Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1154 For safety reasons

Everyone was shocked.

The Divine Wood King Cauldron reveals the true tree-shaped body under the cauldron, which undoubtedly confirms the authenticity of the dream of the Saint of Fire Ruins from the side.

Its root system is intricate and deeply rooted in the ground of Huoshen Mountain. Apart from the sacred trees described by the Huoxu Sage in the "Yunmeng Sutra", it is really hard for everyone to imagine that anything else has such a developed root system.

Of course, this is also the World Tree they have never seen in Dakong Mountain.

However, even Lu Yu, who had seen the World Tree, had the same opinion.

It is precisely because he has seen the World Tree that he understands more clearly that this is a completely different species from the World Tree, and thus more firmly believes in everything recorded in the "Yunmeng Jing".

At this time, everyone had shocked expressions on their faces, but Lu Yu had a calm expression.

In fact, compared with the World Tree that Qin Yanzhen cultivated in Dakong Mountain, this sacred tree is nothing.

"Is it enough to just pull you up from this ground?" He said easily, "Then let me give it a try!"

With that said, he walked forward and hugged the sacred wooden king tripod with both hands.


Fan Jinxiang, Elder Gu, Yun Fengjia and others said in unison.

Lu Yu couldn't help but turn around and look at everyone, a little surprised that they were so united.

Fan Jinxiang advised: "If this matter is triggered, the seventeen treasure houses here may be destroyed if you are not careful, so it is better to be prepared first!"

Elder Gu also agreed: "Yes, if everything is as the founder said in the "Yunmeng Sutra", then this move is likely to cause turmoil in the entire Vulcan Mountain... Even if you don't care about the inheritance of Shenhuo Xuanzong, please Considering that this place is the center of alchemy in the world, we need to take a long-term approach, otherwise if something goes wrong here, the world of alchemy will suffer huge losses!"

"Are you worried about the materials stored here being affected?"

At this time, the Divine Wood King Ding suddenly spoke.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I allocate some of my divine power and leave it in place, I can continue to maintain the operation of the magic circle here."

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Do you still have such ability?"

The voice of Shenmu Wangding was laughing: "Most of the magic formations established here are based on my root system. People here cannot distinguish my identity and regard my root system as a special formation material... …What’s even more ridiculous is that they once called me the ‘Mountain God’.”

Elder Gu's mouth suddenly opened wide.

Within the Shenhuo Xuanzong, there is indeed the term "Mountain God", because when one reaches a certain level of cultivation, they often feel that the Fire God Mountain is alive in the dark. They have always believed that it is an extraterrestrial god. In response, I didn't expect that the initiator of everything would be the sacred tree king tripod in front of me.

"So, you can guarantee that this place will still be safe and sound after you leave?" Lu Yu said.

The Divine Wood King Ding said: "Don't worry, this Vulcan Mountain is far more powerful than you think. Even I am just mediating its power in the middle. I am not the body of this mountain."

"In that case, let's get started!"

With that said, Lu Yu lowered his back and braced his horse again, getting ready to go.

However, just when he was about to exert his strength, he suddenly turned back, looked at Fan Jinxiang and others and said:

"Although Brother Ding promises that there won't be any big problems, I think his judgment standards may be different from ordinary people... For the sake of safety, why don't you guys leave first?"

After a while.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom.

The ground shook violently, and thousands of tongues of fire flew out, igniting flames hundreds of feet high above the Vulcan Mountain in an instant.

This momentum was even more intense than the previous fight between the two Tiangang realm ancestors.

"what's the situation?"

"Ancestor Hong'an is back again?"

"How is it possible? Isn't he controlled by the five Tiangang ancestors above the clouds?"

" there another Tiangang strongman hiding in this Vulcan Mountain? The ancestor of Hong'an just made the tiger leave the mountain?"

The real people who stayed at the Vulcan Mountain were greatly surprised, and were extremely shocked when they saw the tongues of fire that sprang up from their side.

Fortunately, these tongues of fire only shot straight up into the sky and did not directly target anyone. The people who could stay in the Vulcan Mountain at this time were not ordinary people. This little bit of burning power was not fatal.

However, it still left everyone in a panic and embarrassment.

After a while, red lotuses burst out with tongues of fire...

"This is... Lu Yu?"

"This kid, what is he doing?"

"Could it be that he still wants to demolish the entire Vulcan Mountain?"

"Nonsense, why are you causing trouble at this time!"

"Why does this seem to be a little different from what was planned... Is this step included in our plan?"

Everyone is talking.

Suddenly a dazzling golden light burst out of the ground.

As this golden light flew out, all the tongues of fire were immediately extinguished.

In the sky, there was only a dazzling golden light shining between heaven and earth.

After a while, everyone got used to the bright light.

When they looked into the air again, they saw Lu Yu holding a strange giant cauldron in his hand, with a graceful posture like an immortal, hanging in the air among the peaks of the Vulcan Mountain.

"Lu Yu, what happened?"

At this time, the five Tiangang ancestors were also alarmed, including the Hong'an ancestor, who appeared from the clouds and quickly fell back.

"It's okay, ancestors, don't worry, it's just that a treasure was found underground in the Vulcan Mountain!" Lu Yu replied with a smile.

At the same time, several ancestors also noticed the giant cauldron in Lu Yu's hand and couldn't help but be startled.

With their eyesight, they can naturally see how extraordinary the Divine Wood King Cauldron is.

"This is... the Divine Wood King Cauldron?" Ancestor Hong'an said with a shocked look on his face.

The expression on his face was exactly the same as Elder Gu before.

Lu Yu glanced at him and nodded.

It seems that this Tiangang ancestor has also read the taboo scroll left by the founding master!

"Sacred Wood King Cauldron?"

Patriarch Hongyi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Brother Hong'an, your Shenhuo Xuanzong has hidden it so deeply? I have never heard of it before that Shenhuo Xuanzong has such a treasure!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand carelessly, wanting to take the Divine Wood King Cauldron over and examine it carefully.

"Go away! Take your dirty hands away!"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron immediately let out a roar.

At the same time, a stream of flames spurted out and instantly lit Patriarch Hongyi's entire sleeve.

Ancestor Hongyi quickly took his hand back, and it took him a while to finally extinguish the flame.

When I opened my hand again, I saw that the entire palm had become red and swollen, like a braised pig's trotter.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect this thing to be so powerful.

Lu Yu said apologetically: "Don't blame me, Ancestor Hongyi. My Brother Ding has a weird temper. He can only hold it up if his alchemy attainments are recognized by him. At present, it seems that I am the only one who can do this."

Ancestor Hongyi took back his injured hand, with no emotional changes visible on his calm face.

However, with Lu Yu's keenness, he had noticed that at a certain moment just now, there was a clear look of sternness in the other party's eyes.

"It's a great opportunity for you to be recognized by this thing. However, I'm afraid we don't have time to appreciate it slowly now..."

Ancestor Hongyi said calmly.

"I just received news that Feiyan Castle has fallen to the enemy, so we must rush back to Dali Sword Sect!"

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