Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1156 The scorched earth

"That's not possible!"

Patriarch Chonghua said: "There is no obstacle in the southern part of the mainland, but what about the headquarters of the Dali Sword Sect? As far as I know, the peaks in the southern part of the Dali Sword Sect have been merged a few years ago, and Based on this, a Tiangang Matrix was constructed, and most of the Dali Sword Sect disciples who retreated from Feiyan Castle also gathered there..."

"I'm afraid it's not easy to break through directly from the south... Brother Shanwen, what do you think?"

Ancestor Shanwen frowned and fell into thought.

He believed that there was no way he could stop himself in a matrix without Tiangang's strong men in charge.

But in his position, he must take a longer-term view... Considering that he is very likely to have a direct confrontation with Yunxiao's old group, it is not worth wasting too much energy on a Tiangang matrix.

"Can you please invite people from the Bixiao Palace to come too?" Ancestor Lingguang suddenly said in a cold voice.

Until now, no one from the Bixiao Palace has gone to the front line in person. Even though Shenhuo Xuanzong and Hunyuan Qi Sect have personally gone to the fire scene, they are still the same as before, just watching the show from the periphery and not really joining the battle. This can't help but Ancestor Lingguang, who had already taken away his old nest, was secretly annoyed.

Patriarch Chonghua also immediately turned his gaze and looked directly at Patriarch Shanwen, as if he was trying to force him into the palace.

"Yes, Brother Shanwen, where are the people from Bixiao Shrine?"

Ancestor Shanwen looked as calm as ever and said calmly: "The Bixiao Shrine has encountered some special circumstances. They have made other arrangements. Let's not count on them this time!"

Patriarch Lingguang snorted coldly and said nothing more.

Patriarch Chonghua said in a strange manner: "Why do Bixiao Shrine always have so many special situations? Brother Shanwen, if you didn't know better, I would have thought that you had handed over the command to them!"

"Forget it! Anyway, the situation is urgent now. Even if they are willing to come, we don't have time to wait for them to get into position... In view of the current situation, I suggest that we start taking action now and temporarily abandon the eastern and southern fronts. You can Come join us out west, because we've made a breakthrough here!"

"If we leave immediately, when everyone arrives, maybe we can gather at Wangyue Peak and overlook the entire Dali Sword Sect... Although we are not directly taking over Wulao Peak, the current leader of the Dali Sword Sect is The position is controlled by Wangyue Peak, so being able to win here is a sign of return to them!"

"Everyone, this is all I have to say! I hope to see you all as soon as possible! I'm here waiting for you to come and fight side by side!"

After saying that, he slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was already a completely different person.

Everyone couldn't help but be startled. They weighed Patriarch Hua's last words over and over in their hearts, and they were quite moved.

But Patriarch Shanwen felt secretly angry.

This Ding Chonghua!

Why did he give the command to Bixiao Shrine? He obviously wanted to monopolize the entire command the most!

On the western front, Wuya Immortal Pavilion is now in overall command. If everyone gathers in the Western Territory and they have gained an obvious advantage, then naturally everyone will automatically accept their dispatch...

But, do I have a choice?

Originally, Ancestor Shanwen also wanted to concentrate his superior forces and let everyone gather on the southern front. In this way, he could directly defeat the Tiangang Matrix on the southern front at a smaller cost, thereby better preserving his strength to deal with Ancestor Yunxiao.

Unexpectedly, Ding Chonghua was the first to mention it. With the western front already having a clear advantage, the southern front no longer had any appeal.

This time, he was tricked by the other party again.

"Ancestor, what should I decide next?"

At this time, Zhong Chuyue, the head of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, asked from behind.

Patriarch Shanwen was silent for a moment, and finally snorted coldly:

"Redetermine the route immediately and we will also detour to the western front!"

There was no way, time waited for no one, and since Ding Chonghua obviously wouldn't cooperate with him, he had to take the initiative to cooperate with him!

Although after arriving on the Western Front, his influence will definitely be greater, but if he does not show up, it will only further fuel his arrogance.

However, Patriarch Shanwen believes that all this is only temporary.

As the situation continues to evolve, everyone will eventually discover that he is the only one who can truly control the situation.

As for Ding Chonghua...

Patriarch Shanwen simply didn’t believe that he had such an ability. All this time, this person was just a yes-man in front of King Ming. He had never had any experience of being arbitrary. When a truly powerful enemy appeared, he would eventually be defeated. Reveal your own weaknesses.

"Hmph! Let me see what tricks you can pull off on the Western Front!" Ancestor Shanwen secretly said cruelly in his heart.

However, what he didn't expect was that the one who really played tricks on the Western Front was not Ding Chonghua at all, but an invisible hand hidden behind...

When he and other Tiangang experts were detouring to the Western Territory, there was a sudden loud noise that completely overturned the world in front of him...

In the twelve peaks in the west, including Wangyue Peak, Tianxiang Peak, and Zixia Peak, all the underground spiritual veins were detonated and ignited. The violent force tore the earth apart and deeply shocked the entire world.

Everyone looked up and saw nothing but scorched earth.

The entire Western Territory of the Great Li Sword Sect has been completely wiped out.

In addition to the originally towering peaks, there were tens of thousands of Wuya Immortal Pavilion elites including the Wuya Seven Ancestors, all of whom were mercilessly swallowed up by the unparalleled violent power...

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