Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1157 Return in Storm

"So, the big commotion in Huoshen Mountain before was all because of this thing?"

On the floating battleship on its way back, Yudie looked at the sacred wood king tripod in Lu Yu's hand and said in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the previous process of stripping the Shenmu King Cauldron from the Fire God Mountain had an additional benefit, that is, the floating warships that were raiding various places were also alerted, so that they automatically returned home without the need to issue a notice. In this way, it further saves time to withdraw from the Dali Sword Sect.

But even so, withdrawing from the Dali Sword Sect is still not an easy task. In addition to the regrouping of personnel, a total of five long-distance jumps are required to finally return to the Dali Sword Sect.

In this way, the floating battleship has launched nearly twenty long-range jumps in the past few days. This means that Daluo Holy Land has a profound foundation and has prepared enough spiritual energy resources to support such frequent large-scale expeditions.

But even so, the spiritual energy resources on the floating battleship are almost at the bottom at this time, and the process of returning to the Dali Sword Sect will use up all its resource stocks.

It is foreseeable that we will no longer be able to see floating battleships active so frequently for a considerable period of time in the future, because in the Dali Sword Sect, various resources have already been stretched thin, and there is simply no spare capacity to deal with floating battleships again. Supplement.

And this is after the floating battleship has been improved and driven by the eye of the wind. In the past, the consumption would have been even greater. Even with the power of an entire sect, it would be difficult to support such a complicated migration and war. .

At this time, the floating battleship had completed its third long-range jump and was in the process of accumulating energy for the fourth long-range jump. The atmosphere was relatively relaxed, so Yudie and others came to Lu Yu's side to watch his new weapon. baby.

"Little girl, although I have had many names, I have never had a name called 'this thing'!" Shenmu Wangding said with great dissatisfaction.

Yudie couldn't help but straighten her eyes.

She has seen many kinds of treasures, and some of them are spiritual. But this is the first time she has seen a treasure that can express spirituality so vividly and even have such a distinctive personality.

Lu Yu suppressed his voice and chuckled: "Brother Ding has a very special personality. He doesn't like others to treat him as an ordinary object, so you'd better not treat him as an object!"

Yudie was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then what can your 'Brother Ding' do?"

Lu Yu said: "First of all, he must be a great expert in alchemy. His attainments in alchemy are far beyond what ordinary people can match. I think as long as it is not the most complicated top-level alchemy recipe, there is no problem in leaving it to him."

"Secondly, he also has an obvious benefit, that is, he can store all kinds of rare materials without damage. Originally, the materials in the Vulcan Mountain treasure house were stored in special magic circles and could not be taken out at all. But this time I took away a large part of it, and he was a big help!”

"As for other benefits, they need to be further explored..."

Yudie said: "Thirdly, he can also help you fight... It's not that the first thing you did after getting this 'Brother Ding' was to directly confront Patriarch Hongyi, making him almost unable to get off the stage. His hands are still swollen to this day!”

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Yu cautiously glanced in the direction of Ancestor Hongyi, with an expression on his face that he was about to vomit blood.

"How did this word spread? Ancestor Hongyi and I just exchanged a few words. It was a complete accident that he was injured by Brother Ding. Why did it end up like this after being spread... This gang This guy is so outrageous! He dares to talk like this right under the eyes of the person involved! "

Yudie snorted softly: "Then I don't know! That's what everyone said anyway!"

She didn't mean the same thing as Lu Yu at all. After all, this guy had a criminal record. When he was at Feiyan Castle, he had already been quite rude to Ancestor Hongyi. There was a reason why people spread the word like this.

At this time, the energy accumulation is almost completed, and the fourth long-distance jump will soon be possible.

Jade Butterfly stood up suddenly and continued: "However, this is not a bad thing. If your 'Ding Brother' can just inadvertently injure an ancestor of Tiangang, then if it takes it seriously, it will not be a bad thing." Really? We have only two days to go before we return to Dali Sword Sect, and we just need this kind of power!"

"I don't know what the current Dali Sword Sect will be like..."

She murmured the last sentence, and without waiting for Lu Yu and others' response, she turned and walked towards the command podium.

In fact, she has not officially returned to the Dali Sword Sect since she was released from the house arrest of Ming Wang Fa Zun. But now it is almost certain that the Dali Sword Sect has definitely undergone great changes, and it is absolutely complete. , Earth-shaking changes.

"Tell me, what will the Dali Sword Sect look like now?"

Chudie looked at her sister's back and couldn't help but ask softly: "What is their final choice, the northern front or the western front?"

When they were at Feiyan Castle, Lu Yu, Patriarch Hongyi and others made two plans. One was to detonate the twelve peaks on the west line, and the other was to detonate the fifteen peaks on the north line. Which plan was adopted in the end? It depends on the specific situation, because they don't know that the western realm of the Dali Sword Sect at this time has turned into a vast scorched earth.

"I don't know either." Lu Yu shook his head and said, "But it doesn't make any difference anyway..."

Chu Die was silent.

Indeed, whether it is the Western Front or the Northern Front, it is a major event that is enough to completely overthrow the entire Dali Sword Sect, and even the structure of the entire world will be completely changed as a result.

Chu Die turned around again and looked around.

At this time, the weather suddenly changed, and it suddenly started pouring rain.

The sudden rain seems to indicate that something important has happened in the distance.

In the wind and rain, the faces of the real masters of Da Li Jian Sect around them all had solemn expressions. Even though the atmosphere was relatively relaxed now, it was still not easy for them.

"Aren't you worried that the people around you will resent you for this?" Chudie asked in a low voice.

Although this was a unanimous decision by everyone, and the matter was approved by Ancestor Yunxiao, when people mention this matter again in the future, no matter how many years have passed, people will remember that the initiator of this matter was Lu Yu.

It was his decision that caused countless lives to be devastated, and countless disciples of the Dali Sword Sect to lose their homes and have been homeless ever since.

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes unwavering: "At least, they still have the strength to resent me, right?"

"However, I believe even more that they will be grateful to me in the end."

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