Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1152 Divine Wood King Cauldron

Everyone was stunned.

Lu Yu turned around and looked at Elder Gu: "Is it like this before?"

Elder Gu was stunned and said: "To be honest, I am not very clear. I have only come here once before, and that was when I was in charge of taking over here for the first time... But I think it shouldn't be like this under normal circumstances..."

Lu Yu said: "Then it is probably the credit of that mysterious person!"

Hearing him say this, everyone suddenly realized that they were so intoxicated by the scene in front of them that they forgot about the mysterious person who had just controlled Feng Jia Zhenren.

Strangely enough, Feng Jia Zhenren just tried to open the mechanism before, and the mysterious person wanted to swallow Feng Jia Zhenren directly on the pretext of disturbing his peace. Now that everyone walked in openly, he was silent.

In fact, since he finished talking with Lu Yu, he disappeared automatically and never appeared again...

What on earth is he? Where is he hiding?

So, everyone began to look around, trying to find any clues related to the mysterious person.

However, just when everyone was at a loss, Lu Yu came to an open space.

This open space had neither rosy clouds nor rare treasures, it was bare, with only a dark tree stump standing quietly on the ground, looking inconspicuous.

Lu Yu reached out and patted the black tree stump, and suddenly smiled: "Sir, I have found you, how long do you plan to continue hiding?"

As soon as this sentence came out, a surprised face appeared on the tree stump, and this scene was exactly the same as the previous mechanical wooden door.

"It seems that you can really detect my existence, and you were not just guessing before..." The powerful spirit said in surprise.

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Now, can you show me your true identity?"

The powerful spirit said: "I have told you before, whoever you think I am, then I am whoever I am, because I have too many names... I may be the Qingxia Tree Crystal you just mentioned, or I may be the Purple Lightning Cloud Thunder Ginseng, whichever name you call me is correct."

Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned.

It was unknown how long this powerful spirit had been trapped here. He felt that the other party was a little confused at this time. Perhaps it was because "he" had swallowed up many rare materials?

"Then, at least show your true face first!" Lu Yu said again.

The face on the tree stump seemed to sigh: "Well! At this point, I can't hide it anymore..."

Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed rapidly.

The grass withered and the green trees died.

The glow dimmed, and the light and shadow disappeared.

The originally strange and gorgeous world quickly faded into a gray world at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All the thousand-year-old treasures disappeared without a trace.

In the end, only the dark tree stump in front of him was left, with ancient and vicissitudes of life lines on it.

This strange change made everyone stunned again.

Lu Yu looked directly at the tree stump in front of him, his eyes slightly condensed.

He always felt that the lines on the tree stump had a peculiar charm, and there seemed to be some kind of profound truth hidden in them.

But before he could figure it out, Elder Gu on the side suddenly exclaimed loudly: "Ah! This, this is the Divine Wood King Cauldron!"

Before everyone could react, the face on the tree stump seemed to be refreshed: "Yes! This is also one of my names... It seems that someone did call me that before!"

Along with these words, it seemed that a certain consciousness was rapidly awakening, and the tree stump changed again, and the lines became clearer and more complex.

Lu Yu looked at these lines constantly changing and extending, and he couldn't help but suddenly shocked.

He finally understood the mystery hidden in these lines - every twist, every turning point, and every stretch in the line, which implied the mystery of the Qi path when refining the elixir.

This is equivalent to an alternative text, a language exclusive to the way of alchemy.

Although Lu Yu had never learned this language before, and had never even seen it, his superb alchemy skills made him understand the true meaning of it at once.


The "text" displayed on the tree stump alone seemed incomplete.

It seemed to be an incomplete text...

And the changes in the lines on the tree stump have been trapped in a cycle and cannot continue to extend.

Somehow, Lu Yu seemed to have grasped the key.

All this seemed to be like seeing someone write a whole article, but only the last stroke could not be completed.

So, Lu Yu stretched out his hand and completed this last "stroke" on the tree with his finger power.

Suddenly, all the lines were connected into one piece, and brilliant light bloomed from it.

The entire tree stump also underwent a huge change again.

Finally, a huge and exquisite alchemy cauldron appeared in front of Lu Yu.

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