao, since you know how hard we are working, then stop trying to keep it secret and tell us what is going on? Did the three people from Daluo Holy Land take action in the recent turmoil?"

One of the true disciples said unceremoniously.

Patriarch Shanwen smiled slightly and was about to speak.

But at this moment, a real elder from Chongguang Island hurriedly walked in and said anxiously: "Urgent report from the south! The main camp of Daluo Holy Land has advanced more than two thousand miles and is approaching now. This is where the main force of the Hunyuan Qi Sect is stationed!”

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