Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1153 Ancient Legend

"It's true... it's true... I didn't expect the legend of the sacred tree king tripod to be true..."

Looking at the huge alchemy cauldron glowing with golden light in front of him, Elder Gu was so excited that his voice trembled.

"What legend?"

Fan Jinxiang couldn't help but ask.

Not only was he curious, but the group of disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong who followed him were also curious. Obviously this was a very old legend, and even these disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong had never heard of it.

Elder Gu hesitated for a moment, as if he had some unspeakable secrets, and finally said: "This matter is originally recorded in the "Yunmeng Sutra". It is the last volume of scriptures left by the founder of our sect, the Huoxu Saint, before his death. It is said that the record is It was a dream that the founder had at that time..."

"According to legend, in the twilight years of the founding father, when he had achieved great success in alchemy, he thought he was invincible in the world, so he confidently began to prepare to break the void and break through the shackles of the Nine Heavens. Unexpectedly, at this time, he encountered a dream of inner demons …”

"In his dream at that time, he saw the scene in ancient times. At that time, there were no major sects, and even the Fire God Mountain did not exist. The place where the Fire God Mountain was located was originally a towering tree. This tree was as strong as It is not as strong as iron or stone, it is invulnerable to water and fire, it is not broken by strong winds, it is unyielding to thunder and lightning, it is a sacred tree.”

"Later, one day, a meteorite fell from the sky, and a powerful god came here. The god used his supreme power to uproot the towering tree and used it as material, day and night, for thousands of years, and finally finally It was built into an alchemy furnace, which is the Divine Wood King Cauldron.”

"It's a pity that just when the Divine Wood King Cauldron was about to complete the final step, another meteorite suddenly fell from the sky, and another god came. The two gods fought fiercely. In the end, not only did they both die together, but everything was also destroyed. After being destroyed, even the Divine Wood King Cauldron, which was only one step away from being completed, completely fell apart..."

"Then, this place gradually evolved into the shape of Vulcan Mountain..."

"The founder of the mountain witnessed the whole process in his dream, and he was very shocked, not only because of the origin of the Fire God Mountain, but also because the patterns of the sacred wooden king tripod contained the principles of alchemy, and those elixirs The ultimate truth is exactly the same as what the founding father understood."

"It wasn't until this moment that the founder understood that what he thought he had accomplished was the supreme alchemy, but in fact it was just a legacy from his predecessors, and everything was arranged by heaven."

"Since then, the founder has fallen into a state of self-denial, and his temperament has become very weird. Sometimes he has been silent for years, and sometimes he is arrogant. At one time, he threatened to open up the entire Vulcan Mountain and find the fragments of the sacred tree king tripod in order to complete the project. Fortunately, the supreme secret of alchemy was stopped by a group of disciples. In the end, the founder died in depression, and he could not break the great path of heaven and earth until his death..."

Speaking of this, Elder Gu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and then continued: "For a long time, the seniors in the sect believed that the founder's behavior before his death was due to the influence of inner demons. , so I have always avoided talking about it.”

"Even the "Yunmeng Jing" has become a taboo and was shelved. It was not until I became the elder of the Zhengshi Hall that I was lucky enough to read this taboo volume written by the founding ancestor before his death..."

"Now it seems that the dream that the founder had was obviously real, because in the "Yunmeng Jing", the founder also specially drew the lines he saw in the dream, and those lines are consistent with this statue. The lines on the alchemy cauldron are almost exactly the same..."

After listening to Elder Gu's narration, everyone was extremely surprised.

I didn't expect that the big cauldron in front of me would have such a great background, and even be involved in the origin of the entire Shenhuo Xuanzong.

And Lu Yu also had a look of surprise on his face. If Elder Gu had not lied, and if the big cauldron in front of him was really related to the so-called Divine Wood King Cauldron, then if we look back carefully, the origin of this Divine Wood King Cauldron would be even greater than that of Senior Tianjian. It’s still a long time coming!

Because Senior Tianjian came after Bixiao Shrine came, which means it is about 200,000 years ago. The time when the Fire Ruins Saint was alive is not that far away from the founding of Bixiao Shrine, and the Shenmu Wangding But it was born countless years before that.

Of course, having a longer history does not necessarily mean it is more powerful, otherwise the powerful spirits in the past would not be so afraid of the weapon spirit in the Feihong Sword.

But after all, this thing is extraordinary...

Lu Yu gently touched the tripod in front of him with his hand. He felt a cold touch coming from his fingertips. An unspeakable feeling filled his whole body. It seemed that in an instant, countless dust of history fell from his body. Fingertips passed by.

"Brother Shenmu Wangding, are the past events recorded in the "Yunmeng Jing" about you?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

"I don't know...I don't remember any of this..."

The sacred wooden king tripod in front of him replied, there was still a trace of confusion in his voice.

"Then what do you still remember?" Lu Yu asked again.

"I just remember that I seemed to have been seriously injured. My whole body was in pieces. I needed to constantly take supplements in order to regain consciousness..."

So, is this the reason why you swallowed up all the treasures in the entire treasure house?

Lu Yu couldn't help but curse.

"Just remember this. The rare materials you have devoured are theoretically our trophies, but you can't help it. As long as you are willing to follow me, you can atone for your sins." If so, then I won’t pursue it!”

In any case, since the ten-thousand-year-old rare treasure is no longer available, let’s find a way to bring this divine wood king tripod with us first, and then see what we can do with it...

"You want to take me away?" Shenmu Wangding asked.

"What? Don't you want to leave here?"

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just... I'm afraid this might be a little difficult..."

As he spoke, the sacred wooden king tripod slowly floated in the air.

Under its tripod, there are silk threads exposed, like the lush roots of a big tree.

Lu Yu understood instantly.

Is this sacred wooden king tripod not evolved from the stump of the towering tree in the dream of the Huoxu Saint?

No wonder it looked like a tree stump before...

Most likely, after it was shattered in the Battle of the Gods, the spirit of the weapon transferred into the original tree stump...

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