Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1139 Wrong again


"How come it's so fast?"

"Da Luo Holy Land, they really dare to come!"

"Brother Shanwen Dao, didn't you say you don't have to worry about things in the south?"

Before Patriarch Shanwen could respond, several incarnations of Patriarch Tiangang in the hall had already exploded.

One of the incarnations of the ancestors rushed directly to the elder of Chongguang Island, grabbed his collar, and asked with sharp eyes: "When did this happen?"

Looking at his attire, he was clearly a true disciple of the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Obviously, the Tiangang Patriarch who he represented behind him was not aware of this incident at all because he came to attend the meeting with his thoughts.

The elder of Chongguang Island was stunned for a moment and replied: "That's the news that was just detected... There are three Tiangang ancestors sitting in the main formation of Daluo Holy Land. Under normal circumstances, they cannot spy on them. This is why they entered After knowing the coverage of this cape formation and the changes in the clouds above the sea, we were able to confirm the news..."

The incarnation of the ancestor let go of the clothes of the elder of Chongguang Island, turned around, and said: "Brothers, I'll excuse you now!"

After saying that, the look in his eyes quickly dimmed.

After a moment, it changed into a blank look, looking at everything around him in shock.

Everyone immediately understood that the Xishi Patriarch of the Hunyuan Qi Sect had left, and now the only one left here was a pure true disciple.

Zhong Chuyue waved to the side.

Immediately, a trusted disciple from Chongguang Island came in and took this confused true disciple out.

Zhong Chuyue frowned and said, "I didn't expect them to move so fast. Are they planning to attack the Hunyuan Qi Sect..."

Ancestor Shanwen said in a deep voice: "Transfer the situation over there immediately."


The elder of Chongguang Island agreed and immediately hurriedly retreated.

After a moment, the hall suddenly burst into brilliant light, and a very huge light curtain appeared in front of everyone, covering the entire hall in an instant.

What is shown above the light curtain is a very vast sea area, with dense clouds and ever-changing clouds. Anyone can see that there are extraordinary things hidden under these clouds. Under the current situation, Only the gathering of tens of thousands of troops in Daluo Holy Land can create such a scene.

"It really is the Holy Land of Da Luo!"

"It seems that there was indeed an accident in the south!"

"Brother Shanwen Dao, this is what you promised, don't we need to worry?"

"The deal is done, now is not the time to hold people responsible... The most urgent task is to make countermeasures as soon as possible, otherwise once the Hunyuan Qi Sect falls, our overall arrangement will be greatly affected!"

"Brother Shanwen, please send manpower to support Taoist Xishi as soon as possible!"

"This time... please don't let me down again!"

These Tiangang ancestors are also discerning people. After just one glance, they concluded that the main force of Daluo Holy Land was indeed coming in person.

Because an army of tens of thousands of people gathers together, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that needs to be swallowed will be of a terrifying magnitude, and the scene in front of you is just an ordinary sea area, not the place of the fairy mountain spiritual veins, the Daluo Holy Land No matter how powerful the three Tiangang Patriarchs were, they could cover up the movements of tens of thousands of troops, but the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth changed drastically.

Of course, this is only possible with the help of the Cape Array's ability to control the overall situation. Otherwise, ordinary people's eyesight can only glimpse the leopard at most, but cannot see the huge overall changes.

However, in the face of various suggestions from everyone, Patriarch Shanwen never said a word.

He silently observed the scene on the light screen, not missing any detail.

After a moment, he suddenly said: "Is their target... really the place where the Hunyuan Qi Sect is stationed?"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

"Brother Taoist, what do you mean by this?"

"Is it possible that this army of tens of thousands of disciples can still fake it?"

"If it's not the Hunyuan Qi Sect, where else could it be?"

Zhong Chuyue also said: "Ancestor, what you are saying is... are they trying to make trouble in the east and attack in the west?"

Ancestor Shanwen looked back at him, nodded slightly, and asked: "In this scene, did you see the floating battleship they snatched from Xiaojun's hand?"

Zhong Chuyue was suddenly shocked.

Patriarch Shanwen did not wait for his answer, and suddenly waved his right hand rapidly, and the picture on the light screen changed drastically. The original scene quickly shrank, and finally turned into a thumbnail of the entire Middle-earth continent.

Ancestor Shanwen reached out and circled the abbreviated map and said: "This is where the Hunyuan Qi Sect is stationed... This place can indeed threaten our entire encirclement of the Dali Sword Sect, but it is not the key point. If you were the coach of Da Luo Holy Land and could cooperate with Feiyan Castle's Light Bridge Formation, where would you focus your attack? "

Zhong Chuyue couldn't help but be startled.

As Patriarch Shanwen drew the strongholds of the major sects on the map, the answer was already apparent.

If the light bridge formation rebuilt by Feiyan Castle has the same projection distance as that of Wulaofeng, then in the entire southern encirclement, there is a stronghold that is within the troop projection range of Feiyan Castle. Within, it is also within the range of the long-range jump of the floating battleship!

And once this place is captured by the opponent, not only can the Zhennan Camp of the Dali Sword Sect be connected with the main force of the Daluo Holy Land, and they can defend each other from now on, but it can also surround the major sects in the south. Cutting the net at the waist is equivalent to poking a hole in the waist!

"It's Qianshan Island!"

Zhong Chuyue directly said the name of that stronghold.

Lead Mountain Island was originally an island in the southeast of the Middle-earth Continent. It was famous for its abundance of lead stones. It was originally controlled by a small sect, but now it has become a stronghold of Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

Several other Tiangang ancestors could not help but show solemn expressions. Although they did not know about Feiyan Castle's reconstruction of the Light Bridge Formation for the time being, they could clearly see the importance of Qianshan Island from the map.

This is indeed a key point in the southern encirclement network. If Qianshan Island is lost, even the Cape Formation here will become in danger.

"Ancestor, what should we do now?" Zhong Chuyue asked.

Ancestor Shanwen flashed a sharp look in his eyes and said: "Immediately adjust the Cape Formation to the Sky Eye mode and find out the location of the floating battleship first! Now that Feiyan Castle's Light Bridge Formation has not been completed, they will The ambition to attack Qianshan Island is exposed, which gives us time to prepare and defeat them one by one!"

"Yes!" Zhong Chuyue responded in a deep voice, and then hurriedly retreated.

"What about Brother Xishi?"

At this time, another Tiangang Patriarch suddenly raised a question: "Are we just going to let it go? What if the other party turns out to be fake?"

Patriarch Shanwen said calmly: "If that's the case, just let Taoist Brother Xishi retreat temporarily... So what if we give that place to Daluo Holy Land? Since we can join forces to encircle Dali Sword Sect, can't we? Are you going to turn around and surround them in Daluo Holy Land?"

Suddenly, everyone had no objections, so while waiting for news from Zhong Chuyue, they began to exchange views on the current situation.

In the past few days, everyone has clearly felt that the strategic focus of the Dali Sword Sect is moving southward. If the strength in the south increases, the north will inevitably be empty.

They all feel that the opportunity to break the situation may be coming soon...

After a while.

The conversation in the hall was in full swing.

Suddenly, one of the Tiangang Patriarchs from Shenhuo Xuanzong suddenly shook his body and his face turned pale.

"Brother Ya'an Taoist, what happened?"

Everyone immediately noticed his change and asked in surprise.

Ancestor Ya'an showed a strange look and glanced at Ancestor Shanwen: "Brother Dao, this time... you are probably wrong again!"

After saying that, the look in his eyes quickly disappeared.

Everyone was stunned.

At this time, Zhong Chuyue happened to come back: "Found it, it is in the Dongling Sea Area, where... is the stronghold of Shenhuo Xuanzong!"

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